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Do you believe in Santa Claus (LOCK in Dec. 25)

~ BT

Do you believe in Santa Clause (not St. Nick)  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Do you believe in Santa Clause (not St. Nick)

    • Yes, I do :D
    • No way, thats for babies :D:D:D:D:D

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Yeah I do' date=' If I belive in Santa I belive in God and Jesus.

People who dont belive In god sorta hate the U.S.A

Example: I pledge allegience to the flag of the United States of Ameica, and to the republic for which is stand, one nation, UNDER GOD, indivisble and liberity and justice for all.



I'm not American. Does that make me a bad person too?


I hate you if your an atheist


I literally hate you' date=' fu¢kin' atheist



Believing in a false deity makes me a bad person. You give religious believers a bad name, you elitist dick.

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Yeah I do' date=' If I belive in Santa I belive in God and Jesus.

People who dont belive In god sorta hate the U.S.A

Example: I pledge allegience to the flag of the United States of Ameica, and to the republic for which is stand, one nation, UNDER GOD, indivisble and liberity and justice for all.



I'm not American. Does that make me a bad person too?


I hate you if your an atheist


I literally hate you' date=' fu¢kin' atheist



Believing in a false deity makes me a bad person. You give religious believers a bad name, you elitist dick.


The sudden rise of people being Atheist...and not really knowing why...gives people a bad name.

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My parents told me that all the magic i thought was real on the holidays is a lie when i was 11


So that ruined the spirit of the holiday for me lol XD


But for you that do believe in the joly fella,


Hope Santa Claus lands on your roof, breaks in your house, jacks are your cookies and milk


and leave you sheet you don't want

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Saint "Santa Claus" Nicholas highly likely lived quite some time ago' date=' but he's dead now. He exists as an idea and as a corpse/dust. ^_^



^_^ Yeah, he highly likely lived a long time ago. Long. But he's probably dead, and the parents take on the tradition and give you gifts. They also eat the milk and cookies!

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My parents told me that all the magic i thought was real on the holidays is a lie when i was 11


So that ruined the spirit of the holiday for me lol XD


But for you that do believe in the joly fella' date='


Hope Santa Claus lands on your roof, breaks in your house, jacks are your cookies and milk


and leave you s*** you don't want



OMG you're lame. I never believed in Santa my whole life and became an Atheist at 10.

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My parents told me that all the magic i thought was real on the holidays is a lie when i was 11


So that ruined the spirit of the holiday for me lol XD


But for you that do believe in the joly fella' date='


Hope Santa Claus lands on your roof, breaks in your house, jacks are your cookies and milk


and leave you s*** you don't want



OMG you're lame. I never believed in Santa my whole life and became an Atheist at 10.



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He existed once. He was some guy that lived in some town which I can't remember the name of. He asked the parents if their kids had been good. So, once a year, for about 30 years, he gave the good kids a present and the bad ones some coal.


That's true by the way. And yes, I do believe in Santa.

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I do not believe in Santa Claus, based on the fact that I once wanted a tank, and what did I get? A toy version... >:-[


On a side note, I'm rather realistic, so I know that there are no magical Santa's, just many fake replicas trying to spread joy in the hearts of little children.


And, Big Brother, I am going to laugh at that long into the night. XD

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Heres how I think it goes:

Santa has an outerspace space station along with his north pole vacation home.

His elves only make the toys like the wooden trains and such, while santa gets free toys from all the major retailers because he is santa.

Santa does not deliver presents in his sleigh (He used to) but now he uses supersonic jets.

Many of santas elves deliver presents too.

The presents just fall out of his cargo compartment and because they have magic, can float down, go through your wall like a ghost (magic) and plop under your tree.


All and all, santa still exists.


You know what would be really LOL??


People believing that Santa is real but God isn't.

Congrats. You should be loling right when you see this.

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