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yugioh riddles! get one right get + reputation!


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answer one of these questions and get a reputation point!


1.how many speed counters does yusei have when he summoned majestic star dragon the for the first time?


answer:6 solved by supercardman101


2. what was red dragon archfiend originally called in the japanese subb?


answer:red demon's dragon (solved by -griffin)


3.what type of card does akiza remove from play when using black rose dragon's effect for the first time?


answer: wall of ivy solved by

:Kailyn Kyosuke


4.how many speed counters can a turbo duelists have?


answer:12 solved br griffin


5.what is luna's charcter card?


answer: ancient fairy dragon :solved by supercardman101


people i owe reps to:

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