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Jord200 VS Phantom Roxas


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the end date is saturday at 9. you have to make beast type water attribute synchro.

heres mine


Golden Polar Bear, Faith Beast LV8 WATER

atk=2900 def=1250

1 WATER tuner + 1 or more non tuner monsters.

This card can not be special summoned, execpt by Synchro Summon.

When this card destroys a non WATER attribute monster, inflict damage to your opponents life points equal to the destroyed monster's level X1. This card's attribute is also treated as LIGHT. If this card battle a FIRE attrinute monster, it gains 300 attack during the damage step only.

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Morrígan, Wolf King of the Ice Barrier


8 / 2700 / 1900

1 Tuner + 1 or more WATER non-Tuner monsters

Once per turn, you can discard any number of cards to destroy the same number of face-up cards on the field. Inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent for each card destroyed this way. This card cannot declare an attack in the same turn you use this effect.

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