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BD58 VS Crisis King LOCK

☨Genocide	☨

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1.Card must be based on Greek mythology.

2.Must be EFFECT monster

3.Level 5 and up

4.Set ID, edition, and creator must be left blank

5.Card must be PMed to me

6.Voters must have a valid reason



Prize: 2 reps to winner, 1 rep to loser.

First to 5 votes (or most vote in end date) wins

End date: Dec. 10th


Card A


Card Effect:

The monster used to Tribute Summon this card must have 1900 or more ATK. As long as you control this face-up card whenever your opponent attacks with a monster whose ATK is equal to or lower than this card, you can inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent OR you can randomly select 1 card from your opponent's hand. If it is a Monster card, you can Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position to your field. If it is not, your opponent can look at your hand and add 1 card from your hand to his/her own hand.

Card B


Card Effect:

This card cannot be Summoned except by Tributing 2 Aqua or Fairy-Types. When this card is successfully Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 level 6 or lower Rock-Type monster from your Graveyard to the field. This card cannot be destroyed by monsters with an ATK of 3000 or more. Every time you take damage to your Life Points, place 1 Song Counter on this card.(Max5) You can remove 3 Song Counters from this card to destroy 1 monster on the field. You can remove 5 Song Counters from this card to place your Graveyard in your Deck and shuffle your Deck.

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Ah, not sure if this counts as a vote, but shouldn't card B win?

Card A sorta breaks the "Edition Must Be Left Blank" rule...

Other than that, I'd vote for Card B either way, as Card A's effect seems a bit too double edged. Though Card B's effect doesn't make a ton of sense to me, but it at least seems to be abit more useful without all the flaws.

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Shame, Though it was an old card I made I thought there would be more voters.


Ah' date=' not sure if this counts as a vote, but shouldn't card B win?

Card A sorta breaks the "Edition Must Be Left Blank" rule...

Other than that, I'd vote for Card B either way, as Card A's effect seems a bit too double edged. Though Card B's effect doesn't make a ton of sense to me, but it at least seems to be abit more useful without all the flaws.



Yeah, sorry bout that. Didn't know what you meant. Found nothing on the cardmaker that said edition.

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