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Duel Monsters Online


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Hi guys, i wanted to tell you about a game i found over Thanksgiving break. It is called Duel Monsters Online, I found it on a site called BYOND.

It is like a MMOG that allows you to create a deck ( or mirror yours), as long as all the cards you have in side of it are in the the game's vast card library ( about 4000-10000 cards). Then you can duke it out with other duelist online! You can have Deck Master Battles, where a select few cards ( such as Scapegoat) can represent you, similar to the Virtual World Arc of the Television series. You can also do a tag team duel with others ( I personally enjoy this format). And there are tournaments to test your skill. Eventually, they will get tons more cards into the game ( im personally waiting for Card Guard -.-; ).


If you like it, heres my ign if you wanna duel me ( my name makes it obvious what deck i use)


IGN: Toon Ruler (told ya!)


I also have a Shinato deck :p

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