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DBZ GTX (Advance/pg-16/started/accepting)


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good or evil:Good

Home Planet:Namek

Age:About 40


1.Doroumpa(He grows in size and become very tall)

2.Special Beam Cannon(Gather many power in two fingers of any hand and then release a powerfull beam)

3.Typhoon Spin(He spins so fast tha t he beocomes a typhoon,that destroys every 1km near him)

4.Cone of fire(A huge cone of fire that can't be prevented)

5.[Later]Hellzone grenade[He toses blasts around the traget then hit him with all(Thre is no way to run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)]

6.Sun Beam[Apowerful blast generated from the mouth]



Trasformation:[Later]Super Namekian[spoiler= APP]slugwall.jpg


(After a very long time of fighting)Ultra Namekian the same with super but smaller faster nad more powerful

Occupation:He likes fighting and spend most of his time training.SOmetimes he searches for dragon balls

Inventory:(Heavy Clothes for training.fighting costume)



Bio:He was born in Namek and he was a sercret student of piccolo.He always tries to be the best and he cares much for his friends.He gets angry easily.

Species Abilities:He can grow his arms and legs as much as he want and can regenate injured or destroyed parts of his body







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((how many people can we have?))

Enoki gets up of the bench "i guess it's time to head home. This has been a vary boring day" he jumps up making sure no one sees him and flys to his house. "Mom im home, hello mom well i guess shes not here" he walkes into his room and falls asleep in his bed.

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Rallen gets to Kami's Lookout where Kellen and him train. "So you want to lose again" says Rallen. "Nope, but you're gonna lose...STRIDENT FLASH!!!". Rallen is very surprised that Kellen had learn't Strident Flash and forgets to dodge. Allthough he stops the move quite easily, scince it was not that strong."Kellen, you(Pant)may(Pant)have learn't Strident Flash, but it's still pretty weak".

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Clone stood on the rooftop waiting. He had shot out a blast powerful enough to shake the planet had it been fired groundwards. "Why do they not come, why am I left to stand here waiting!" He calmed himself down and moved to the centre of the rooftop. He sat down and began to meditate. His thoughts werefilled with the enrgy waves of others he could sense almost everyone on earth. There were plenty of people just as powerful as him, some even more so. He shifted in place, the body of the professor was beginning to become stale he needed to find another. I wonder how I can increase my power. When I absorbed the professor I grew in strength. So if I become someone more powerful than myself, I will be rid of an opponent and I shall become powerful. He focused his meditation so that he could sense where the most powerful warriors were. He chose one, stood up and flew into the sky.

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IC:"Sorry Godel but I'm suppose to do this alone it's ok though while I'm out find a person named Rai he'll train with you" Ace smiled as the door closed behind him. "Alright how is thisgonna work" Ace say a building with a bed and a refrigerator "Well they really want me to feel at home" Ace say shadow's forming a figure "What the hell is that?" The shadow's formed a copy of Ace "What the hell is that? is.....is that suppose to be me, I guess I'm suppose to fight him"


~2 days later~

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"I can't see any1one on my palnet its time to test my power i will fly to earth to train harder and battle some warriors I am leaving today it is going to be a long trip"He goes to his spaceship to make the preparations.By the night everything is ready it's time to leave "Bye Namek i will come back as soon as I am ready"

The spaceship leaves the planet the journet starts.

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Name:Denaka Udra



good or evil:EVIL

Home Planet:Vegeta


powers: Kaimega meha Bomb, Kamaehameha wave,Fire Saiyan(new form)

Weapon(s):Kanabo,and 3 katanas

Transformation(s):Yes Fire saiyan

Occupation: Assassine

Inventory: Weapons,armor,and pet white Tiger(cub at the begining

Appearance: (can have picture also can be described)e01d957.png


Species Abilities:Later

Fusion:None yet

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Punisheris Finally reached his destination

"Now Who are you Warrior"

"I am Gruin Raditz grandson if you came here to stop to take revenge for my granpas death by destroying the planet you must think again"

Punisheris stares by looking a t his hand

"I can see you have a dragonball the 7-star one.I am sorry but i have to warn to leave this palnet now or i must kill you"

"Then just try to.Hell cannon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.He is finished or not!!!"

"That was a nice warm up now lets start the real fight"

"Of course"

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