~Espada_Gin~ Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 *While sleeping a dream pops into his head of his mother being murdered by a mob and his father leading the way. Then it switches to years later with the same townspeople screaming in pain with blood covering them. Its switches to Devin killing all those who killed his mother."I will kill all of you for what you have done to my mother NOW DIE ALL OF YOU!!"* Devin wakes up in pain and scared and feeling bad about what he has done. " I can't keep this a secret or it will eat me up alive i need to see a Doctor or maybe Chase might be able to help me i talk to him later." Devin said to himself before he sat in a chair. He stared out the window at the Country he has called so much trouble. " I have a manhunt out looking for a killer, but they don't know what i have done so maybe they won't come here and look for me." Devin said trying to make himself feel better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spirit of DMG Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 "Hello, you never told me your name, did you?" DMG says, looking at her, "And no, this isn't as fast as I can go, a leisurely stroll? Not even close." She says, looking back at whats in front of her. The buildings were not quite what she remembered, they were larger, a little more sophisticated. "Behold what time can do to a place. The last time I visited this city, their were two buildings even close to this ornate. My mansion, and one other. I wonder if its still around?" She said, rounding a corner, not paying attention to where she was going. She nearly bumped into someone, but continued walking along, not even bothering to look back at him. "Well, I'll check on it later. I think I'll look for a nice restaurant." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 "Nina, Plesure to be your slav..eh..stalk..um.. Friend yea thats it. Lets talk over dinner It would be better" Nina says, With a smile and grabing DMG's hand and jumping. This single jump takes them to the river, and infront of a beautiful resturant, "Shall we go in?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enma Kozato Posted December 4, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 "so thats where they are then wel tanks alot." chase begins to leave the room when the informant begins to rub his fingers together "check your pocket." the informant reaches ino his pocket and pulls out a bag of gold coins as chase runs back to the message and opens the door to find Austin "tell the others to meet at this adress soon it begins now." then chase runs over to where the informant told him DMG was staying Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
♥Łövëły-Ċħän♥ Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 Akiza strode around the street lamps, walking at a speed that was unmatched by the humans walking past her. She noticed DMG walking into a restaurant with Nina. She stopped and blinked. 'Perhaps a little visit wont hurt.' She immediatly sped up and reached the restaurant within a few seconds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Espada_Gin~ Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 "Chase...Chase you hear?" Devin asked "Where could he be i need to talk to him i guess i can go get some food."Devin walked outside looking around a the landscape he has known so well and made it a better places killing off those he hated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Classic Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 Austin walks up to a megaphone and yells "Everyone to *insert whatever address here* DMG is there and the war begins NOW!."Austin yells as he starts rapidly teleporting towards the destination chase had mentioned. When Austin gets there he stays a distance waiting behind atop a house for chase and the others. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Espada_Gin~ Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 "What does he mean the war begins now? Hey somebody tell me what the h*** is going on hear hey anybody where are we going?" Rikka asked looking for someone to tell him what to do. * this place is crazier then the last place I went to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spirit of DMG Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 DMG sat down at a table with Nina. Looking around, DMG sees the restaurant was just as large and beautiful on the inside as it was on the outside. There were a few columns around, with romantic lighting, and a view of the river that could be seen from all sides out of a large window at the back. "Wow, this place is beautiful." She says at length. Just then, Akiza walked into the restaurant. DMG tilted her head as she looked at Akiza. "Kiz, I wasn't expecting you. I thought you were in that Dungeon/Training room with Lulu." she says in a stage-quiet voice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
♥Łövëły-Ċħän♥ Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 Akiza bit her bottom lip. This habit of hers was beginning to get old. "Well I fancied a walk and stumbled upon you two. Is this private? Oooor...Is it open to others?" She glanced at Nina. "Some new blood shall do nicely," she turned back to DMG, "I'll be returning to the Dungeon later." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 Nina's eyes Flash yellow, while she looks at Akiza for a second while DMG isent looking, With a slight smile,"No!..Please Join us It would be D.E.L.I.G.H.T.F.U.L!" Nina says slowly, to akiza."Ah here comest the waiter!" Nina says With an inocent smile. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
♥Łövëły-Ċħän♥ Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 Akiza's eyes narrowed for a moment, unperceptively so, before smiling widely and pulling out a seat. "Why thank you dear, is there any wine older then 1329? I do wish to have a drink before I return to Lulu" she crossed her right leg over her left leg and leaned back in the chair. She turned to DMG. "Well what is the converse about?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spirit of DMG Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 "Aww, and I was hoping for some Yuri action." She said, glancing at Nina with a small smile. "No, no, I was just kidding. Anyway, of course you can join us, grab a seat." The waiter walked up to the table, and passed out three menus. DMG picked up a menu and began looking through it. "Garlic. Why is Garlic on every Italian menu I look at. This is why I don't come to this country very often." She said to herself, the last sentence to the menu. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 "Ke! Well you can always ask for them to Remove 'IT' from your food." Nina says.Nina whispers something in the waiters Ear and hands him a coin, a fiew moments later An poors whine in all of ther glases. "Its a Vampire brew From 1300 Finely mixed with X+ The rarest blood type." Nina says, Takeing a sip of The crimson Brew. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
♥Łövëły-Ċħän♥ Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 Akiza nodded, still smiling. "Might I have a glass? I've been dieing for a good drink." She laughed at her own soft wit. OoC: I have to go for a bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 OoC: KK seeya.OC:The Waiter pours the brew in bolth of there Glasses. "Nina Looked at DMG, Why Am I here you think. I Have a condition that you might be able to fix" Nina says, Quaintly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spirit of DMG Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 "Really?" DMG says, laying her cheek on her hand, "and what might that be?" she says in a higher-than-normal pitched voice, tilting her head to one side, smiling a little. She looks right into Nina's eyes, with an expression giving the impression she is looking right into Nina's soul. She looks at the waiter and points to an item on the menu, then returns her gaze to Nina. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 "Well you see im in contol right now but me and this girl share a body, And im weaker Becaous of it....Damb shes...takeing back....Gah...!" Nina Says, with her las breath.Nina faints on the chair. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enma Kozato Posted December 4, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 Later that day Chase and Austin were on the roof of the building where the informant said DMG lived. "Man better not have been wrong or I may have to pay him a final visit but one thing is for sure they aren't here probably out enjoying Venice like I wish I could have." Chase stood up and looked off in the distance looking for any signs of a vampire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Classic Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 "i think there out to eat.....i mean it is lunch."Austin said to chase as austin took out a piece of bread from his pocket and ate it. "well......we could check the nearby restaurants."Austin suggested between eating the bread as he went into his vampire form so he wouldn't glow as much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enma Kozato Posted December 4, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 "No too manypeiple in resturants it makes fighting with a sword so much harder than it needs to be so let's just wait here unlike you I can keep my hunger at bay for now so just go eat." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Classic Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 "so can i......i just thought i would eat the bread just because i had it."Austin explained as he watched the location and waited. He then decided to charge energy to wait and he then ate the energy orb and decided to make more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spirit of DMG Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 DMG looked at Nina, tilting her head to one side. She got up and walked to Nina. "Um, are you ok? DMG said, standing over her. She knelt down and poked Nina in the face. "Niiiiiinaaaaa." She said in a sing-song voice, continuously poking her in the face. "This is a perfect opportunity to do...something. But theres too many wit...people. Why does the universe like to tease me?" She said to the passed-out Nina in a mock-serious tone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Espada_Gin~ Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 "That was a tasty meal now back to the house and maybe i can unlock what it means that the war begins now." Devin said as he left the store and went down the street of the city. While walking around town he sees a person on a roof who looks like Chase." It is just my imagination play tricks on me i think I over ate." Devin said walking back to Chase's House. The city was very quiet at this moment which is not natural for a city like this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted December 4, 2009 Report Share Posted December 4, 2009 Nina's eyes sudenly open She reaches out and hugs DMG, Squishing her face in Dmg's chest.Nina opens her eyes to see What shes doing, "Huh...?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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