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How about a game of chess? - The Chessborn


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After scrolling down through the list of cards, I ran into Senet Switch and thought: "This could be fun."


Yes, I know we have Archfiends but you can hardly say they relate to chess.

I'm sure you noticed, but all current monsters are LIGHT (reference to the white figures) and I plan to make the DARK (black) counterparts.


I am currently missing support cards since I am not too familiar with chess techniques and their names, so if you have any ideas, please do tell.


P.S. The OCG is a bit bad at some places so...ignore that.

Hope you like it.



Chessborn Pawn

Level: 3



Once per turn, this card can move to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone. A monster on your opponent's side of the field in the same column as this card cannot declare an attack. While you control another "Chessborn" monster, this card cannot be selected as an attack target.




Chessborn Rook

Level: 4



Once per turn, this card can move to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone. Once per turn, by tributing one "Chessborn" monster, you can destroy one card on your opponent's side of the field in the same column as this card.




Chessborn Knight

Level: 4



Once per turn, this card can move to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone. Monsters other then the monster on your opponent's side of the field in the same column as this card, cannot select this card as an attack target.




Chessborn Bishop

Level: 4



Once per turn, this card can move to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone. Once per turn, you can rearrange the positions of your opponent's monster(s).

ATK/ 400

DEF/ 2100


Chessborn Queen

Level: 6



If you control a face-up "Chessborn" monster, you can Normal Summon this card without tribute. Once per turn, this card can move to an unoccupied Monster Card Zone. Once per turn, you can flip card(s) on your opponent's side of the field in the same column as this card into face-down position (monster cards are flipped into face-down defense position) and those card(s) cannot be flipped face-up except by a card effect. If this card is your Graveyard during your Standby Phase, you can tribute 1 "Chessborn" monster to special summon this card.

ATK/ 2100

DEF/ 800


Chessborn King

Level: 8



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except while you control 2 or more "Chessborn" monsters. If this card would be destroyed by battle, you can tribute one "Chessborn" monster instead. While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot select face-up "Chessborn" monsters other then this card as the target(s) of Spell, Trap, or Monster Card effects. You can control only 1 "Chessborn King".




Victory Count


Each time a "Chessborn" monster destroys a monster as a result of battle, place 1 Chess Counter on this card (max 2). By sending this card to the graveyard, draw 1 card for each Chess Counter on this card.


Undo Move


Activate only during Main Phase 2. Special Summon 1 or your "Chessborn" monsters from your Graveyard that was destroyed during this turn.



Chessborn B. Pawn

Level: 3



If there is a "Chessborn Pawn" in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card is Summoned, you can send one "Chessborn" monster from your deck to the Graveyard. Once, you can remove from play 1 "Chessborn Pawn", if you do, this cards gains that monster's effect(s).

ATK/ 900

DEF/ 1500



Chessborn B. Rook

Level: 4



You can Special Summon this card from your hand by removing from play 1 "Chessborn" monster in your graveyard. When this card is Summoned this way, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Chessborn" monster from your graveyard. It is destroyed at the End Phase. Once, you can remove from play 1 "Chessborn Rook" in your Graveyard, if you do, this card gains that monster's effect(s).

ATK/ 1700

DEF/ 1000



Chessborn B. Knight

Level: 4



When this card is Normal Summoned, Special Summon 1 level 4 or lower "Chessborn" monster from your hand. Once, you can remove from play 1 "Chessborn Knight" in your Graveyard, if you do, this card gains that monster's effect(s).

ATK/ 1850

DEF/ 200


Chessborn B. Bishop

Level: 4



When this card is Summoned, and you control another face-up "Chessborn" monster, switch this card into Defense Position. While this card is face-up on the field, all "chessborn" monster(s) you control gain 100 ATK for each of your "Chessborn" monster(s) that are removed from play. Once, you can remove from play 1 "Chessborn Bishop" in your Graveyard, if you do, this card gains that monster's effect(s).

ATK/ 400

DEF/ 2100



Chessborn B. Queen

Level: 6



You can Special Summon this card from your hand if you control a "Chessborn" monster and there is a "Chessborn Queen" in your Graveyard." During your Standby Phase, if this card is in your Graveyard, you can discard one "Chessborn" monster to add this card to your hand. Once, you can remove from play 1 "Chessborn Queen" in your Graveyard, if you do, this card gains that monster's effect(s).

ATK/ 2100

DEF/ 800


Chessborn B. King

Level: 8



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by tributing one "Chessborn King" you control. When this card is Summoned, return all of your "Chessborn" monster(s) that are removed from play to your Graveyrd. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 "Chessborn" monster in your graveyard to have this card gain 500 ATK points. Once, you can remove from play 1 "Chessborn King" to have this card gain that monster's effect(s).

ATK/ 2500

DEF/ 2400



NOTE:Please notice that Chessborn Queen's effect is slightly different from the others.



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After scrolling down through the list of cards' date=' I ran into Senet Switch and thought: "This could be fun."

[b']So I take it this is the third Senet Swich-based set I have the pleasure of seeing, one of which had a Chess theme? Oh well, let's see how you do it[/b]


Yes, I know we have Archfiends but you can hardly say they relate to chess.

I'm sure you noticed, but all current monsters are LIGHT (reference to the white figures) and I plan to make the DARK (black) counterparts.

Can't you make those Wind/Earth or something? Light/Dark are so overdone that it hurts.


I am currently missing support cards since I am not too familiar with chess techniques and their names, so if you have any ideas, please do tell.

I expect some Google searching on Chess Terms would be enough to get things moving well.


P.S. The OCG is a bit bad at some places so...ignore that. I'll fix what I can.

Hope you like it.



Chessborn Pawn

Level: 3



Once per turn, this card can move to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone. A monster on your opponent's side of the field in the same column as this card cannot declare an attack. While you control another "Chessborn" monster, this card cannot be selected as an attack target.




Yay, Rock set. It's an interesting attack blocking card, I do have to wonder if you intended two of them to be an attack lock? Fine card, though, it isn't like Dupe Frog/Marauding Captain/ect haven't done the lock before.


Chessborn Rook

Level: 4



Once per turn, this card can move to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone. Once per turn, you can discard 1 card to destroy 1 card on your opponent's side of the field in the same column as this card.




Eh, I'm worried about it being a 1700 ATK monster that can destroy any card on the field when it's Summoned for a discard and then might destroy more later. Knock the ATK down 200-300 and I think it'll be fine.


Chessborn Knight

Level: 4



Once per turn, this card can move to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone. Monsters other then the monster on your opponent's side of the field in the same column as this card, cannot select this card as an attack target. You can return this card to your hand to return 1 card on your opponent's side of the field to their hand.




I hope you notice that you just made a 1850 ATK LIGHT Grand Mole that avoids Mirror Force, he was limited, this'd probably get a ban hammer. Restricting the column wouldn't help, since you can Summon him in any. Not sure how to balance it. Maybe make the last effect activate during the End Phase?


Chessborn Bishop

Level: 4



Once per turn, this card can move to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone. Once per turn, you can rearrange the positions of your opponent's monster(s).

ATK/ 400

DEF/ 2100


Dangerous with Rook, works fine, not sure if I have much to say.


Chessborn Queen

Level: 6



If you control a face-up "Chessborn" monster, you can Normal Summon this card without tribute. Once per turn, this card can move to an unoccupied Monster Card Zone. Once per turn, you can flip any cards on your opponent's side of the field in the same column as this card into face-down, those cards cannot be flipped face-up except by a card effect. If this card is your Graveyard during your Standby Phase, you can tribute 1 "Chessborn" monster except "Chessborn Queen" to Special Summon this card.

ATK/ 2100

DEF/ 800


I fixed the OCG, but also added the "except "Chessborn Queen"" clause just incase an OTK loop pops up. It seems to be a nice card with an interesting yet usable effect. Very much like.


Chessborn King

Level: 8



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except while you control 2 or more "Chessborn" monsters. If this card would be destroyed by battle, you can tribute one "Chessborn" monster instead. While this card is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot select face-up "Chessborn" monsters other then this card as the target of a card effect. You can control only 1 "Chessborn King".




Shorter effects are nice. It makes a nice boss monster, it's always good to have a bit of protection for everything. I like.


Victory Count


Each time a "Chessborn" monster destroys a monster as a result of battle, place 1 Chess Counter on this card (max 2). By sending this card to the graveyard, draw 1 card for each Chess Counter on this card.


A weaker Six Sam United. Give it a max of 3 since it's harder to get the counters. Otherwise good.


Undo Move


Activate only during Main Phase 2. Special Summon 1 or your "Chessborn" monsters from your Graveyard that was destroyed during this turn.


I like


NOTE:Please notice that Chessborn Queen's effect is slightly different from the others.






Overall, a nice and enjoyable set, look forward to the rest.

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Wow, you know, before I knew of this site, I created Chess cards (but they had slightly different names). It's cool that someone else has thought of this.

Here are a few card ideas too.

1.) Chess Board: Spell/Field--All Chessborn monsters on the field gain an extra 500 ATK/DEF Points. This also allows you to have an extra 3 monster card zones (I don't know if you'd want the 2nd part to this, but I thought since a chess board has 8 squares across, why not)


2.) Front Row Defence: Spell--This card can only be activated when 'Chess Board' is in play. When this card is activated, summon 8 pawn tokens to the field.


3.) King-side Castle: Trap--Activate this when you have 'Chessborn Rook' and 'Chessborn King' on the field. When 'Chessborn King' is attacked, direct the attack to 'Chessborn Rook'.


4.) Queen-side Castle: Trap--(same effect as 'King-side Castle' but works with 'Queen-side Castle' instead.


5.) Checkmate: Spell--Attack your opponent's Life Points directly


Those are just some ideas for now. I hope you enjoy them, but if not, switch them around to how you see fit.

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Can't you make those Wind/Earth or something? Light/Dark are so overdone that it hurts.

I suppose. In that case I will make both EARTH, but will add B. before the name (ex. Chessborn B. Rook)



I expect some Google searching on Chess Terms would be enough to get things moving well.

I can't believe I forgot about Google...



Chessborn Pawn

Yay, Rock set. It's an interesting attack blocking card, I do have to wonder if you intended two of them to be an attack lock? Fine card, though, it isn't like Dupe Frog/Marauding Captain/ect haven't done the lock before.

Yep, I like my sets to have at least one lock and I didn't want to make too powerful.


Chessborn Rook

Eh, I'm worried about it being a 1700 ATK monster that can destroy any card on the field when it's Summoned for a discard and then might destroy more later. Knock the ATK down 200-300 and I think it'll be fine.

Well, I thought, since your opponent can simply place cards at the different end of the field, moving him all the way would be at least a little bothersome. However, I guess 1500 ATK would be enough


Chessborn Knight

I hope you notice that you just made a 1850 ATK LIGHT Grand Mole that avoids Mirror Force, he was limited, this'd probably get a ban hammer. Restricting the column wouldn't help, since you can Summon him in any. Not sure how to balance it. Maybe make the last effect activate during the End Phase?

Guess I went a bit overboard. How about leaving the last part out? Also, that effect isn't a quick effect, it's an ignition effect.


Chessborn Queen

I fixed the OCG, but also added the "except "Chessborn Queen"" clause just incase an OTK loop pops up. It seems to be a nice card with an interesting yet usable effect. Very much like.

Works for me



Victory Count

A weaker Six Sam United. Give it a max of 3 since it's harder to get the counters. Otherwise good.

I thought 3 would be a bit too much but if you think it's fine, then I agree







Chess Board

I think it's a bit OP but I like the idea, I will try to make something out of it.


Front Row Defence

Even if the tokens had 0/0 stats, this card seems a bit to easy to abuse, but I will see.


King-side Castle

Kinda UP considering King's effect but it did give me an interesting idea


Queen-side Castle

I plan to make one trap card combining similar effects of these two cards



Unfortunately, the Archfiends already have this card but I plan to rename it (probably Checkmate in French) and alter it's effect a bit.


Anyway, thanks for the ideas.



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Can't you make those Wind/Earth or something? Light/Dark are so overdone that it hurts.

I suppose. In that case I will make both EARTH' date=' but will add B. before the name (ex. Chessborn B. Rook)[/b']



I expect some Google searching on Chess Terms would be enough to get things moving well.

I can't believe I forgot about Google...



Chessborn Pawn

Yay, Rock set. It's an interesting attack blocking card, I do have to wonder if you intended two of them to be an attack lock? Fine card, though, it isn't like Dupe Frog/Marauding Captain/ect haven't done the lock before.

Yep, I like my sets to have at least one lock and I didn't want to make too powerful.


Chessborn Rook

Eh, I'm worried about it being a 1700 ATK monster that can destroy any card on the field when it's Summoned for a discard and then might destroy more later. Knock the ATK down 200-300 and I think it'll be fine.

Well, I thought, since your opponent can simply place cards at the different end of the field, moving him all the way would be at least a little bothersome. However, I guess 1500 ATK would be enough


Chessborn Knight

I hope you notice that you just made a 1850 ATK LIGHT Grand Mole that avoids Mirror Force, he was limited, this'd probably get a ban hammer. Restricting the column wouldn't help, since you can Summon him in any. Not sure how to balance it. Maybe make the last effect activate during the End Phase?

Guess I went a bit overboard. How about leaving the last part out? Also, that effect isn't a quick effect, it's an ignition effect.


Chessborn Queen

I fixed the OCG, but also added the "except "Chessborn Queen"" clause just incase an OTK loop pops up. It seems to be a nice card with an interesting yet usable effect. Very much like.

Works for me



Victory Count

A weaker Six Sam United. Give it a max of 3 since it's harder to get the counters. Otherwise good.

I thought 3 would be a bit too much but if you think it's fine, then I agree







Chess Board

I think it's a bit OP but I like the idea, I will try to make something out of it.


Front Row Defence

Even if the tokens had 0/0 stats, this card seems a bit to easy to abuse, but I will see.


King-side Castle

Kinda UP considering King's effect but it did give me an interesting idea


Queen-side Castle

I plan to make one trap card combining similar effects of these two cards



Unfortunately, the Archfiends already have this card but I plan to rename it (probably Checkmate in French) and alter it's effect a bit.


Anyway, thanks for the ideas.




No problem, just glad I could bring forth ideas.

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The Pawn has an interesting effect. Go ahead and make them.


En Passont(I think thats how you spell it): If a pawn moves forward to escape an attack.

Card idea: En Passont Spell. Activate this card only if there is 1 face-up "Pawn" on the field. (add effect here)


Ill add more as I think.


En Passant

Normal Spell

Activate only by selecting a "Chessborn Pawn" you control. If there are no cards in the column that the selected card is in, it can attack your opponent directly.


Also, one of my own, also for the pawn:


Sacrifice Maneuver

Normal Spell

Tribute a "Chessborn Pawn" you control to destroy a monster your opponent controls.

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For the heck of it, I'll steal dragonsoul's idea.


Game of the Fates (Chessboard)

Field Spell

Once per turn, each player can move a Monster they control to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone, or move a "Chessborn" monster that they control to another unoccupied Monster Card Zone, or have 2 "Chessborn" monsters switch Monster Card Zones. Each time a "Chessborn" monster moves into a different Monster Card Zone, place 1 Strategy Counter on this card. "Chessborn" monsters gain ATK equal to the number of Strategy Counters on this card x100. Monsters can only attack monsters that are in the same column.


Ultimate Endgame: Checkmate

Normal Spell

Activate only while you control 5 "Chessborn" monsters with different names. You are declared the winner.

(Not quite sure if this is broken, I think it may actually have balance, lol)


I want to make a blitzkrieg card, but I'm not quite sure how to make it. If I made a set like this, I would have ultimate endgame as the win condition, and have the chess pieces summon each other, and use card zones. Your set is awesome. :D

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Wow, there are some pretty interesting ideas, I will try to modify them a bit.

@Magickid777: Like the chessboard idea.


Also, I added the Black Series and edited the original Chessborns.

They were meant as a support or a different type of strategy, so they're effects differ from the original counterparts; but I believe they are fun.


P.S. I plan to add the cards you made but I will be away for a few days, so please be patient.

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