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I got a PS3.


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dragon ball raging blast


Dont listen to this guy ._. Controls = Complete Fail


LBP, MGS4, KZII, Uncharted 2, ACII and maybeh MW2? I lol'ed when I saw this thread had no-one that said this ._.

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God of War 3 (when it comes:D) and Brutal Legend.


to bad Brutal Legends is terrible.


No' date=' it's pretty good from what I've heard.



The game advertises as a Plat Former but its actually a RTS. im sorry but it should have been a platformer. Bad Game is Bad


Do tell.

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Ctrl+F Disgaea. No? What the f-


Anyways, if you're a fan of SRPG. Disgaea III is a must.

BlazBlue: CT(or wait for Blazblue: CS)


Cross Edge (if you like RPG's. Warning it's more fast pace than most games and harder.)

Demon's Soul (where every monster feels like a boss)

Siren: Blood Curse. A good game(not the greatest, but a pretty good one.) I say this cause it's pretty cheap.

Final Fantasy XIII Versus. (Kingdom Hearts mechanics + Final Fantasy plot + Dark. Pretty awesome mix.)


the rest of the games has been mentioned atleast 40 times so I won't say XD. Except for one. Valkyrie Chronicles

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