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Imperial tech

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Welcome To:

The Imperial Technolagies Shop.


We stock recolourer cards @ the moment. Choose from any colour*.

Please PM or post the order form below:





Price:(all donations welcome!) FREE

We also do recoloured photos. If you would like a photo in any colour* please use the order form above.



This is what happened with our new RADAR Recolour:

Before 441073.jpg

After zk0q5t.jpg

*Please note that we do do Black Recolour.

We Do Booster Packs Aswell!




Rainbow Syncros



Dark Syncro



Coming Soon!!!




One day sale, Hurry!!

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Order Service is now up and running. Place your orders now people!!


How to use:

Please use the order forms provided below. After you have filled it in, please double check to be sure you don't fill in the wrong thing. We do not accept porn or any undesirable articles.


Recoloured cards and/or photos:

Picture link:

Your name:



Rainbow Syncro:

Card link (Must be downloadable):

Number of Colours:

Colour List (Please separate with columns):


Dark Syncro:

Card link (Must be downloadable):



Booster Pack:

Name of Booster pack:

Picture for Background:

Amount of cards in pack (Leave blank and we'll choose):


Please PM either Imperial Tech or Yugioh42 or post on this Shop.


Please place orders about 1 to 2 days in advance to avoid disapointment.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

I can't help but notice that the Dark Synchros aren't Dark Synchros at all, but instead lazily inverted normal Synchros. :?


Anyway, your radar card is hideous, but I'm hoping that's just the example. Here's a chance to make it a little clearer.


Supreme Gamesmaster Yddisac


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