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Pop Culture Contest! (finished, chek ranks)


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This contest is as follows:

1)entrants are to make 10 -20 cards that are all related to one cartoon, anime, video game, etc.

2) Although these cards ,must be related to the cartoon, etc, you can create cards that are not in the show but have something to do with it. I.E: "Darkspin Sonic", a fusion of sonic and shadow.

3) Grammar will be essential. it does not have to be perfect, but horrible grammar will likely garranty a loser.

4) picture. must fit. streched or blurry cards will be frowned upon. your card does not have to have a background, but if it does, it will look nicer, which makes you one step closer to winning.

5) Over-powered/underpowered. please do not make neither. its no fun having a four-star monster with 3000 attack.

6) the competition will end on december 22nd, or if there are 12 or more entrants.

7) me and two other people will be judging.

1st place- 3 rep- 10 points

2nd place- 2 rep-7 points

3rd place- 1 rep- 5 points

Good luck and have fun!


PS: if you need help on understanding what kind of cards you need to make still, search the username "trevdagamer", then look for "sonic cards".



1st- ixigo

2nd- zainziler

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