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Yugioh Domino Academy(Book 3)(started)


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Part 3 is up.


[spoiler=Part 3 the true showdown]

[spoiler=chapter 11 Revenge Of Dark Rex]



Zyron was sitting on on his throne staring at the artifact he was holding.Suddenly,the door opened...out came Spider was he walked slowly to Zyron.


"Ive sent some dark signers to Domino Academy to locate the light ruler that escaped"said Spider neeling to Zyron.

"Well ive got a task"calmly said Zyron.

"What is it master?"questioned Spider as he got up.

"It's an easy yet hard task"replied Zyron as he moved to Spider."The thing is that you know Rex when we controled him,well ive found out that I can bring him back".

"What's the treasure?"Spider questioned again.

"It's an ancient artifact when 5 dark signers are defeated nearby this artifact it releases an powerful card"explained Zyron as he dissappeared.




"It's good to be back"said Nerd as he fell in the water.

"Well more of that lol"laughed Des.

"Stop laughing!"shouted Nerd,"I can't swim".

"Ok"said Rex as he threw an rope at Nerd.

"Muhha"shouted a voice.

"Urghh"shouted Rex in pain as he stumbled to the ground.

"What's going on?"questioned Des as he pulled the rope an got up onto the ground.

"Muhha come an face me but your doom will rise"said the voice in a loud way.




Jim was walking through the forest as he heard a noise.


"AHHHHH!"shouted a voice.

"Whats that?"questioned Jim.

"People in pain"said carbuncle.

"AHHHHH!"shouted 2 voices at the same time.


Jim ran further into the forest.


________________Deeper Forest_____________________


"Muhhha"shouted the mystery dark signer.

"Stop!"screeched Jim.

"What catching the following people Des,Nerd and Rex"said the dark signer.

"LETS DUEL!"shouted Jim.

"Muhha foolish mortal"laughed the dark signer in a powerful dark voice.

"Unmask yourself"said Jim.

"Fine"said the dark signer as he threw is mask on the ground...it was Rex.


Dark Rex raised his hands as out came Zyron.


"Both of you duel"shouted Zyron.


Jim vs Dark Rex.


"Me first"said Jim.


Jim summons crystal beast-amber mammoth(atk 1700).


"Well your doom is almost over soon"said Dark Rex.


Dark Rex summons ancient gear(def 2200).


"Hmm If I remember your going to summon exodia"said Jim.


Jim activates destruction card discarding 2 of dark Rex's cards.The 2 cards are left arm of the forbidden one and right arm of the forbidden one.Jim summons crystal beast-amthenist cat(atk 1200).Cat can attack Dark Rex directly(Dark Rex 3400).


"Muhha"laughed Dark Rex.


Dark Rex activates card destruction discarding the other 4 exodia along with the other cards.Dark Rex can now specil summon exodia necross(atk 1800).Exodia necross attacks amthenist cat(Jim 3400).


"Urghh"shouted Jim.


Jim activates crystal release equiping to amber mammoth(atk 2500).Jim summons crystal beast-topas tiger(atk 1600),He then activates another crystal release equiping to topas tiger(atk 2300).Topas tiger attacks exodia necross(atk 2800)(Dark Rex 2200).Amber mammoth attacks exodia necross(Dark Rex 1500).


"Urghhhh"shouted Dark Rex as he dissappeared in the light.

"What but the duels not over"shouted Jim.

"I surrendered still ive got your friends muhh-"shouted Dark Rex as it's voice died.

"Muhha fools playing a game of pawns"laughed Zyron as he held the artifact.

"Weird"said Jim.

"Soon you will see"said Zyron as one hole appeared in the artifact."One down four to go".

"What!"shouted Jim.

"Muhha bye mortal"mocked Zyron as he disappeared.

"Ive got to return back"said Jim as he ran.




The class was empty well except Doom who was marking tests.Suddenly,Jim came charging through the room.


"What is it my student?"questioned Doom.

"A little problem the dark signers have took R-"said Jim.

"Who"interrupted Doom.

"Rex,Nerd and Des".

("Yes finaly the slifer slackers are history now im in peace"),thought Doom as he grinned.

"Why are you smiling?"questioned Jim.


"What does that mean"said Jim.

"It means nevermind"answered Doom.


___________________Somewhere in Domino Academy_______________


Zyron and Spider were facing each other eye to eye.


"Now that Dark Rex was usless now we will send more"said Zyron as he turned staring at the machine.

"Master Dark Rex was of use"replied Spider suddenly noticing what Zyron was staring at."Master theirs more of us than the Domino losers".

"Yes but do you see that their is 0.1% of the Light Rulers means one of them has survived urghh"shouted Zyron as he threw one of his earthbound immortals at the screem in frount of the imformation saying the amount of Light Rulers.

"Master we are winning theirs 70% of us the Domino Academy has 29.9% carm down"said Spider.

"Muhha ok now for future plans ill bring back an evil spirt to fight the losers next"said Zyron.


Suddenly,out came 3 skilled minon's.


"You three locate the remaining Light Ruler and make whoever it is suffer"commanded Zyron.

"Yes sir"said the Tallest minon.

"Master ill be going to beat the pros"said Spider as he left.

"You three if you fail then you will die of chorse"explained Zyron.

"Oh no"frowned the smallest minon.

"Shut up wimp"shouted the middle size minon to the smallest minon.

"Ill leave you three and don't fail me"said Zyron as he vanished.





[spoiler=chapter 12 the unexpected]



As Zyron was staring at his artifact Spider came in.


"Master what now?"questioned Spider as he bowed.


Suddenly,a hole appeared in the artifact.


"Hmm a second one defeated"replied Zyron as he got up."Spider your mission is to capture a random person but the hard thing is who".

"Why?"Spider questioned again.

"3 holes left 2 of use main dark signers left,my lifes research would fail"said Zyron.

"I understand but I must have one question,why don't you just release Geraid from the chains of the deeper underworld?"Questioned Spider for the last time.

"In due time"answered Zyron."I must get the legendary card along with the 3 sacred beasts".

"Ok im going master"said Spider as he left.

"Muhha now ill see what Spider's doing with this stone"said Zyron as he vanished."An escaped intruder hm".




X was standing their when suddenly,the small Minon attacked X.


"Stop weakling lets duel"commanded the small minon.

"Ha power is mine"shouted X in a dark voice.Power flawed around him.


X vs small minon.


"Me first"said X in his darkish voice.

"Definite an Light Ruler"said the small minon.


X sets a card and summons koa'ki meriu-guardian(atk 1900).He discards iron core of koaki meriu to make guardian survive the end of his turn.


"Hmp weak"said the small Minon as he drew.


The small Minon activates card destruction then activates premature berial(Small Minon 3200) to specil summon one of the monsters discarded summoned skull(atk 2500).Summoned skull attacks koa'ki meriu-guardian(X 3400).X activates call of the haunted to bring back guardian.


"Well my turn"said X in a dark voice."By the way old monsters are weak".

"Huh duel don't talk"said the small minon.


X brings back iron core of koa'ki meriu to his hand but he cannot draw. tributed guardian to summon valfer(atk 2900).Valfer attacks summoned skull(Small Minon 2800).


"Nooo my best card I surrender!"shouted the small Minon as he died.

"Why has most weaklings ive fought surrendered?"wondered X.




"Now surrender to darkness"said Spider to Morph.

"Yes I am your command"said Morph in a dark voice as he fell to the darkness.

"Stop"said Rex as him,Peter and Nerd entered."I was lucky to eascape Zyron's wrath"

"Ill handle him"said Peter pulling his duel disk out.

"Well my assignmant is finished an person is now dark signer now ill go"said Spider as he vanished.

"Duel"said Morph.


Peter vs Morph


"Me first"said Morph.

"Fine"said Peter.


Morph activates starblast paying 500 life points to summon summon reactor sk(lv 4 atk 2000)(Morph 3500).


"Reactor's an risky archtype"said Peter.

"Yes the 3 reactors on the field would impossible to win without taking damage"said Nerd.

"I thought Morph used morphitronic's.

"Muhha I don't anymore"laughed Morph in a dark voice.

"Ok it's me"said Peter.


Peter activates rollout specil summoning impact golem(atk 2100)(Peter 3200)(Morph 2500).Impact golem attacks Summon reactor(Morph 2400).


"Urghhh thats as far as ill go down"said Morph as he drew."How did I go far dow-ow-n".

"Well rollout specil summoned impact golem inflicting 500 to you"explained Peter as he paused for another speech."Plus when impact golem is specil summoned from my deck you lose an extra 500".


Morph activates double summon summoning spell reactor(atk 1200) and trap reactor(atk 800).Morph also activates call of the haunted specil summoning summon reactor(atk 2000).Morph activates pot of greed drawing 2 cards then activates delta reactor tributing the 3 reactors to specil summon flying fortress-sky fire(atk 3000).Morph equips flying fortress to axe of depair(atk 4000).Flying fortress attacks impacy golem(Peter 1300).


"Muhhha"laughed Morph in a powerful dark voice.

"Ill still try"said Peter.


Peter specil summons cyber golem but sky fire's effect destroys it(Peter 500).Then Peter summons ghost golem(atk 1000).Ghost golem can attack Morph directly(Morph 1400).Sets 2 cards.


"WHAT!"shouted Morph in a dark voice."You fool".

"..."silenced Peter.


Morph orders sky fire attacks ghost golem but Peter activates sakaretsu armor destroying sky fire.


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"shouted Morph in a dark voice.

"Well blinded by the darkness makes you can't see mich in the field"said Rex.


Peter activates his face down call of the haunted specil summoning impact golem(atk 2100)(Morph 900).Impact golem and ghost golem attacks Morph(Morph 0).


"Urghh"said Morph taking control."Im going down".

"Morph what?"questioned Nerd.

"Im done to the underworld"said Morph as he sunked to the underworld.




"Master ive picked an random person easy to control and he has fallen"said Spider as he bowed.

"Muhha the thrid hole is done now 2 more and for me im going to the deep underworld"laughed Zyron in a dark voice.

"Yes master but who is next to fall or suceed?"questioned Spider.

"You now im going to get Spider"said Zyron as he left to the deeper underworld.

"Hmm I wonder what if I beat an powerful one of those people then they would fall muhha"laughed Spider as he left for Domino Academy.


_______________________Somewhere in Domino City________________


It was like a battlefield dark signer minon's vs the pros from the pro ledge.


"Attack"commanded a pro as he charged into a Minon.

"Noo inferno death"said the Minon as he died in agony.

"Ha ha"laughed the pro that attacked the Minon.

"BANG!"shouted another Minon as he attacked the pro.

"NOOO!"shouted the pro who got hit by a stick.



"We need help"said Destruct as he knocked 5 Minon's on the ground.

"Theirs a bunch of those pro league people"said Kevin.


Suddenly,charged members of the pro leage at the Minon's.


"I guess ill go"said Destruct to Kevin.

"Im with you the pro ledge will handle them"guessed Kevin.

"Destruct,I should of led the pro ledge in this attack"asked Rose.

"Fine"suggested Destruct.

"All members of the pro ledge retreat and let the pro league handle the fight"ordered Rose.





[spoiler=chapter 13 the final 3]



"Their dne finished they said I couldn't beat 2 people at the same time"said X looking at the Minon's wimping.

"Have mercy"begged the tallest one.

"Slience!"shouted X as he sent the 2 minons down a dark tunnel."The more beat the more that will survive and the less of those immortals unleased".


_____________________Domino Academy Docks________________


"Phew almost caught"said Kevin on the ground.

"Yep we eacaped thousands"remembered Destruct.

"Only a few hundred"corrected Rose.

"Hello good day x students"said Harold walking to them.

"Begone weaklings!"shouted a voice.

"What's going on?"questioned Harold.

"Muhha me Spider formor student formor pro"said Spider as he appeared through the darkness.

"Ahhhhh!"shouted Kevin as he fled.

"Ill get him"said Rose as she followed.


"So who is he?"questioned Destruct.

"When Domino Academy opened he was one of the students,got the highest score so he got to oblisk blue also passed the graduation exam then became a pro."explained Harold as he passed for a minute then contiuned."However,he later dissappeared I suggest he got bet by one of the dark signers".

"Correct I lost to the head dark signer Zyron"said Spider."But of chorse he was superior it was like it was predicted when I first met him".

"Well lets duel"said Harold.


______________________Slifer Red Dorm__________________________


"The more powerful dark signers have came and went what if one duels me"signed Rex."With my deck flawed incident im doomed to lose,unless the synchro dragon came.

"I understand your trouble but I won without my holy rock dragon"said Peter.

"That only mean's your not to worry"replied Nerd.

"True since my deck is based stratagy"explained Peter.

"Ahhhh dark signer in the docks!"shouted Kevin outside."One of the best".

"A cry for help"said Rex."Lets go".




Harold vs Spider__________


"I guess ill go first"said Spider as he pulled his choas duel disk.

"That's an amazing duel disk"said Destruct.

"Muhha you can compliment but ill go after you next"said Spider to Destruct.

"Stay strong my x student"said Harold to Destruct.


Spider activates spider web then summons dark spider(def 0).Sets 2 cards.


"I could beat that"said Harold.

"Sure anyone can beat that weak thing"grinned Spider.

"Your field card is new to me"said Harold.

"Somethings odd"said Destruct.


Harold can specil summon cyber dragon(atk 2100).Then activates star blaster paying 500 to lower the cyber dragon in his hands lv by 1(lv 4)(Harold 3500).Harold then summons another cyber dragon(atk 2100).One of the cyber dragon's attacks dark spider,spider web switches cyber dragon to def mode(def 1600).Spider activates call of the haunted summoning another dark spider(atk 0).Harold order's his other cyber dragon to attack dark spider(Spider 1900)(def 1600).


"Urghhh"said Spider in pain.

"Stop the shadow game"said Harold almost trembling."To stop the pain".

"You fool"said Spider as he got up."Shadow games never end and it's my turn".


Spider tributes Harold's 2 def mode monsters to specil summon mother spider(atk 2300).Mother spider attacks Harold(Harold 1200).


"NOOO!"shouted Harold losing conscience.

"Fainting muhha means I win if you don't get up in 10 minutes"said Spider."I always obey Zyron but one less of those people who can stop him would make an massive impact making the dark signers win".

"Harold!"shouted Rex as he questioned."What happened?"

"Well this is a shadow game and when you lose life points you get hurt"said Destruct."An-"

"We know ive been through lots of shadow games"interuppted Rex."Even with you".

"Me too,before I went to Domino Academy ive battled shadow duelists even some surviving members of the shadow rider's"said Peter.

"You battled the ones who Jaden battled?"questioned Nerd.

"Nope I ment to say their grand children"explained Peter."The shadow rider's are old".


"5-4-3-2-"grined Spider.

"1"laughed Harold as he jumped up before Spider finished.

"Urghh why do you hate me!"shouted Spider.

"Well my turn"said Harold.


Harold activates destruction hand discarding 2 cards for both players and drawing 2(Spider discarded an insect).activates polmisation fusing cyber dragon and proto cyber dragon to fusion summon cyber twin dragon(atk 2800).Cyber twin dragon attacks mother spider(Spider 1400)(def 2100).


"Urghh just a little pain"said Spider."Nothing to be happy about".

"Well when we first dueled I remembered Mother Spider to be your signature card so Ive destroyed the heart of your deck"said Harold."However,since your a main dark signer you have an earthbound but you need to tribute 2 monsters I think".

"Muhha ill get you soon"said Spider as Zyron came out the darkness.

"Muhha muhha well whatever happens dark signers have won"laughed Zyron.

"What are you talking about!?"shouted and questioned Rex.

"You will see"said Zyron in a powerful dark voice.

"That voice is odd and weird"said Peter.


Spider sets a card.


"I guess I end"said Spider.

"Your what but you wanted to defeat me"wondered Harold.

"Well finish it"suggested Spider.


Harold switched cyber twin dragon to atk mode(atk 2800) and attacks Spider.However,Spider activates spider egg negating the attack and specil summoning 3 spider token's.Sets 2 cards.


"No"said Harold.

"Muhha yes mortal"said Spider in a dark voice as 500 minon's surrounded them out the barrier.

"Who are they?"questioned Destruct.

"People with history now an empty shell"shouted Zyron in a powerful dark voice.

"Minon's of depair"said Spider in a dark voice."Anyway my move".


Spider tributes 2 of the tokens to summon earthbound immortal uri(atk 3000)as the minon's vanished into Uri.Uri direct attacks Harold but Harold activates sakurestu armor.Spider activates earthbound wave destroying sakurestu armor however,Harold counters with 7 tools of bandets paying 1000 to destroy earthbound wave so uri is destroyed(Harold 200).


"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!"screeched Spider as he was hit in the explosion.

"Urghhh"said Harold in pain as he almost trembled to the ground.

"You monster doing sacrifices to people!"shouted Rex.

"Well those fools were pathetic even to you mortals"said Zyron as he dark voice lowered.

"Must get up"said Spider."Im still safe".


Harold summons cyber phoenix(atk 1200).Phoenix attacks the token and cyber twin attacks Spider(Spider 0).


"Urghhh"shouted Spider as he flew onto the ground.

"The fourth hole is open"said Zyron as he vanished.

"Spider urghh"said Harold as he fainted.

"What oh no!"shouted Nerd as he tried to carry Harold.

"Let him rest"said Destruct as he walked away."Where did Kevin and Rose go".

"Heroes stop Zyron hes planning to use you to defeat use immortal dark signer's to open the-daur"said Spider as he died.

"Why must almost everyone parish among the darkness"signed Rex.

"We must stop Zyron while avoiding those who hold the earthbound immortals"said Peter.

"Zyron's going to pay!"shouted Rex as Spider's body vanished into the darkness.

"Immortal's never die,but Spider died odd"said Nerd.





[spoiler=chapter 14 dark invinty-a new key part 1]



Chancellor Harold still asleep in bed resting while: Rex , Nerd ,Peter , Destruct and Jim entered sprinting through.


"Hows Harold ?"questioned Nerd.

"Hes ok resting.However, after that inpact of the shadow duel rendered his duel energy"explained the docter."I don't know the rest,what im I pychic!".

"Im leaving since I have to enter an new tournement in the pro ledge,then i've got to duel someone from the pro league"said Destruct as he left.

"Im sick of the dark signers so im out"lied Jim as he jumped out the window.


Suddenly,and earthquake happens and everyone stumbled to the ground.


"Ill investagate"said Peter almost out the door.

"Ill follow"followed Nerd.

"Im by myself"signed Rex.

"WHAT ABOUT ME!!!"screeched the docter who was on the floor.




"Come!"shouted Zyron throwing a tiny ball of darkness of the floor.The ball grew as big as a portal.Out came Geraid walking slowly out the portal.

"Yes master Zyron"bowed Geraid as he closed the portal behind.

"Before you betrayed me even for the good of us dark signer's,so ill forgive you if you take part in my plan"explained Zyron walking to Geraid.

"Only if you tell me what it is?"questioned Geraid.

"I will send you to duel one of those 5 people I say and you can win to send one of those who have a chance to stop me or you can lose and open the hole in my artifact"replied Zyron."The five people or heroes of destiny are first the chancellor Harold,next the pro of destiny Destruct."

"What about the other 3"suggested Geraid.

"Yes the golem controler Peter,the crystal Jim and the synchro Rex"explained Zyron as he paused for a minute then contiuned."The two I started saying are chosen to be the hardest to beat and I would expect by your cunning skills to beat any of them".

"Since I defeated Destruct"remembered Geraid as he vanished in the darkness.


_________________________Slifer Red Dorm(Outside)______________


"I wonder why our dorm even survives it's years"said Nerd as he walked up the stairs.

"Muhha!"shouted a voice as darkness surrounded the dorm.

"Yes ive escaped"cheered Peter as he ran out before the darkness came.

"Well well well lets duel!"shouted the dark voice as one of it's hand reached out from the darkness and pulled out his duel disks.

"Ill get help"said Peter as he ran past.

"Oh no im doomed to parash"signed Nerd.




"Where is everyone?"wondered Rex.

"There you are"alerted Peter."Ive told everyone else to go to the slifer red dorm theirs a problem"replied Peter as he entered.

"Ok"said Rex as they ran to the slifer red dorms.


______________________Slifer Red Dorm__________________________


"Whats the problem?"questioned Rex.

"Firstly,an mystery dark signer has attacked the slifer red dorm"said Destruct.

"Then,this guy left an dark barrier stoping everyone from entering"contiuned Jim.

"The mystery enemy is still their but cannot be seen only the arms,hands and duel disks can be seen"finaly ended Peter."Also Nerd is in their trapped so we need to rescue him".

"How do we enter?"questioned Rex.

"Perhaps ill assist"said a dark voice as it grabbed Rex into the darkness.


____________Shadow World(Slifer Red Dorm In Darkness)_____________


"Well victory for me"said the dark voice.

"Urghh"said Nerd as he fell into the darkness.

"Let's duel"shouted Rex.

"Fine by me im Geraid your forgotten friend!"shouted the dark voice.


Rex vs Geraid.


"You go first mortal!"Shouted Geraid as he pointed his one hand shown at Rex.

"Fine but one thing why me?"questioned Rex.

"Soon ill tell but duel"barked Geraid.


Rex sets a monster face down def mode then sets 2 cards.


"Mortal's are so weak compared to us immortal's"laughed Geraid in an dark voice.

"Your possessed to complet an dark man's dirty work!"shouted Rex.

"Mortal whatever you do the door will open and master Zyron's job is done!"explained Geraid in a dark voice."My turn".


Geraid summons invinty beast(atk 1600) then orders invinty beast to attack the mystery monster.It was drill synchron.Sets 2 cards.(Geraid hand 3)


"Ill contiune"said Rex.

"You wasted a card that was your hope muhha"laughed Geraid in a dark voice."If you beat me Zyron gets the last,even if I beat you since you were once a dark signer still Zyron gets the key".

"Yes"said another dark voice.

"Come out coward!"shouted Rex.


Rex summons speed warrior(atk becomes 1800).Speed warrior attacks invinty beast but Geraid activates his face down death amulet(Geraid hand 2).


"Ill show myself"said the sly voice as it was Zyron as he exit the dark portal into the dark dorm."Well a shadow duel never ends ill be lead to the ultimate darkness when the last hole appears on the artifact I hold apon me".

"For the hero who saved Domino Academy,your like a fake one"mocked Geraid in his dark voice.

"Take your turn!"shouted Rex."You now Have 3 cards and my speed warrior now has 900 atk".


Geraid summons invinty drawf(atk 800).Sets 2 more cards(Geraid hand 0).Invinty beast attacks speed warrior,since Geraid has no cards in his hand Rex cannot activate a spell or trap to stop the attack(Rex 3300).Invinty drawf attacks Rex but Rex activates scrap iron scarecrow.


"Motal you may have just got less damage taken off than I expected but soon you'll fail!"shouted Geraid in a dark voice.





[spoiler=chapter 15 dark invinty-a new key part 2]

[spoiler=field review]

Rex has 3300 life points.

Along with 2 face down's.


Geraid has an amazing 4000 life points like most the time.

Has invinty beast(atk 1600) and invinty drawf(atk 800).

3 facedowns and the face up card death amulet.




"You think you are invincible but remember you need to discard a card to actiate death amulet's effect"pointed out Rex.

"Ha death amulet is not my best card and it doesn't matter if I even take a little damage"said Geraid.

"Feel the wrath of Cancer!"shouted Zyron holding a stone.

"Huh what is that?"questioned Rex.

"Mortal,it's a stone with more power you could imagine let me deminstrate,goodbye chancellor Harold"explained Zyron as Harold vanished.

"Ok weird,anyway ill take my turn"said Rex.


Rex sets a face down def mode monster.


"Again with the defending"Mocked Geraid."My turn I draw".

"We are here!"shouted Destruct as he suddenly appeared.

"And here to save the day"said Peter.

"Why am I left to say nothing?"wondered Nerd.


Geraid tributes invinty drawf to summon invinty destroyer(atk 2300).Invinty destroyer attacks the monster but Rex activates scrap iron scarecrow.Invinty beast attacks the monster...it was level eater(def 0).


"Stop stalling!"shouted Geraid."You can't fool me mortal thats Spider's".

"No I got that from a booster pack"replied Rex.

"Even I saw Rex get it out that small pack"explained Nerd.

"Cancer,prove your power to the 3"commanded Zyron as he trapped Nerd,Peter and Destruct in a giant dark ball.


Rex specil summons quickdraw synchron(lv 5) by discarding 1 card.He specil summons level eater(lv 1) from the graveyard by reducing quickdraw synchron's level to 4.Since quickdraw synchron can be treated as an synchron listed for a synchro warrior he tributes level eater(lv 1) and quickdraw synchron(lv 4) to synchro summon junk warrior(lv 5 atk 2300).Rex normal summons sonic chick(def 300) (Junk warrior atk 2600).Junk warrior attacks invinty destroyer(Geraid 3700).Geraid activates call of the haunted specil summoning invinty destroyer.


"What impossible I-I must use the power of darkness im an immortal!"shouted Geraid."Death amulet destroyed".


Geraid activates from his hand pot of greed drawing 2 cards.He then tributes invinty destroyer and invinty beast to summon dark tuner-dark hand(lv 10).Dark hand's effect specil summon's invinty drawf(lv 2).Geraid tributes dark hand(lv 10) and invinty beast(lv 2) to dark synchro summon hundred eyed dragon(atk 3000).Geraid activates his face down mistical space typoon destroying scrap iron scarecrow.Hundred eyed dragon copies invinty destroyer's effect then attacks junk warrior(Rex 1300).Rex activates his face down call of the haunted specil summoning junk warrior(atk 2600).


"Urghh"said Rex in pain."Shadow games hurt".

"Muhha and us dark signer's are uneffected"said Geraid.


Rex reduces junk warriors level by 1(lv 4) to specil summon level eater(def 0)(Junk warrior atk 3200).Junk warrior attacks hundred eyed dragon(Geraid 3500).


"Ha rememver what I said"explained Geraid.

"Oh yeah but ill still win"remembered Rex.

"How about something extra Rex if Geraid wins,we get an extra soul"explained Zyron."If Rex wins,I quit my sceme".

"Fine"said Rex.


Geraid activates card of sanctuary,both players draw until they have 6 cards in their hands.Then he activates 2 premature berial's specil summoning invinty beast and invinty destroyer(Geraid 1900).He also activates fusion gate and tributes the 2 invinties to summon earthbound immortal Ccapac Apu(atk 3000).Ccapac can and does attack Rex directly (Rex 0).


"Urghhhh!!!"shouted Rex as he was knocked flying out the dark barrier.

"Muhha looks like it's over"said Geraid as he exitted the barrier.

"Me too ill figure out what ones a hero"said Zyron walking to the 3 trapped.

"Im one"boasted Nerd.

"Fine!"shouted Zyron falling for the trick as he knocked Nerd unconscience then vanished away with him.


The barrier was fading slowly.


_______________________Slifer red dorm__________________________


"We are back"gasped Peter."Was it that stone".

"Well I don't belive in fantasy so im going"wondered Destruct as he lept on an plane to the pro ledge.

"There you are"said Jim.

"Who were you again?"forgot Peter.

"Jim's the name,well anyway onto topic,an light ruler has been reported in Domino Academy well of chorse here secretly recruiting members by beating them"explained Jim.

"Ok then"said Peter.




"Now the key is made"explained Zyron staring at the ancient key made by the artifact.

"Master you know the 3 minon's you sent to beat the light ruler"asked Geraid."Well their beat".

"Fools they are"said Zyron as he threw the artifact away."I won't need that onto plans tommorrow".







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