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so i herd u liek planning arr-pees {RP PUBLIC PLANNING THREAD}

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Hey guys!

Well, you all know I've made an RP before, that two team one. It died last month *mournful funeral song plays*

Sucks really, but it was my fault. And it's in the past.

And now, I propose a unique Pokemon RP. One so new and crazy, it will become so popular it will reach the 10th page in a mere matter of days. less then a week even! It will be so awe- *shot*

I'll get on with it.

The RP will be called Pokemon: Danger Unity. It's based all around the Pokemon Regions. I'll explain why in a minute.

You. You are an ordinary trainer. Living happily....wherever you live. That matters not. All you know as that you are no longer there now. Mysterious disasters, namely hurricanes and earthquakes, even the rare volcano, have been happening. You were caught in one such disaster. Something happened, somehow, and you were snatched away. You can't quite remember how. Perhaps you fell through a crack in the ground. Or got thrown away by a huricane. Or even snatched away to sea by a flood. All you know is that, somehow, somewhere, you survived, against all odds. And now you are in a strange place, underground, with dozens of trainers stolen in a similar way. You are ruled by 4 groups. If you where snatched by an Earthquake, you are ruled by Team Earthquake. If you where taken here by a hurricane/tornado, you are ruled by Team Twister etc.

You don't know where you are, but you know you MUST get home. The cruel rulers provide you with newspapers from the different regions, each of which depict your apparent deaths. You know you must escape and prove to your family that you are still alive. Band together with fellow trainers, train their Pokemon, and destroy their rulers.

Will you be one of the trainers fighting back? Or are you the cruel team members? Or are you a trainer prepared to betray yur entire group? Or someone in between?

Fight. Escape. Unite.



Does anyone like this idea? Think I should go ahead with it? Would you join?

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I like the idea, Obsidian, all though I'm not one for having to be in a group and such. I'd rather let people bunch together as they wish. Besides, how would they know what disaster delivered you? And, since it seems like there are Pokemon there, how did they get there? The same way as the trainers?


Also, I've hit a bit of a snag in my Adventure RP. I've got the basic plot formed out, I just don't know how to integrate people into it, if you get my meaning. I also need help with the finer details of the plot. If anyone would like to help me, feel free to send me a PM.

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Trying to make a new Pokemon RP, but I have one problem: People joining. So, I need at least one person here to say they'll join. Then I can make this RP official.

Anyway, Premise Time--

December 21st, 20XX.

The Winter Solstice occurs, accompanied by the Lunar Eclipse. As the Sun and Moon cross paths, a single snowflake falls from the cloudless sky, and lands upon the point where the Prime Meridian and Equator cross, and the world is engulfed in a harsh light, a single dark silhouette hanging in the sky, where the moon once was. As the light fades, the Moon and Sun now hang in opposite sides of the sky, and their representative times of day are switched (Sun at night on one side, Moon in daytime on the other.) Large fissures appear in the ground. Mysterious people in cloaks wander Pokearth. They are the cults of the Shattered Earth and the Broken Sky. They're here, they're queer, and they mean business.

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I have 3 RP ideas.


An american court-of-law RP. The players can sign up to be jury members, the prosecutor, the defense attorney, witnesses, the victim(s), the defendant(s), or the judge. There would be one trial at a time. The judge, & maybe the prosecuter would stay the same from trial to trial, but new characters would be made for other slots. I don't know how to make fair evidence & stuff like that. Can someone help?



The setting is an alternate dimension. It's almost Identical to our dimension with just one difference, there are two speices of humans, the humans & the terrans. The terrans are almost just like the humans, but they're comparitively stronger, faster & more agile than humans. & I say comparitively because adult terrans are 4 inches tall. It's a good plot, but I can't think of a good storyline. Need help!



Basicly an action movie RP. You would create the characters and actors for the movie, or use real actors to play your characters. For instance I would make my own character, but he may be played by Jackie Chan. Need a plot.

Thought of 2 more.



A DC comics Lantern corps RP. You can be a red lantern, blue lantern, sinestro corps member, orange lantern, star sapphire, indigo tribesperson, or of course green lantern. Need a plot though.



A godzilla RP. You could be a classic Toho monster, or create your own. Again need a plot.


And heres a 6th.



A Dr. Who RP. The RP master would be the Doctor, and others could sign up to be companions, created or cannon. All I know about the plot is it's in an alternate universe, so companions can be created, and companions from different Doctors can coexist. (i.e Amy Pond, Sarah Jane Smith, Rose Tyler, and Donna Noble at the same time is possible.) But, I need more plot details.

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Thought of 2 more.



A DC comics Lantern corps RP. You can be a red lantern, blue lantern, sinestro corps member, orange lantern, star sapphire, indigo tribesperson, or of course green lantern. Need a plot though.



A godzilla RP. You could be a classic Toho monster, or create your own. Again need a plot.


And heres a 6th.



A Dr. Who RP. The RP master would be the Doctor, and others could sign up to be companions, created or cannon. All I know about the plot is it's in an alternate universe, so companions can be created, and companions from different Doctors can coexist. (i.e Amy Pond, Sarah Jane Smith, Rose Tyler, and Donna Noble at the same time is possible.) But, I need more plot details.


I'd play the Godzilla one, hope you do it...

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Besides a Godzilla RP, you know what I'd love to see be made properly?


A Multiverse/Omniverse RP . . . and I'm not talking about mixing a couple anime here and there . . . I mean a MASSIVE roleplay that includes nearly every anime, cartoon, book, movie and video game you can imagine into one complete package.


I've tried, problem is there is WAY too much info to do by oneself <_<;

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I had an idea.


It's a Yu-Gi-Oh! RP. The idea is the usual with a tournament, and the one starting the tournament would be my character, who uses the tournament as a source of Duel Energy so that he can summon Mu, the lost continent.


Or I would like to start the RP that I entered the Tournament with:

[spoiler=Lands Where Gods Wander]

On December 17th, 2012, a letter was sent out to a group of people. The letter speaks of the discovery of the decade, and of the truth of December 21st, 2012.


You are one of these people. You were chosen because you're talented, and needed for the expedition. What kind of expedition the letter speak about is not specified, but no matter, the letter has caught your attention, and you travel together with the known archaeologist Warren Johnson and the other chosen to the Mexican jungle.


On December 20th you arrive at the archaeological site, a previously unknown Mayan temple. Johnson is eager to show you what he has discovered, and reveals to you a gigantic, round stone tablet. At first sight it looks like a usual Mayan calendar, but upon closer inspection you find not only Mayan symbols, but also Egyptian hieroglyphs, Greek symbols and even Germanic runes. Before you get the chance to question Johnson the clock strikes twelve and the spoken-of "doomsday" begins.


As the moonlight travels into the temple and hit the very center of the tablet, which begins to crack. Not long afterwards, the entire temple starts to shake, and the cracks start to shine. The next moment you're unconscious...


When you awake you are completely unaware about how long you've been gone, and find yourself in a strange temple building together with the other members of the expedition, but Warren is gone. As the others slowly awake you soon become aware that this is not the world that you are used to...



It would later turn out that you have been transfered to an alternate dimension where belief is power, and that the old gods (Ra, Odin, Quetzalcoatl, Amaterasu and more) lives as ascended beings in this world, using humans as slaves and workers to expand their own empires and battling other gods. Of course the group gets into the middle of this war and hell breaks loose.

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Pondering a Fire Emblem RP. Suggested plot:

[spoiler=Fire Emblem ~ The Empty Continent]

Baria has since times unremembered been ruled by the mighty Manakete. The titanic, firebreathing lizards fought terrible battles over the volcano Mt. Gorcana and the fertile plains around it. Humans were but pawns in their battles, and they would have been nothing more than prey for the Manaketes were they not immune to the dragon-killing toxin called icala.


But recently, the phantom plague of Hagrdorch worked its way into the population of the Manaketes, killing thousands. Terrified, the few Manakete that survived the plague fled Baria to escape it, winding their way to lands unknown.


Humans aren't just immune to icala, it would seem. They're also immune to Hagrdorch.


For the first time in history, the humans of Baria are free of their draconic overlords. But life promises to be hard for the new lords of Baria. To the south are the marshes of Mavan; to the north, the icy tundra of Olunark; to the east, the wyvern- and pegasus-filled mountains of Raurgoron; to the west, the rainshadow-born Haminaba Desert. The only fertile land on the continent surrounds Mt. Gorcana.


To escape the hardship of life and stake their claims to the plains of Gorcana, the humans of Baria have organized into nations. You are the ruler of one of these fledgling nations, and your mission is to become the new hegemon of Baria. To that end, you will raise armies, build a corps of elite soldiers and strategists, and create enemies and allies in the form of other Barian lords. Some nations will rise to become great military powers, while others will become cultural centers and sprawling confederations.


And eventually, the true natures of icala and the Hagrdorch may reveal themselves...



[spoiler=Suggested App Form]

Ruler Name: {{Just two, please; no nicknames}}

Ruler Age: {{Between 9 and 99, please}}

Ruler Gender: {{Male or female, please}}

Ruler Class: {{An unpromoted class from Sword of the Seal, Blazing Sword, or Sacred Stones, please}}

Ruler Appearance: {{Text or a LINKED image; please don't put the image in a spoiler, but instead in a hyperlink, thanks}}

Nation Name: {{One word, please; I'll append government-appropriate prefixes as the RP progresses}}

Nation Location: {{Mavan, Olunark, Rarugoron, or Haminaba, please; no one gets Gorcana to start with. As many nations as are necessary can coexist in one location}}

National Color(s): {{One to three colors only, please; try and be distinctive. Colors should be listed in order of priority.}}



Basically, it's a series of PvP FE chapters managed by me in the framework of a fairly painless 4X game in which each player controls a different nation somewhere in Baria. They raise armies of mooks, recruit a conventional party on top of that, and basically fight for control of the land. The hope is that we'll eventually wind up with nations resembling those in the real games -- I mentioned Bern, Etruria, and Lycia, for example.


Suggestions, comments, refinements, some kind of acknowledgment...?

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Thanks for the feedback, but there was also another RP idea that I wanted to do, that I've actually done a couple of times before: Here, here and as a Fanfic here.


I want to hear your opinions on that before I create any other RP.


Edit: Additionally, I had an alternate plan for this RP.


A dimensional traveller, that would be my character, ends up in this alternate reality, where the Dark Signers succeeded and killed most of Earth's population. He decides to stop the Dark Signers and free those who are enslaved, and does so by creating a Dimensional Vortex that sends people from other alternate realities into the reality where the Vortex is placed.


This would allow the RPer to either create an original character that is from the reality were the Dark Signers won, or use a character from a previous Yu-Gi-Oh! RP that has been sent to this reality.

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Ba'al while I would've said the "Dark Signers winning" part has been done before, a lot before, I have to say adding the dimensional factor does make it sound a bit more intriguing; expecially if they allow other characters from other Yugioh RPs to participate.


If you change the plot up a bit, possibly make the main enemies somebody new, then it would be a good rp


Yugioh: Bonds of Time

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