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YCMGT - Are You Worthy ?

Alexis Rhodes

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[align=center]So Basically this is a group contest where you will go into a group and then over a month or so play the other people in your group in a 1 on 1.


There will be a separate thread in the 1 on1 thread for this contest where people will vote for your fixture.


Sound simple ? If not feel free to ask any questions




All Card Contest Rules Apply




[spoiler=Entry Fee] 10 Points for the season

The more you donate the more the winner of your group will get




[spoiler=Prizes]The winner of each group will get the points that all the other people in the group have donated




[spoiler=Groups][spoiler=[color=#FF0000]YCMaker Premiership[/color]]



3.Santa's Little Helper



Jackpot = 90 points !




[spoiler=[color=#32CD32]Falling Pizza Championship[/color]]












Round 1

iHop v Deustodo

Santa's Little Helper v XP_Lulz


Round 2

Deustodo v XP_Lulz

Santa's Little Helper v iHop


Round 3

XP_Lulz v iHop

Santa's Little Helper vDeustodo



[spoiler=Falling Pizza]





[spoiler=Other Info]

The more points you donate the more points the winner of your group will get



There will be a separate thread in the 1 on1 thread for this contest where people will vote for your fixture


More Groups will be added if lots of people want to enter




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