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Raid the Darkness Monarch

Dark Supreme

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nice~ i like this card very much! i have all 5 current monarchs in my real deck' date=' wish there was really a Dark and Light monarch...10/10





both the dark and light Monarchs exist as real cards...





^_^ the light is a promo, where as the dark is a Structure deck card ^_^

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nice~ i like this card very much! i have all 5 current monarchs in my real deck' date=' wish there was really a Dark and Light monarch...10/10





both the dark and light Monarchs exist as real cards...





^_^ the light is a promo, where as the dark is a Structure deck card ^_^



Well there not out yet, Are they mister no it all...


P.S. GX your monarch is awsome... i could use a card like that in my D.D. deck

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nice~ i like this card very much! i have all 5 current monarchs in my real deck' date=' wish there was really a Dark and Light monarch...10/10





both the dark and light Monarchs exist as real cards...





^_^ the light is a promo, where as the dark is a Structure deck card ^_^



Well there not out yet, Are they mister no it all...


P.S. GX your monarch is awsome... i could use a card like that in my D.D. deck



The Dark monarch is released on December 15th, but still has been already made ready for its release so it still exists Mr. i dont know a single thing.


The light Monarch is released on 21st of December, however it still has been made and thus it does indeed exist.



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