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Fallen Sun and Parasite Archetypes (And some other stuff)

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In the last week or so ive be really bored so i decided to make some yugioh cards. I'm pretty newbish so plz tell me what i've done wrong. (PS most of my support cards were on a seperate Word Doc and i can't find it. I'll try to to find and post it)


Parasitic Monsters


Parasite Noegard,


1 Star,


When this card is summoned you can equip it to an opponent’s monster. (This card then becomes an Equip Spell Card) The monster equipped with card DEF drops to 0. The owner of this card receives 300 Damage each Standby phase until the card is destroyed.

ATK/300 DEF/200


Parasite Draynin,


1 Star,


When this card is summoned you can equip it to an opponent’s monster. (This card then becomes an Equip Spell Card) The controller of the monster loses 300 Life Points each turn this card is equipped. The owner of this card cannot attack.

ATK/300 DEF/200


Parasite Helpliez,


1 Star,


When this card is summoned you can equip it to an opponent’s monster. (This card then becomes an Equip Spell Card) The monster equipped with this card ATK drops to 0. The owner of this card receives 300 Damage each Standby Phase until this card is destroyed.

ATK/300 DEF/200


Parasite Dethclok,


1 Star,


When this card is summoned you can equip it to an opponent’s monster. (This card then becomes an Equip Spell Card) The monster equipped with this card is destroyed after the 4th Standby Phase after this card has been equipped to it. The owner of this card cannot Tribute Summon or Special Summon until this card is destroyed.

ATK/300 DEF/200


Parasite Dephenda,


1 Star,


When this card is summoned you can equip it to an opponent’s monster. (This card then becomes an Equip Spell Card) The monster equipped with this card cannot be destroyed. (Battle Damage still applies) The controller of the equipped monster receives 500 Damage each Standby Phase this card is equipped. The owner of this card cannot switch the battle positions of any monsters until this card is destroyed. ATK/300 DEF/200


Parasite Reiplaser,


1 Star,


When this card is summoned you can equip it to an opponent’s monster. (This card then becomes an Equip Spell Card) The equipped monster ATK and DEF become equal to this card’s ATK and DEF. The owner of this card receives Damage equal to the ATK and DEF of the equipped monster, each Standby Phase until this card is destroyed.

ATK/300 DEF/200


Parasite Reivifer,


1 Star,


When this card is summoned you gain equip it to a monster in the Graveyard(s) and Special Summon the equipped monster. (This card then becomes an Equip Spell Card) The owner of this card cannot place any SPELL or TRAP cards until this card is destroyed.

ATK/300 DEF/200


Parasite Konntrolla,


1 Star,


FLIP: This card is equipped to the attacking monster (This card the becomes an Equip Spell Card) the attacking monster then changes control. The owner of this card receives 500 Damage each Standby Phase.

ATK/300 DEF/200


Parasite Maksout,


1 Star,


When this card is summoned you can equip it to an opponent’s monster. (This card then becomes an Equip Spell Card) The equipped monster’ ATK is increased to 4000 until your 2nd End Phase after this card is activated. Destroy the equipped monster after the End Phase. The owner of this card cannot draw until this card is destroyed. ATK/300 DEF/200


Parasite Berserca,


7 Stars,


When this card is summoned you can equip it to an opponent’s monster. (This card then becomes an Equip Spell Card) The equipped monster loses 3000 ATK and DEF, and cannot be destroyed. (Battle Damage still applies) The owner of this card can be attacked directly.

ATK/1000 DEF/1000


Cracking Under Pressure, Spell, Activate only when a card you control is destroyed. Select 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck and Remove from play the Fusion Material Monsters listed on that card from your side of the field or your Graveyard. Special Summon the selected Fusion Monster. (This counts as a Fusion Summon)

Fallen Sun- Monsters (Fs)


Fallen Sun- Menacing Crystal,


4 Stars,


This card is also treated as a FIRE monster. This card’s attack is equal to number of monsters you opponent owns in play x200. Each time this card destroys one of your opponent’s monsters you can add 1 level 4 or lower monster from your hand to the Graveyard.



Fallen Sun- Kamikaze Knight,


4 Stars,


FLIP: Destroy this card and inflict 1000 Damage to your opponent for each face-up monster they control.

ATK/100 DEF/1600


Fallen Sun- Wretched Raven,


4 Stars,


This card is also treated as a FIRE monster. When this card is destroyed from an opponent’s card effect you can Special Summon this card from the Graveyard and up to 2 “Th Wretched Raven(s)” in face-up Defense position from your Deck. ATK/1900 DEF/0


Fallen Sun- Deepsea Disturbance,


4 Stars,


This card is also treated as a FIRE monster. Once per turn you can remove from play 1 monster from your hand to add 1 Tuner or 1 Monster with 1500 ATK or less from your deck or Graveyard.

ATK/1500 DEF/1000


Fallen Sun- Razor Speeder,


4 Stars,


This card is also treated as a FIRE monster. You can Special Summon this card from your hand to your opponent’s side of the field. This card can and must attack all of your opponent’s monsters. The controller of this card loses 1000 Life Points each time this card attacks.

ATK/2200 DEF/1900


Fallen Sun- Darkness Coil,


4 Stars,


This card is also treated as a FIRE monster. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. (Battle Damage still applies) Each time this card is attacked you can place 1 Coil Token on this card. Once per turn you can remove 1 Coil Token from this card to destroy 1 card on the field.

ATK/0 DEF/1800


Fallen Sun- Reviving Rat,


4 Stars,


This card is also treated as a FIRE monster. When this card is in your Graveyard in your End Phase you can Special Summon it in face-up Defense position. If you do so, it is destroyed during your opponent’s End Phase.

ATK/1000 DEF/1800


Fallen Sun- Ebon Banisher,


4 Stars,


This card is also treated as a FIRE monster. All DARK cards sent to the Graveyard are instead removed from play. When this card is destroyed you and your opponent must Special Summon as many card as possible cards that were removed by this card’s effect.

ATK/1200 DEF/1400


Fallen Sun- United Curse,


3 Stars,


This card is also treated as a FIRE monster. When this card is used in a Synchro Summon, you can remove it from play to inflict 500 Damage to your opponent.

ATK/1400 DEF/1400


Fallen Sun- Wicked Dreadnaught,


8 Stars,


“Fallen Sun- United Curse” + 1 or more DARK or FIRE monsters,

This card is also treated as a FIRE monster. For each FIRE and DARK monster removed from play this card gains 200 ATK. When this card is destroyed Special Summon 1 FIRE or DARK monster removed from play. (except Fallen Sun- Wicked Dreadnaught”

ATK/2600 DEF/1200


Fallen Sun- Dark Swordslash,


8 Stars,


“Fallen Sun- United Curse” + 1 or more DARK or FIRE monsters,

This card is also treated as a FIRE monster. Each time this card inflict Battle Damage to your opponent select 1 card from your opponent’s deck and remove it from play. When this card is selected as a target for an Attack you must discard 1 card from your hand. If you cannot you must destroy this card.

ATK/2900 DEF/0


Fallen Sun- Blaze Intimidator,


8 Stars,


“Fallen Sun- United Curse” + 1 or more DARK or FIRE monsters,

This card is also treated as a FIRE monster. If this card is attacked you can reduce the attacking monsters ATK equal to its level x350. Destroy this card if it Attacks or is attack by a monster with more than 10 Stars

ATK/1900 DEF/2500


Fallen Sun- Black Inferno,


8 Stars,


“Fallen Sun- United Curse” + 1 or more DARK or FIRE monsters, This card is also treated as a FIRE monster. You take no Damage from battles involving this card. When this card is removed from play you can Special Summon and 1 other monster that was removed from play. If this card is removed from play more than 5 times you must place it in your Graveyard. (This effect takes precedence over all other cards on the field.)


Fallen Sun Support

Salute To The Fallen,

Spell (Cont.),

Each time a “Fallen Sun” you control is destroyed gain 500 Life Points. If this card is destroyed you can remove from play 1 “Fallen Sun” monster from your Graveyard to place this card on top of your deck.


Void Of Darkness,

Trap (Cont.),

All DARK monsters sent to the Graveyard are removed from play instead.


Scythes Of Red,

Spell (Equip),

Equip this to a “Fallen Sun” monster you control. The equipped card gains 400 ATK and DEF. Each time the equipped monster destroys a monster you opponent owns you can draw 1 card. If you do you must discard 1 card. When the equipped monster is destroyed you must place it in the Graveyard. (This effect takes precedence over all other cards on the field.)


Surprised Destruction,


Activate only when a card you control is destroyed. Pay 1000 Life points to destroy all cards on the field except “Void Of Darkness”.


Fire The Cannon,


Tribute “Fallen Sun” monster you control. Inflict 100 Damage to your opponent for each of your removed from play monsters.


Inferno Guards,


Negate one attacked aimed at a “Fallen Sun” monster you control. Then take damage equal to the ATK of the “Fallen Sun” monster that was selected.






6 Stars,


This card cannot be Normal Summon or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 2 WIND monsters in your Graveyard. This card attack is equal to the number of cards on the field x1000. Each time this card destroys a monster your opponents controls you can Special Summon 1 Meteor Token (Rock-type/FIRE/3 Stars/ATK 0/DEF 0) in defense position on your opponent’s side of the field. ATK/? DEF/1500


Burning Meteor Shower,


Activate only while you opponent controls 1 or more Meteor Tokens. Inflict 500 Damage to your opponent for each face-up Meteor Token.


Leftovers Lowlife,


Pay 1000 Life Points. Select 3 of your opponent’s cards from the Graveyard and add to your hand.


Unexpected Gift,


You opponent draws 3 cards. Then they must discard 1 level 7 or higher monster, if they do not they must discard their hand.


Impenetrable Wall,

Spell (Cont.)

No player may draw except during his or her Draw Phase. All card sent from your opponents deck to the Graveyard are returned to the bottom of his/her deck.


Sorry this post was soooooo long.:D

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