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SuperHumans Unite [Advanced] [Started] [Accepting] Via PM]

Dark Lightning

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It all happened so fast: A clear sky. A flash of lightning. A huge crater carved into the ground...

A man stood in the center of the crater, his clothes smoking from the lightning strike. He held a guitar and looked quite deranged for a man just struck by lightning...

People were in an uproar. They ran, screaming and running like a chicken with his head lopped off.

"All these people..." The man said, licking his lips. "lf they sound this symphonic now,l wonder how they'll sound in a harmonic fortissimo.."

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Id, like to apply to join.



Age: 18

Appearance: Short black hair, red coat, jeans.

Super Power:Shadow, darkness manipulation, dark wing

History: Was a orphan since he was 3 he had lived on the streets since then he now has his own apartment. He is also highly intellectual with an IQ of 145.

Other: good personality but is kinda afraid to be friends with people.

Side{Hero or Villian}:Hero

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Guys, delete those posts and take the convo to pm before this gets locked...



Apollo played a note.

Four small, violet spheres appeared around him, revolving aroun him.

As Apollo continued to play, the spheres began to charge after people. A man attempted to run: A sphere caught up and tore straight through the man.

"Oh yes! The harmony!" Apollo said with a carnal tone, clutching his guitar so tightly his knuckles turned white. "Don't let the chorus stop! Keep it... UP!!!"

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"Mmmm...." Using the shadows beneath his feet, Apollo dashed to several helpless victims by moving the shadows and manipulating them into a mini-platform (He rarely walks, this is how he gets around.)

The spheres were still causing chaos. They ripped through buildings, people, cars...


Apollo took out a warm, glowing, blue crystal from his pocket.

"Brother... Drink this lowly human's blood. I will revive you soon, and we'll wreak havoc once again..."

Apollo put the crystal in the pool of blood.

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"Fine and you?" Sero said as he saw others and went inside the bank as the others followed. 6 villans were doing a bank robbery and killed almost all the people, The Ice Demon Aeroz, The Fire Demon Pyroz, The Water Demon Healioz, The Abyss Demon Necros, The Wind Demon Aeolus, The Earth Demon Subterroz .


"Great, six demons from different worlds join together to do this? Well time to have some fun." Sero said as he touched a metallic pole as the substance ran through his body.


-- You can choose which demon to take on? Sero got Necro :)

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Healioz melt into water to dodge the blast and came right back up with armor that was uneffective with lightning strikes. "Think you can electrify me that easily? You don't know who your dealing with." Healioz said as he summoned 2 water dragons as they charged at Jarred with great speed.


((since Healioz got the armor on Dark Lightning, strike at his head, but you have to do it when he doesn't notice it. The armor will disappear, leaving him open for an attack.))



Sero and Necroz

Sero, with metallic substances running through his body, stood infront of Necroz, while holding a blade that looked sharper then any other blade.


"You sure you want to fight me? I will tear you to shreds if you come close to me." Necroz said gripping her blade tightly, "I don't care..." Sero said as the metal hardened his body, gaining him superior strength,


"...as long as i take you back from whence you came from." Sero said as he charged at Necroz. "Your choice, human." Necroz said as she charged at Sero while dragging her blade.

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Alice blinked as she began to walk home, the majority of her bags left with a friend who always brought the majority of where she bought whereever she wanted. She yawned as she walked down the street. "It's kinda boring." she murmured to herself.


She blinekd as she saw, what appeared to be a group of dangerous creatures up ahead. "That can't be good." she sighed.

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The other water dragon smacked Jarred with it's tail, sending Jarred to make a hard crash to the wall. "Hahahahahahahaha... just give up now, human." Healioz said as he melted onto the ground and appeared below Jarred. Healioz then overgrow the puddle, sinking Jarred in with him. "Hahahahahahaha..." A laugh echoes in the air, "...your in my terrain now, boy!"


Sero and Necroz

Necroz swung her blade multiple times but couldn't seem to hit Sero as he socked her in the jaw as she went flying, crashing on the ground.


Sero cracked his knuckles and chuckled, "Is that all?" Necroz chuckled as she summoned a portal behind Sero, pulling in the vortex as another portal did the same to her. "Hahahahaha... Your in my world now, boy!" Necroz said as her blade went inside her body, gaining her superspeed.


Sero then looked around the darkness, "you think the darkness scares me?" Sero said as he regained his superstrength. "No but my speed might be a challenge with your superior strength." Necroz said running at Sero with blinding speed.

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Pyroz encountered the cheetah coming at him as he himself turned into a cheetah, but with faster speed and great strength as he charged at Phoenix.


Pyroz' body was covered in fiery blades, making anyone who touched his body stabbed with that sword. Pyroz's cheetah transformation turned his claws and teeth into blades of different swords.


Making Pyroz a very powerful foe.



Healioz fused the armor with his entire body, making him invunerable to lightning. "Hahaha... i see... trying to strike my head..." Healioz said tapping his head as the invinsible helmet was in place.


"If only you have earth in your element, you'll be able to break the armor and defeat me... strong melee lightning attacks can break too but you have to sacrifice your human hands for lightning..." Healioz said smiling at Jarred, "now then... let's have some fun!"


Healioz said as he summoned 6 dragons, 5 hydras, and 7 giant lions with lightning armor in their body. All the animals charged and attacked at Jarred with great speed and superior strength. "Fight my pets... DESTROY!!" Healioz yelled.


Sero and Necroz

Sero embraced the impact as he was flown backward and landed on his back. Damn... she became faster then before... Sero thought to himself as he got up quickly and fused with 2 blades of different color at once.


He gained superior strength and sharpness in his attacks and charged at Necroz. Necroz clinched her fists tightly as she zoomed at Sero as they clash, with multiple punches being thrown to each other.


They eached slid back to where they were before as Sero heard a thunderous roar behind. He looked back and saw three giant dragons with hard, sword-like scales in their body, making their bodys invunerable to break, chained together by 3 seperate chains.


"That'll be your death when your done with me." Necroz said smiling and winking at Sero.

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