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Canceled, Contestants, please look at the bottom post, thank you.

Master White

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I do not know if this is the right place for this type of contest, but it is a contest.


but here it goes.


[spoiler=entry fee]





[spoiler=The only cards you can use for making this deck-{Sorry bout that, New cards added]



Armored Axon Kicker*9


doctor cranium*3

Genetic woman*9

Grapple Blocker*4

Hyper Psychic Blaster/Assault Mode


Lifeforce Harmonizer

Master Gig*3

Mind Master*2

Mind Protector*8

Power Injector

Psychic Commander*4

Psychic Emperor*2

Psychic Jumper

Psychic Snail*4

Reinforced Human Psychic Borg*2

Storm Caller*2

Telekinetic Shocker*7




Assault Teleport

Brain Research Lab*6

Change of Heart

Dark Hole

Monster Reborn


Pot of Greed


Psychic Path*2

Psychic Sword*5


Premature Burial

Star Blast

Synchro Boost

Telekinetic Charging Cell*2

Telekinetic Power Well*2





Assault Mode Activate*3

Call of The Haunted*2

Defense Draw

Enervating Mist

Light Impulse

Metaphysical Regeneration*3

Mind Over Matter

Physical Double

Psychic Overload

Psychic Rejuvenation*6

Psychic Soul*7

The Gift of Greed

Telepathic Power*3

Trap Stun*2

Psychic Trigger

Psychic Tuning*6

Negate Attack

Slip summon

Raigeki Break

Wall of Revealing Light



Psychic Lifetrancer*3

Hyper Psychic Blaster


You don't have to use all of them





No Spamming

No Flamming







To make a 40 card psychic-type deck, not all of the traps and spells revolve around psychic in the list. But that is the goal





10 only















[spoiler=Round One/End Date]

Round One, All 10 contestants make a deck or up to five groups with a max of 2 people make a deck with the Rules and goals. Start: When All Ten Contestants join. End: Will be posted after they join




[spoiler=Round 2]

Will Be Posted After Round One




[spoiler=Final Round]

Will be posted accordingly





All Prizes Are Placed When The Contest is Over, So it will be based on if they were grouped in two's, or one, or one group and one person as a winner. 3 different prize setups to win depnding on the winners and if they were in a group or not.


[spoiler=Setup 1]

If all winners are single, than this is their prize setup and the other two prize setups are cancelled.


Single First Place: 3 rep + 50 points

Single Second Place: 2 rep + 25 points




[spoiler=Setup 2]

If all the winners are grouped or paired up, than this is how the prizes will go for the winner and the [setup 2 and 3] prizes are cancelled. Only if the winners are group/paired, the first and second prize setups will be cancelled.


Group First Place: 3 rep to both and 50 points

Group Second Place: 50 points to both




[spoiler=Setup 3]

If 1 group/paired contestants win and one single contestant wins, than below is how it is played. The First and Second Prize Setup will be cancelled and this how the prize would be split if it happened like this.


Group First Place: 2 rep to both and 50 points

Single Second Place: 1 rep and 50 points




Single First: 3 rep + 50 points

Group Second Place: 1 rep to both and 100 points to both




All Setups equal out the max of six reps or less and no more will exceed in this, if confused on how this works, pm me and I'd be happy to explain how it works, and if you think it exceeds the the rep thing,ask a mod.




Plse join and have fun

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alright i'll join, i recommend all decks should have 40 cards, to narrow down dead draws

NOTE: can we make recommendations?


Monsters x20


Mind Protector x1

Armored Axon Kicker x1

Doctor Cranium x1

Krebons x3

Master Gig x1

Psychic Snail x3

Psychic Commander x3

Mind Master x2

Overdrive Teleporter x1 (recommended)

Psychic Jumper x1

Prime Material Dragon x1 (recommended)

Cyber Dragon x1

Destructotron x1


Spell Card x10

Telekinetic Power Well x2

Telekinetic Charging Cell x1

Book of Moon x1

Emergency Teleport x1

Brain Control x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Psychokinesis x1

Brain Research Lab x2


Traps 10

Torrential Tribute x1

Mirror Force x1

Dimensional Prison x2

Psychic Overload x1

Call of the Haunted x1

Bottomless Trap Hole x2



an synchro's you have

Lightning Vortex (in case pure META)



i didn't use any banned cards!

NOTE: the deck is for pure recycling, then swarming/synchro

don't run assault modes, they are too slow and result in loads of dead draws (easy OTK)

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I'd recomend:


Doctor Cranium*3

Assault Mode Activate

Hyper Psychic Blaster/Assault Mode


Master Gig*3

Mind Protector*3

Power Injector

Psychic Emperor*2

Psychic Snail*3

Change of Heart

Monster Reborn

Dark Hole

Telepathic Power*3

Trap Stun*2

Call of the Haunted*2

Enervating Mist

Defense Draw

Metaphysical Regeneration*3

Psychic Overlord

Psychic Rejuvination*3

Psychic Soul*3



I'd also reccomend getting Hyper Psychic Blaster.

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