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Hell vs Heaven-The battle Chap. 1-A brother's quarrel [Advanced/started/accepting]


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[spoiler=Intro]As God and hades were fighting, they grew tired and they kept going and going until they finally died. The top angel and the top devil went into the spot as the new god and hades. They then proceeded to have another war. Their battle field was earth.






Heaven or Hell:

If you have any brothers, sisters, son, daughter, husband, or wife list them here (This is only if they are speaking characters, not fighting):


[spoiler=My app] Name:Ryeden The almighty

Bio:WHen ryeden was 12 he became a great angel, then at 18 he became an A rank angel, then at 31 he's the almight

Powers/Talents:he has great sword techniques, he's fast, he is good at acrobatics, and he can now use fire and lightning techniques

Weapons:Two swords

Heaven or Hell:Heaven

If you have any brothers, sisters, son, daughter, husband, or wife list them here (This is only if they are speaking characters, not fighting):Ogata (Son) Reina (Wife)




[spoiler=Rules]No godmodding

try to post atleast 3 lines at a time

mild cursing aloud

try to be nice


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Name: Alex Ryder

Bio: He is a spohisticated man with hate flown all through his tattered body. The battle killed his parents, encased in a fireball with encasing darkness. He is stricken, & will fight with tooth & bone to return his parents from their prison, given they're in Hell, not a lost soul.

Powers/Talents: Power over water, to use it to even drowning a opponent.

Weapon: A Shield that helps increase the power, named Nautical Silencer.

Heaven or Hell: Heaven

Appearance: Trijon the mixed child

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Name: "Condemnation" (Shortened to Con a lot of the time)

Bio: Formerly on the side of hell, however, Con seeked atonment for his sins and was aloud to return to Heaven, he feels terrible about his previous actions as a member of hell's army, but now he looks to make up for it.

Powers/Talents: Depression (If Con catches someone performing a "sin" he can inflict them with a terrible paralyzing guilt and depression, this can be reversed by praying for forgivness.) "Silver Tounge" (Con can convince people of practicaly anything, he can use this in conjunction with the aformentioned power, in order to cause depression over a sin that didn't take place)

Weapons: A small curved dagger, and several throwing knives

Heaven or Hell: Formerly hell; Defected to Heaven.

If you have any brothers, sisters, son, daughter, husband, or wife list them here (This is only if they are speaking characters, not fighting): A wife Valorma (a Demon), and an Angel-Demon cross breed daughter Sarenaskala

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Name: Lillith

Bio: Once Lilith had a good live down on earth. She always tried to be friendly and kind to everyone, as sayed in the bible. She got a lovely husbad, a cute little daugther and lived in prosperity. But than she both of them in a car accident. And on the graves of them she swore to take revange for this, whatever it takes...

Powers/Talents: Necromancy

Weapons: A large spikey whip with thorns

Heaven or Hell: Hell

If you have any brothers, sisters, son, daughter, husband, or wife list them here (This is only if they are speaking characters, not fighting):

... all of them died ...




(But leather wings instead of Butterfly ones)

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