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The United Church of the Exemption- Our faith welcomes all who believe in excuses!


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Welcome, Sons and Daughters

Welcome, Sons and Daughters

[align=center]Welcome to the United Church of the Exemption. We honestly don't care very much about faith or good deeds: we believe that the true word of the holy Gawd is to do as little as you can get away with. Therefor, the only logical way to carry out the will of Gawd is to provide religious exemptions for everyone, from everything.

[spoiler=The 8 Commandments]

•Thou shalt not doeth anything thou does not wanteth to do.

•If thou wanteth to invite friends, thou shalt have them posteth your name in their application in order to give you points

•If thou accumlateth enough points, thou shalt be promoted to the Clergy

•If thou art a good member of the faith, thou shalt be promoted to the Clergy

•Thou shalt post here to asketh for religious exemptions from anything you do not wanteth to do.

•Thou shalt suggesteth exemptions to those in need if you feeleth like it

•Thou shalt discusseth whatever you wanteth, because exemptions aren't really that much of a sustainable topic.

•There is no 8th commandment, but 8 is a bigger number than 7.



[spoiler=Join The Faith]

To join our brotherhood:

•Speaketh Thy Name:

•Speaketh the name of the one who invited you (if necessary):

•Speaketh something that you like (or don't, I don't really care):


[spoiler=The Members]


Pope- ZenQued




Major Arcana




Go forth and post, or something.[/align]

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