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Caine Ghest

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Liberty is just another form of Tyranny. There is no such thing as freedom unless there is anarchy. For as long as you follow the rules of another, they rule you. They control your actions, your thoughts, your place in society. It is the people's responsibility to challenge the authority of the Government, otherwise there is no nation only the state. The very foundation of a country is tyranny, everything else is a lie created to cover up this fact.

"The culture tells me to be ashamed of my disability."

"Since when have you done what the culture says?"

"Since never."

~Passage form the book Tuesdays with Morrie

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The best kind of Government is one that is close enough to anarchy without falling into it. A Republic is just that form of Government.


At the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a Mrs. Powel anxiously awaited the results, and as Benjamin Franklin emerged from the long task now finished, asked him directly: "Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" "A republic if you can keep it" responded Franklin.- A Republic, If You Can Keep It


America started as a Republic, we shifted to a Democracy over the course of the years. We are sliding left on the scale of Government. We have gone from next to Anarchy to towards slightly before the mid point and currently we are heading towards Socialism or Communism, which is closer to Tyranny.


We have let the Government get away with slowly bringing us towards Tyranny for far to long. The people have lost most of their power and now letting the Government take care of them from Cradle to Grave, which is not what the Founding Fathers wanted.

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The Founding fathers? All the Founding fathers wanted was to not have to pay the tax that Britain was putting on them. They wern't looking towards the future, otherwise they wouldn't have made it possible for the Constitution to be amended. Government is a joke, there is no best type of Government. The best thing for the people is to decend into anarchy, in such a state the government is abolished and people are free to choose how they live.


"It is said that Democracy is the worst form of Government, except for all the others that have tried."

~Winston Churchill

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But don't we depend on the government? Who pays us? Who tries to limit roberies and such? With people free to choose how they live and no government, who is there to pay the workers that build the foundation of our society? Who is there to stop drug trades and theft? This is human nature: to want more. What form of defense would we have without the gov??? I'm not saying the government is awesome, but don't we sorta need it?

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5000 Year Leap... Read it and educate yourselves.


The Founding Fathers made it so that the Constitution could be amended should something they couldn't see arise it could be reworded to make said thing viable, while at the time it was a great idea, like everything humans mess it up.


Alright time for a topic shift, perhaps something a little more light-hearted this time, any ideas?

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Anarchy is no Government. Think of all the problems Government has caused. Starvation' date=' War, Oppression, Segregation, etc. If there was no government, then these problems would either be lessened, or eliminated.



Because starvation wouldn't occur if we just switched to anarchy? Mate, be realistic

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