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Seven Sins [PG 15 ] [Started] [Everything taken ^^] [Lord JZ of the Enigma is Co-owner]


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So... i got another idea ^^



Seven sins...









The story starts with a normal Party. Shane (Me ^^) invited you, a good friend, to spent the nigth at her house. Her parents are away for the weekend, so she like to celebrate the start of vacancies together with some alcohol, horror movies (maybe animes) guitar hero and with you. But after a few time things get out of controll, when Shane appears with a book, called "Satans Bible"...


So, the main point is, that all members get the power of one cardinal sin. After that they will have to get along (And also to do some jobs from hell) with their new live... Maybe we can get rid of this curse, or would we use them to rule the world?


Maybe some of you now think about things like: Great, and what shall Sloth be usefull for? So, i added some more effects...



Wrath: Incredible strength and berserk rush. Wanna go postal? If yess, take Wrath. Together with the ability to rule over hellfire


Gluttony: Feeling hungry? With Gluttony you are to devour everything (Metal, stone, weapons, humans) with extreme sharp and unbreakable teeth and a neverfilling stomache. Together with the power of Earth


Envy: Able to use all the other abilities, only in a smaller version, and only if they are using them too. Together with the power of Winds


Lust: Humans are like animals. Offer them what they want, and they will obey you. Only, if you got Lust, you will be able to kill them instantly with their wishes.... oh, and the power of darkness would be with you


Vanity: Wanna controll those maggots? Why not with Vanity, it will grant you the power to rule over weaker creatures than you (Humans, lesser demons etc) Together with the power to rule over Ligthning.


Sloth: Lazy? Dont want to figth? Than Sloth would be the best for you, cause you would be able to withstand a lot of hits and wounds, just because you would be to lazy to realize them. But you can also transform your body in almost everything you want!


Greed: Do you always want thing other ones have? Like Guns, Cars or money? With greed you would be able to cast such things if you see them. Together witch the Ability to rule over water/ice


(If you got abilities, that would better fit to your power, pm me about and im going to change it ;))



Also, after you´ve got your abilities you can do whatever you want. You dont even have to be friend with us ^^





+All YCM Rules of course!

+This is advanced! 3 lines at least per post (and no OoC only posts!!!)

First you will get a warning, but if that dont work i would have to ban you

+No Godmodding against stronger enemys or other members

(Enemys like police or weak military are free to kill, dont worry)

+Even if you got your amazing power, dont burn everything you can see, just because you can, ok?

+Only active peoples. Only 1 post per day is not enough!

+ ((Going to add more if required))




Still interested? Please use this app, but delete everything in brackets


Name: (Your name, easy or? xD)

Age: (Between 16 and 19, we are students, keep in mind!)

Gender: (You shall know ^^)

Picked Sin: (Please add it ^^)

Appearance: (I would prefere a pic, but at least 2 lines would also fit)

Demon Form appearance: (Would be great if it suits with your power/sin (@the one who takes lust... keep it normal, ok? Dont take the worst hentai you can find!))

Bio: (at least two lines. Rich parents? Good at school? Girl/Boyfriend?)

Personality: (Cute? Calm? Cool? Nerdy?)

Other things: (Anything else you want to tell us?)



[spoiler=wait, where is your app?]

I have to wait, cause i would take the last remaining sin. (Cause im afraid there are some nobody wants to take ^^)




[spoiler=Accepted Apps:]

[spoiler=1. Shane]

Name: Shane Mark

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Picked Sin: Lust



Demon Form appearance:


Bio: Shane is always happy, and tries to get as much friends as possible. Her Father is a Policeman, and her Mother works as a secretary. Both of them would be working the whole weekend, so she decided to make a party to celebrate the beginning of the christmas vacancies. She prepared a lot of games, snacks and even some alcoholic drinks (Out of her fathers bar ;)). But somehow... she´s quite too much interessted in getting friends. Especially in male ones...

Personality: Happy, friendly, sometimes jealous and bossy

Other things: N/A



[spoiler=2. Joseph Cruz]

Here's my app.


Name: Josep Cruz

Age: 18

Gender: I don't know....(JK Male)


[spoiler= app]


Demon Form appearance: [image: demon_knight_by_Edragon.jpg]

Bio: He lives alone in an apartment on the other side of town, his parents are on leave with work and send him some money every month, though he still keeps a hold of a job to make ends meet.

Personality: He's normally calm, though he has problems with his temper, and he has been known to become the Jealous type, his ex-girlfriends are all pretty scared of him.

Other things: nothing really



[spoiler=3. Cyrus]

Name: Cyrus

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Picked Sin: Greed

Appearance: People who know me know the drill. My avatar

Demon Form appearance: Holds a long, heavy chain made of cash-boxes, and other money-related things. Makes him slow, but give destating blows when swung... (Anybody ever read "A christmas carol?)

Bio: He's incrediably rich, able to do pretty much as he pleases. He's decent at school, but is pretty...horrid at gym. Would like to find a girlfriend, but is really shy, and doesn't talk to people much. No friends

Personality: He's calm, but is sort of relgious. Usually has his nose shoved into a book. Can see beyond the obvious.



[spoiler=4. Auster Panzer]

Name: Auster Panzer

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sin: Sloth





[spoiler=Demon Form appearance]

Arising Leviathan



Bio: Auster has an average grade. After all, he is quite lazy. Due to this, he doesn’t have a girlfriend, something which he doesn’t care about really. Surprisingly, his father is a lawyer while his mother is a detective. His family is actually a high-middle class one, and due to this some people are jealous of him.

Personality: He’s calm and lazy. He does have those exceptionally cool or badass moments.

Other things: Is scared of water.



[spoiler=5. Samuel]

Name: samuel





Demon Form appearance:http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs36/f/2008/2...9ecc8e.jpg

Bio: He lives alone in an apartment on the other side of town, his parents are on leave with work and send him some money every month, though he still keeps a hold of a job to make ends meet.

Personality:He's usually calm and respectful. He has a short temper and can be very lazy sometimes.



[spoiler=7. Jenny Windliner]

Name: Jenny Windliner

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: She's about 5'3" and has elbow-length brown hair which she doesn't tie up, and ice blue eyes that, when she turns her stare on people, can send shivers down people's spines. She wears jeans and hoodies, and shoes with a slight heel.

Picked sin: Vanity

Demon Form appearance: She doesn't appear to change much at first, the only difference is her hands have now become claws charged with electricity, and she has a pair of shrunken-down purple dragon wings on her back. When provoked, however, she changes into a full-grown purple and white creature similar to this: http://suhair.deviantart.com/art/Titaniu...d-90071655

Bio: She's never been too well-off, but her family have earned enough for baiscs such as food and paying bills. Because of this, in return she studies very hard, which is how she managed to enter the school.

Personality: She's very down-to-earth, hard working and intelligent. However, because of her poor background, she's mainly greedy for money and possessions such as an iPhone.

Other things: Nope






IMPORTANT: I need sombody who tells me why pics are not working here ... o_O

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@Zanko: sorry, i forgott to send a invitation to you, but of course your accepted ^^

(Only thing that dont breath ^^ So, no womans for you xD)

@Titan King: Im afraid it is ^^ Wont you take something else?

@Jonny: Hey Jonny xD

@Kura con kujiu... no wait, Kuri con carne..? NOOO! >_< KURI peh ^^: Of course, reserved


Come on people ^^ I want to see some apps now xD

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Name: Jenny Windliner

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: She's about 5'3" and has elbow-length brown hair which she doesn't tie up, and ice blue eyes that, when she turns her stare on people, can send shivers down people's spines. She wears jeans and hoodies, and shoes with a slight heel.

Demon Form appearance:

Bio: She's never been too well-off, but her family have earned enough for baiscs such as food and paying bills. Because of this, in return she studies very hard, which is how she managed to enter the school.

Personality: She's very down-to-earth, hard working and intelligent. However, because of her poor background, she's mainly greedy for money and possessions such as an iPhone.

Other things: Nope


Hang on, changing app caus Zaneko got there before me >.>

Horoliga, I'd like to reserve envy please

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The first who post get the spot. End of transmission.



(Im going to revoke all reservations if nothing comes up soon!!! Really!)



Allready done, everything thats not in the "Accepted Apps" Section is free to use, (Except Kuro, who got a spanish exam for 40 mins. I give you an hour, but than...!)

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