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The Great Vampire War (Always Accepting)

Enma Kozato

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"Sure I know you know me but just for the record I'm Chase just Chase NO formalities just Chase but there is a condition to staying which I will explain to you when it comes up." chase pushed open the unlocked door for the vampire and went back to the boat "Nina what were you saying again?"

OOC: Horologia this isn't to you its to Gin and as usual DMG is off by now try getting on around hmmm... your nine o' clock PM since thats around 3 or 4 for me and maybe about the same for DMG i think but idk thius is directed to you

IC:"I swear to the omnipotent being that truly exists please just call me chase and the answer is yes."

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Austin see's Melina talking with chase and thinks (well i still am officially bored........ i wonder why they are going on a boat?)Austin thinks and he then implodes the sign with Holon energy waiting for something to do. He then teleports from one roof to another roof getting even more bored.

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"And when did I say a nine year old could be second in command and besides I just need to know when the last time you drank human blood was and since your not sick you can move around on your own so bye." chase then teleports to another nearby empty boat then rows out into a lake lies down whistling a linkin park song and falls asleep

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"Nina like I would ever sleep while you were around now that worked well let's see where's the sun ok it's right there so my house is that way." chase vanishes and appears in his own room locked the door bolted and barred it shut then he hopped onto his bed and started to fall asleep "please like I would ever sleep on a boat."

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OOC: We need to keep our posts minimum of 4 lines.


"Well, this is quite boring... I wish I had drunk some blood before I decided to go searching for her highness... oh well, nothing to it... guess I'll stop by some dark alley and lure someone there... or I could try out my new blood tablet... won't be as tasty, but may actually be effective." said Aido, pulling out a small package from his pocket.


Aido opened the packet, and inside there was a red pill. He dropped it into his palm and put it in his mouth. He then began to chew on it.


"About as tasty as I would have expected, but otherwise effective. Well, now to resume my search."

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OOC: That hurt the heart. I'm trying to become good at RPing. Plus, 4 lines usually equals 4 sentences if it's a good, strong, sentence. Although I do agree, chase is pushing you away.


IC: Aido proceeded to find any clues he could.

Where could they have gone?

"Well, no point in looking now, it's getting early."

Aido headed for a hotel.

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Ooc: If Kari wants to come join me, she most certainly can.

Ic: "You know, I don't remember." DMG answered after thinking about it a few seconds. "To be honest, I had completely forgotten I own this place until I got into the city. I rarely come to Italy, let alone Venice." She said, more to the room in general than Akiza. She got off the bed and started examining a painting of an old man, holing a golden cane, tipped with a Jade Cobra. "Sometimes I wish I knew where this cane was. It's supposed to enhance the power of spells by 4%"

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"Wow i am lost in this house i wonder where he is at right now." Devin said walking in the hall.

"Hopefully this place isn't so big I will get lost in it or i am in trouble." Devin could hear talking.

As he walked through the halls he found no one talking but still heard the noise. "What is up with this place i really need to talk to this Chase fellow about his house." Devin was looking all around for Chase, but just couldn't find him.

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OoC: lets get to the fighting soon I'm tired of waiting

IC: Chase woke up a few hours later and heard somebody walkin around in his house he unlatched unlocked and unbarred the door then rushed to the source of the noise "I suggest you go find somewhere else to wander like in your room up there." chase pointed to the third floor and o door on it

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OoC: Lol its cute how someone calls ME and DMG RP noobs x3 when we are doing slightly better then necessary. The others here are fine RPers. We are all welcome to our own brands of RPing.


IC: Akiza moved to stand beside DMG. She looked up at the painting as well. "Hmm...Who is he? Another vampire?" She glanced at DMG then back at the painting. "He looks a little odd. What if the cane's somewhere in this house?"

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"Oh ok i was just checking out the house." said Devin shocked by how silent people could be in this house. Devin hurried up stairs into his room and went to sleep after his long journey. "I really hope that i didn't make him upset that will not be good for me i might get thrown out of the house. I really need to make it up to him i wonder what he enjoys." Devin sat in bed not noticing he fell asleep.

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"No don't even think about that ok I don't enjoy much these days and I'm not mad but there are some things in this house I'd rather you not see." chase then walked down into the basement of the house, moved an old picture, and pulled a switch hidden by the picture then a wall opened up to reveal more stairs

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Ooc: Alright, but you gotta meet up with me somehow.

Ic: "Well, people, unless someone else wants to pop in on me, I'm going out. Kiza, take her and Lulu to the basement, under the red carpet in the middle, you'll know what to do." DMG says walking to the door of her room. She ran down the stairs at Mach 1.8 (Her top speed in this form.) When she got through the big Oak doors, she stopped, and started walking at a leisurely stroll.

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OoC: I'll think of something after i thaw out (ima really cold)

IC: Chase walked into a tunnel through the opened wall which led under Venice then he turned left bit his hand so blood beaded out and drew one line on the wall with his blood then the blood began to glow and the wall opened to reveal a person known only as the informant "I need some info I'm sure you know what."

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Austin knocked on chase's mansion door while thinking (maybe sooting at a reflective sign wasn't my best idead ), Austin thought while blowing off some of the burn marks he had. Austin then thought (Maybe trying to catch the reflected blast was a bad idea to) Austin thought reviewing the situation and then ringing the door bell.

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