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Thunder Dragon

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Back then' date=' I didn't want him. Now, I still don't want him.


Low stats and sucky effect means this should be destroyed. The art is good though.



Actually, when used correctly, the effect is boss. For example, Open hand with 1 thunder dragon and 1 hand destruction. Discard thunder, get 2 more. Discard those 2 for hand destruction and you get a +3 for deck rolling. Pretty sick.

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There are better deck thinners' date=' and Twin headed thunder dragon is pointless.

Bad card!



Kukukuku. How quickly we forget the turbo decks like Shadowpriestess FTK. Perhaps there are better deck-thinners - Toon Table of Contents certainly comes to mind - but those do not provide a +1 to fuel cards like Hand Destruction that the turbo decks need.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chaos Sorc target' date=' Snipe/Brionic/Discard ammo, [b']Honestible[/b], a +1, and deck thinner.

whats not to like sure u cant summon it but like u would with its low stats. Its a good Tech card in Chaos decks.


I generally agree with the post, but just wanted to point that one out xD

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This card has a pseudo-chuck norris clause behind it.


If you have a Thunder Dragon in your hand' date=' and your Opponent has a Thunder Dragon, (*you use the effect*), you have more Thunder Dragons then the Opponent.



Holy sheet O_o


Truly an inspiration to us all Arm :D

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