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Possibly Wetlands Turbo?


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I've played a deck like this before but I was playing on YVD so I had access to OCG cards like Zarigun and Hitodenchak.


I used the following build the last time I played with this deck:


Monsters: 18

Frog the Jam x3

Zarigun x3

Hitodenchak x3

The Melting Red Shadow x3

Star Boy x3(Who doesn't love an army of 2400 Frog the Jams?)

Junk Synchron x3


Spells: 15

Wetlands x3

Enchanted Fitting Room x3

Hand Destruction x3(adds speed, fuel for Junk Synchron and I find it to be quicker than using Common Charity)

Terraforming x2

Heavy Storm x1

Giant Trunade x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Reinforcement of the Army x1


Traps: 7

Bottomless Trap Hole x2

The League of Uniform Nomenclature x3

Solemn Judgment x1

Dark Bribe x1


Extra Deck:

Junk Warrior x3


Performed rather well actually.

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3 frog the jam

3 zarigun

3 hitodenchak

3 oppressed people

3 water spirit

3 star boy

3 water reflection of the ice barrier



3 wetlands

3 enchanting fitting room / solidarity

2 terraforming

1 heavy storm

1 giant trunade

1 brain control

1 level limit area b



3 the league of uniform nomenclature

1 gravity bind

1 wall of revealing light

1 mirror force

1 torrential tribute

1 solemn judgement


extra 15

ally of justice decisive arms

mist worm-->or trishula when he comes out

red dragon archfiend

colossal fighter

thought ruler archfiend

stardust dragon

black rose dragon

gungnir, dragon of the ice barrier

ancient fairy dragon

goyo guardian

brionac, dragon of the ice barrier

dewloren, tiger prince of the ice barrier

sea dragon lord gishilnodon

ally of justice catastor

armory arm


I built this with OCG cards. It seems better since you can stall until you get something, or to kill with water reflection. Water reflection is good because it can deal the extra dmg to kill if you miss the otk by 1200~2900 LP. I wouldn't try this vs meta decks though LS will murder this, but you might have some chance vs zombies. Enchanting Fitting Room is probably the worst card in the deck. I'd replace them with Solidarity for even more lolATK. I don't like junk synchron here, even if you can bring a big junk warrior. I prefer the stability of the stall cards.

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Enchanting Fitting Room is probably the worst card in the deck.

But Fitting Room is what give the deck its "Turbo" aspect >___>


No' date=' hitting 0 normal monster seriously isn't turbo.



Assuming you're running 15 Normals, you'll hit an average of 1.5 with Enchanting. Hitting 2+ Normal Monsters most certainly is turbo.

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Enchanting Fitting Room is probably the worst card in the deck.

But Fitting Room is what give the deck its "Turbo" aspect >___>


No' date=' hitting 0 normal monster seriously isn't turbo.



Assuming you're running 15 Normals, you'll hit an average of 1.5 with Enchanting. Hitting 2+ Normal Monsters most certainly is turbo.


You want some sort of reliability here. In DDT reasonning or monster gate were a sure way of dumping a bunch of cards in the grave. Fitting room with a 1.5 monster average is very bad especially since you're running the league of uniform nomenclature that takes out more normal monsters out of your deck making enchanting fitting room even less consistent.


If you want a 50% chance at winning instantly try Dark Ruler. At least when you don't get the OTK you have something good on the field.

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