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150 points celebratory contest! Lock please.

Blaze Pyro

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This is my first tournament so don't go mad if I do something wrong.


[spoiler=Start date]15th December or when I have enough contestants


[spoiler=Rules]All ycm rules apply.

Entry fee 1 point each which will all go towards prizes.



[spoiler=How the tournament will work]Each player is awarded points that will accumulate over each round. At the end of each round I will eliminate some people with the lowest score, the amount of people will depend on number of contestants.

The number of rounds also depends on the number of contestants.

In the last round points will no longer matter and only the best card will win.


[spoiler=Current Task]Not yet assigned


[spoiler=Contestants]No contestants yet


[spoiler=Prizes]1st place: 3 reps + 75% of pot

2nd place: 2 reps + 25% of pot

3rd place: 1 rep



Good luck everyone.

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