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SuperHumans Unite [Advanced] [Started] [Accepting] Via PM]

Dark Lightning

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It goes like this:

You must pick one super human power from the given list (PM me to have a power added). When a power is taken I will put a strike through it. When you pick your power from the list, simply PM me the power and I will PM you a description, Weakness, and Strong points of your power..If you feel you need more than 1 power, PM me and I'll see what I can do. You CAN have powers that are crossed off, just PM me and I will put you on the person's 'family'


-All YCM RP rules apply

-No godmodding



A meteorite struck the Earth a few years ago, and some babies were given superhuman powers because of it.


[spoiler=Powers List]

-Ability Supercharging

-Absorbing Matter At Will

-Accelerated Aim

-Accelerated Healing

- Accelerated Stamina

- Acid Saliva

-Aggregated Cells

- Agony Vision

-Aura Sense

-Balloon Effect

- Bio Electrical Bolts

-Bullet Firing

-Birds Eye View

-Blade Manipulation

-Blood Master

-Blood Puppet Master

-Blindfold Effect

-Blood Weaponry

-Body Blubber

- Bolt Breath

-Bone Claws

-Breath Underwater

-Brain Control


-Calculated Moves

-Cannon Arm


-Chaos Absorption

-Chaos Control

-Character Creator

-Charging Rhino

-Cheat Code

-Chi Harnessing


-Danger Sense

-Dark Flame

-Dark Lightning

-Dark Wing

-Darkness Manipulation

-Demon Blade

- Density Control



-Dream Manipulation

- Duplication

- Dexterity


- Darkforce Manipulation



- Electric manipulation

- Electrical absorption


-Enhanced hearing

-Enhanced Memory

-Enhanced strength

-Evil Eye

-Fire breathing

-Fire Empathy

-Fire Manipulation




-Freeze Time

-Frost Breath

-Future Sight

-Gravitational manipulation


-Greased Lightning

-Hand Weapon

-Healing touch


-Heat Vision


-Hydro Monsters

-Ice Lightning

-Ice Shard



-Laser emission


-Light Travel

- Lightning

-Lightning Riding

-Lightning Speed


-Manipulate Water



-Night Vision

-Nova Outburst



-Psychic Bursts


-Seven Sins


-Shadow Blade

-Shadow Grip


-Soul Search

-Speed of Light

-Super Smell

-Super Speed

-Super Strength




-Temperature Control







Super Power:



Side{Hero or Villian}:

Family(Can be used if 2+ people have the same power):


[spoiler=My App(s)]

Name: Jarred

Age: 17

Appearance: vhf98y.jpg

Super Power: Lightning, Lightning Speed, Lightning Ride

History: None

Other: None

Side: Good

Family: None yet


Name: Kasai or 'Amber'

Age: 17

Appearance: 17702_1243735534120_400_300.jpg

Super Power: Fire Manipulation

History: Unknown

Other: Nope

Side{Hero or Villian}: Hero

Family(Can be used if 2+ people have the same power):



Yes you can have more than 1 Character [/align]

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Name: Jake

Age: 18



Super Power: Darkness Control, Night Vision, Shadow Blade

History: An orphan, he was about to be adopted when a fire burnt down his orphanage. He now lives alone, learning about his powers.

Other: He is friendly, although not many people approach him because of his dark look. He REALLY likes making friends.

Family: None

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Name: Sero

Age: 19

Appearance: AnimeGothGuy.jpg

Super Power:-Absorbing Matter At Will, -Accelerated Healing,

History: His parents died at the age of 12. He met Pheonix around the same time her parent died and stayed friends with her.

Other: None yet

Hero or Villan: Hero

Family(Can be used if 2+ people have the same power): None yet

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Name: Alice

Age: 18

Appearance: Has long brown hair down the back, bound into a ponytail with short bangs in front, a waiflike form with twiggy arms and legs, and dull blue eyes. Fairly average height, about 5'5, and rarely smiles or shows much emotion. Generally wears green, her lucky color, in large amounts, including a green jacket, shirt, pair of pants and wears a jade four-leaf clover on a chain around her neck. She carries a real four-leaf clover in a small packet she keeps hidden on her body, close to her heart.

Super Power: Illusion, Accelerated Stamina

History: A strange woman who seemed to appear out of nowhere some day. She has forgotten practically everything about her past, but for whatever reason, doesn't want to remember, instead preferring to help others. For the longest time, she would bring food to the orphans of her city and help out in any way necessary- people who met her, found her to be the luckiest person alive. She won lotteries almost every other week, always had everything she needed, and didn't appear to need anything. And then, sudden as the came, she left, moving to another city for a reason she herself cannot define. It was soon figured that she did not, in fact, have supernatural luck, but instead simply possessed the ability to make people think things that she wanted them to.

Other: Is very quiet and meek, disliking talking or being the center of attention, but enjoys being told what to do and being around other people.


My App (Click to View)

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OOC: The pleasure is all mine lol


IC: Ace walking around town looking for something to do for the day "Man this town is sooo boring, nothing interesting ever happens....but I have a feeling that today is going to be...different for once" Ace sat on a nearby bench.

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Sero walked along the park looking at the skies. Why does the world have to be so nice for some reason? Sero then noticed a person walking and a stranger on the bench.


Sero then sat on the grass and closed his eyes, "I have a feeling that this world is going to be alot different then it was some time ago."


Sero said as he laid on the grass, sleeping, dreaming about his abilities and powers.

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Name- Apollo Grandscale

Age- 22

Appearence- A long, thin, black cloak. A violet guitar, with red gloves to look hardcore. Short, black hair, black nail polish, and red eyes.

Power- Darkforce manip., Chaos control (? WILL PM)

History- A lone time traveler, said to be 666 years old in theory. He's a huge antagonist and tends to drag people through hell and back or just kill them for amusement. Destructive, malicious, evil in every way. Risk- S.

Other/Family- His dead brother lives in a crystal.

Side- Villan

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Sero woke up and noticed the stranger leaving the bench when all of them heard a sudden explosion, "What in Zeus' name?"


Sero then ran to the scene of the crime, unaware of what awaited him there. When he got to the scene, police cars where surrounding the building...


Bank robbery? No must be something big. Sero thought has he walked out and walked toward the police men.


--Our first crime scene... how joyous :)

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Alice stood patiently in line at the grocer's, as she waited for her bags to be filled.

The lady at the register was quickly loosing patience. "Shaved ham, half a chicken, six tubes of ground beef, thirteen canisters of pasta, five cans of tomatoes, a tin or apple juice, sixteen tins of orange juice... Lady I hate to ask, but who exactly are you buying for?" she asked incredulously, eying the rest of the food she had to go for. Alice had lined up five entire carts full of food.

She didn't respond, and simply looked at her feet shyly.

The register lady simply rolled her eyes and continued scanning the merchandise, letting the cost roll up.

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