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Ancient Beginning

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My current deck is consist of 40 cards!





* Ancient Gear Golem x3

* Ancient Gear Beast

* Ancient Gear Engineer

* Ancient Gear Soldier x2

* Ancient Gear x2

* Emes the Infinity

* The Trojan Horse

* Ancient Gear Knight x2

* Gear Golem The Moving Fortress

* Green Gadget

* Yellow Gadget

* Red Gadget

* Mechanical Chaser





* Confiscation

* Heavy Storm

* Ancient Gear Castle

* Magnet Circle LV2

* Pot of Greed

* Ancient Gear Factory

* Ancient Gear Drill

* Limiter Removal

* Graceful Charity

* Premature Burial

* Ancient Gear Tank

* Ancient Gear Explosive

* Ancient Gear Fist

* Dark Room Of Nightmare

* Thunder Crash





* Damage Condenser x2

* Statue of the Wicked x2

* Zero Gravity

* Minor Goblin Official

* Solemn Wishes



This is a winning deck i've already tried it on the nationals!

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WHAT?!?!? NO RAT?!?!?!



horus, it's quite simple, this section is full of bad decks because the good deck makers doesn't want to be netdecked... also i'm not going to post more decks, because i want some advices but the only thing that i get is "oh good deck it pwns" or "put -enter bad card name here- and some -enter bad japanese card here-"


with my virus deckout and my monarch lol decks they have enough...

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unfortunatly this isnt a gd golem deck. i could even say uv ruined the structure deck version. here this is a golem deck i used to run. its cheap to build and powerful plus most important annoying to beat, but im also updating it .




3| giant rat ( much better than anchient gear)

2| green gadet -

2| red gadet - ( auguly the most important cards for this deck)

2| yellow gadet -

2| gianties


2| Ancient gear solider

2| Ancient gear knight


3| Ancient Gear Engineer

2| Ancient gear beast

2| Ancient gear golem



1| heavey storm

1| lightning vortex

1| mst

1| limeter remover

2| Ancient gear drill

2| enemy controler

2| ancient gear castle

2| shrink

3| rush reklessly

1| permature burial


7| traps

1| call of the haunted

2| Cyber Shadow Gardna

2| Sakuretsu Armor

2| botemless trap hole

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