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Post a Picture of Your Favorite YGO/YGO-GX/YGO-5D's Character

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As the title says, Post a Pic and if you want a description of the character.

~If you find on YGO Wiki the Characters deck, Then post it~


Discuss Others Characters.



[spoiler=David Rabb]180px-PossessedDavid.png


David Rabb is a duelist from the United States and companion of Zane who he follows to Duel Academy. After arriving at Duel Academy along with Zane and Reggie Mackenzie, David participates in the tournament hosted by Duel Academy, easily trouncing Syrus. He later crosses paths with Jaden, but decides not to duel him because of his Slifer Red status as the defeat of a Slifer Red will get him a meager amount of points compared to Ra Yellow and Obelisk Blue students. Because he is fluent in both English and Japanese, he is able to converse with the other characters. In addition, at some point before coming to Duel Academy, David was beaten in a duel by Atticus Rhodes, further motivating him to defeat Alexis Rhodes in a single turn during the tournament. David is defeated by Chazz, whose final attack shatters the earring and releases David from Tragoedia's control.


Normal Monsters


* Pandora

* Quantity x3


Effect Monsters


* Quality x3

* The Big Saturn


* Aftershock

* Forced Activation

* Ignition

* Indestructible Armor Plating

* Long-Range Strike

* Prototype Development

* Replacement Parts

* Scrap Storage



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[spoiler=Kiryu Kyosuke]4859585_m.jpg

Kiryu...Leader of the once-famous Team Satisfaction. He rallied together Yusei, Crow, and Jack to form a powerful team that dominated all of Satellite. Once they did, things began to turn sour...and eventually, Kiryu was imrpisoned...


Years later, Kiryu returned to life as a Dark Signer. He swore ultimate revenge against Yusei, and thus gladly participated in his fight against him. Upon his defeat, he made peace with Yusei...and was turned to dust...


Once Season 2 began, most of the Dark Signers were revived...and somehow, Kiryu retains his memories from those times...He continues on, searching for death and resolution...


[spoiler=Deck(Team Satisfaction)]Monsters

Normal Monsters

* Archfiend Soldier

* Gene-Warped Warwolf

* Vorse Raider


Effect Monsters

* Archfiend General



* Hate Buster





* Dark Tuner Nightmare Hand

* Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu

* Infernity Archfiend x2

* Infernity Beast

* Infernity Destroyer

* Infernity Dwarf

* Infernity Guardian

* Infernity Necromancer x2

Dark Synchro Monsters

* One-Hundred Eye Dragon


* Speed Spell - Power Baton

* Speed World


* Damage Translation

* Demonic Devastation

* Depth Amulet

* Extreme Impulse

* Glowing Image of the Guardian God

* Infernity Force



[spoiler=Deck(WRGP arc)]


* Infernity Archfiend

* Infernity Beetle

* Infernity Destroyer

* Infernity Mirage

* Infernity Reloader

* Infernity Revenger

Synchro Monsters

* Infernity Death Dragon


* Infernity Burst

* Zero - Max


* Damage Gate

* Full Salvo

* Infernity Reflector



[spoiler=Deck(Tag Force 4 - Dark Signer)]

Effect Monsters

* Dark Tuner Nightmare Hand x2

* Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu x2

* Giant Germ x3

* Infernity Archfiend x2

* Infernity Beast x3

* Infernity Destroyer x2

* Infernity Dwarf

* Infernity Guardian x2

* Infernity Necromancer x2

Dark Synchro Monsters

* One-Hundred Eye Dragon x2


* Giant Trunade

* Mausoleum of the Emperor x3

* Monster Reborn

* Mystical Space Typhoon

* Swords of Revealing Light

* Terraforming


* Crush Card Virus

* Depth Amulet

* Magic Cylinder

* Mirror Force

* Limit Reverse x2

* Solemn Judgment




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I can see this quickly becoming a topic that will make members cry. (Download time)


So this is gonna be a general discussion topic for characters. I'll let it continue. Kiryu makes me feel sad, but I can understand those deepseated scars that make him just want to die, but is too proud to do it any other way.

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So far I happen to like Kiryu in all of his forms, to me he never manages to disappoint in style. xD


About Bakura:

Well...as many know, he was the final villian for the first Yu-gi-oh series...but thats not truly why I like him...


If anyone read the "Monster World" arc in the manga...That's where I really took a liking to him. xD



When I emulated the deck IRL, i had some of the most fun duels... Cyber End Dragon at 16000...lol.

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Perv VK she's only 11. And there aren't any. I prefer her twin Brother obvious =D (He be in my sig)


I'm loving JACK alot atm' date=' but I can't be asked to look for a pic, of his handsomeness (lol)



I prefer Leo/Rua as well. :D


Bu' he ain't got his uwn cereals, dawg!

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