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Gods of Rock: The Present against the Future[ADVANCED][STARTED]


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John thought for a minute of how much of an egotistical jerk their singer, Ryan, can be sometimes. He's for the most part nice, and really doesn't mean to be like that, but somehow does it by accident. Strange yes, but John and his other bandmates would prefer someone with a kind heart and unintentional, annoying actions than someone with a swelled head and constantly overbearing. John then replied "Actually, I'm not a singer. I'm the lead guitarist, and our lead singer, Ryan, can sometimes be slightly overbearing. He doesn't mean it, but that's just how he is. Besides, it's not like we'd have somewhere to play, other than our drummer's garage for practice."

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John was officially in his uncomfortable zone. He wasn't much of a singer, and he didn't enjoy singing. It just wasn't something he liked, because alot of it included emotion into your singing, and saying what's inside. He prefered sliding his fingers along the neck of his ax, powersliding on stage, and playing an awesome riff or solo, those kinds of things. The thought of him singing was, well, taboo. Not something to be spoken, considering he never liked the thought himself singing. John decided to be completely and totally honest, and said "Don't you think we could play a song where you sing, and I play guitar? I am not a singing person. I'm not much of an emotional person. Feelings are....well....a little weird for me. I'm most of the time a chill out kind of person."

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She shrugged. "Yeah. Let's get on-stage. Actually, I left a guy named Ryan laying on a trash can with a nosebleed. He called me "Prissy Bird" & punched me in the stomach. Well, that must've been him. Our duet, when we combine, you say the name! I want you to comeup with it!" She explained, then jumped on-stage, giving a guy a video camera.

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John was positively bewildered. He stared at her like a man who walked into a steak house and seeing a sea food theme inside the restaurant. John finally spoked up and said "Wait........what? First of all, how did you and Ryan meet, and second, what on earth am I doing? Coming up with a name?" Another thing John wasn't, was creative. He got a failing grade on a story for writing class because it was a sequel to King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The only thing he could be creative with was with his guitar. He even made his guitar sound almost like a keyboard, and a human voice.

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Brandon and his father got their orders as the teenage girl they hired as their violinist came in. She sat between them and looked at the both of them. "So. This may be your first performance since we mde the song. So, you want to debut it today?" he asked her as she nodded. Hiss father went to the car to get the cello and guitar. "Lets see the competition first."

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Klavier overheard John's conversation, but made no move. He'd wait to see what would happen. Of course, he grinned to himself. Could this be a band merge? No. Band merges were rare and often impossible to do without a fight or two. Or course, if his band mates were here, they'd probably point this out as well. Smart asses.

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When, all of a sudden, the doors to the bar opened, causing the bell above the door to ring, and 3 people walked in. One was big and bulky, wearing a white muscle T-Shirt, and looked like he could really use a power nap. Another, looked tall, slender, and had a British accent as he talked to the one between him and the bulky man. The one between was one with dark hair, and had a cocky grin on his face. When the one in the middle said "Well, well, well. Looks like Johnny boy's got a girlfriend." He then noticed that they were about to get on stage, and he said "Woah woah woah, what is going on? You have a band you're loyal to, and we have practice today, and we were going there after we chill out here for a while."


John blushed, nervous, and he said "Actually....uh...she's um....not my girlfriend. She...uh...she asked me to play a song with me....so I figured...." Ryan, the band's lead singer, cut him off. He said "You were about to jam with her? No, no no. You belong with us. We, are a band. More importantly, you weren't going to skip practice today, were you?" John scratched the back of his head, and looked away. He said "Actually.....I believe we uh.....just got a gig here.....I'm waiting for the bartender to come get back to me. He just went into the back room a minute ago."

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