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Gifted [Remake] [Advanced] [PG-13]


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Jarred still holds Infected "Fight it!!" he yells

It pains me to see him this way...because...I too...was once this way...but never again...I'll stop him...

Jarred shoots bolts of lightning at the 2 Corrupted



"This is getting boring...I'll take care of the sanctum so we can leave..." she sighs as she shoots a fire bullet strait at Jarred.

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Infected holds his head and starts stumbling and then falls as a explosion occurs and when the smoke clears there is an extra person in the clearing



Then austin and infected say at the same time.


"hmm it seems our minds have split into separate bodies....interesting."Infected says grinning



"Ugh *looks up* what the! we have split bodies!."Austin said astonished!

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OOc : guys dont begin with this..... dont begin with "Wow i got a corrupted side too or Wow i got a Sanctum side .... ok? also , this is going really weird....



Ic : Kuri sighted and sat down on the ground bored "Pfff ..... nothing intresting here anymore..."

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Amber forced out a smile

"I'm Amber...or Ember...Whatever you want to call it..." she blew her red hair out of her face



Jarred suddenly stopped dead in his tracks

"What did you say...?" he said quitely to the girl "What's your name...?"


OOC: He's open XD

You could hit him nao just saying

If Kuri was flirting with Amber he would be some kind of sick dude...

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Ooc : LOL! im not flirting cause she is a LITTLE girl !



Ic : "Amber?.... Alright i see you can controle fire , whats about begoming my pupil?" said he while standing up , he looks at Jarred "Ah its you the weak one...." He points his hand on him and fires a huge ball of purple fire.

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"hmm well this is quite.......amusing(sarcastic)....*turns to kuri* you seem quite strong and you are corrupt so i guess your on my side."Infected says as he starts walking towards them.



"WOW......they are actually chatting when enemy's are around......reminds my of myself."Austins said and then thought (technically one of them is yourself Dumbo)


*turns to Jarred*

"she said her name was amber or ember."Austin replied for her

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Ooc : 20 , i will be a pedobear if i did flirt xD

btw need to go guys will be back after 1 hour ^^


Ic : "Hmmm?" said Kiru suprised . "How the?" but he didnt shoot another balls and sighted " That could be intresting , Amber ? Do you know him?" After that he went to Narzha and kisses her "Sorry my love , no one could remplace you."

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Jarred looks around

Enemies...Friends...But what about her...Could she really be...

"Do you know who I am?!" he yells at the girl, angry for the 1st time in a while

Jarred turns to Austin

"Were getting out of here..." he grunts coldly



Amber turns to Jarred

"No I don't..." she says perfectly calm.


OOC: There are more Sanctum than Corrupt they are just not online

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OoC: Advanced, dude! At least 3 lines!


IC: Nerzha starts to laugh. "Dont worry, even i dont want to be. Its just, if it gives me what i want, why not?" Embracing Kuri. "And this guy is what i want" She smiles happily. "But if you dont want to join us, you can follow those sanctums... But you would have to hurry up!"

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Austin yawns and starts walking back to camp signalling for jarred to follow. When austin arrived at camp he began to reheat the turkey so it wasn't cold so he could eat it.



"so *Infected walks up to the other corrupts then looks at the fireball* that came from a sanctum."Infected said lying against a tree.

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