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A King by Rights

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Simple. guess who said the following quote

One answer per post

Must contain refrence to what riddle you are attempting to answer (to avoid any descepancysuch as on Riddle three)


Prize: +1 rep


Quote 1: "I am not out of work, I can get my job back at the fair any time I want"

Solved by Mindscatter Answer: Titan


Quote 2: "If it isn't Rex Raptor and Wevill, I thought I smelled something."

Solved by Cosmic Answer: Mai


Riddle 3: "Who's crying, I got something in my eye."

Solved by Magickid777 / Cosmic (Not sure if Magickid was answering Riddle three) Answer: Joey


Riddle 4: "Why don't I have a catch phrase?"

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