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Lament of Innocence (The Forgotten one Cards)


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Here's a couple ideas I got from playing Castlevania; Lament of Innocence. This is the hardest boss out of the entire game, known as The Forgotten one. Here's the details;


Name: The Forgotten One

Type: Zombie

Attribute: Dark

Level: 9

ATK/DEF: 3000/2000

Rare Level: Ultra Rare

Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be special summoned except by removing from play 5 Zombie Type monsters from your graveyard while "Prison of Eternal Torture" is in play. While this card is face-up on the field, you cannot control any other monsters. Once per turn, you can pay 1000 life points to destroy all cards on the field, except this one and "Prison of Eternal Torture". If "Prison of Eternal Torture" is removed from the field, destroy this card.


Name: Prison of Eternal Torture

Type: Field Spell

Rare Level: Rare

Effect: At the end of every turn, both players must discard 1 from their hand to the graveyard. Afterwards, applying one of following effects based on the card discarded;

Monster - Both Players take 500 points of damage.

Spell - Both players take 800 points of damage.

Trap - Both players take 1000 points of damage.


Name: Wrath of the Forgotten One

Type: Counter Trap

Rare Level: Secret Rare

Effect: This card can only be activated while "The Forgotten One" is on your side of the field. Negate the activation of a spell or trap card destroy it. Afterwards, inflict 1000 points of damage to your opponent.


Give your opinion please. Thank you :)

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One more thing' date=' here is a preview of my card (haven't finished it yet)

Death's Scythe

Equip Spell

A dark monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 1000. If a monster equipped with this card destroys a monster on your opponent's side of the field, add half the destroyed monsters ATK to your monster.

Rate my card please.



That's a good card.

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