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The Great Vampire War (Always Accepting)

Enma Kozato

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Akiza sighed and slipped back, letting her arm fall limply to her side. She breathed out and turned her attention to the dead guards. She moved quietly toward them, kneeled down, and bit into their necks. She drank a bit before retracting, a disgusted look upon her face. "Disgusting! This is another reason I hate this city! These people don't take card of themselves as they should!"

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"Well, if you want training, I believe I now remember where that mansion is. Its just around the corner. on the other side of town. just round the corner here and head off in that direction until you see a large granite mansion. Also, you won't see it unless your vamp and within ten feet of it." DMG then speeds off at nearly twice the speed of sound, leaving behind the ball of Hellfire and a note saying "this will explode in ten seconds

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Tsuma simply breaths a sigh of relief. "Whew.... thought I was a goner...... wait." Tsuma sees the ball and hears what DMG said. "Na crap." Tsuma tries to teleport but just winds up in one place in the mansion to the next. 5..... 4.... 3..... 2..... "Crap!!!!!!" 1.. bang. A large fire erupts at Tsuma and nearly eradicates him. A few seconds after the explosion dies down the remains start to move and form themselves back together. When formed Tsuma stands up and is simply shocked. "How did I just do that."

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Tsuma stays in shock at how he regenerated after eradication for a minute. "I've never been hurt once in my life and now that I was not only hurt but killed. Wow what a turn of days." Tsuma dismisses this as one of his abilities and decided that he want's to learn more about his powers. He decided to go to this mansion that DMG suggested and learn. He teleports to the mansion.

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"And, we're here." DMG said, stopping suddenly, her hair rushing over her shoulders. "Well, Kiz, shall we go in?" She said, opening a huge oak door, and tilting her head in the same direction. She walked into the door, leaving the door open for Akiza. "Just close the door when you enter!" she said, walking down a large hallway with a 15-foot ceiling, covered in black marble with old paintings hanging on the walls.

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Ooc: did neither of you notice the part where I was going at slightly less than twice the speed of sound? do you know how fast that is?

Ic: "Well, for some reason, I don't like to teleport. Also, don't go through my stuff, that includes my homes." DMG says with ice in her voice. She turns to Akiza, shall we go to my personal room? Its the one on the top floor with an ocean view. Top of the stairs, down the hall, to the left, at the end. Lulu, you can use the one right next to it. The view isn't as nice, but its still there." She says, taking off at Mach 1.8 again.

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Tsuma enters the mansion to find it strangly dark and empty. "Hello........" A single vampire comes out and waves at Tsuma. "Ah a vampire. Hmm..... lets see." The mysterious vampire circles around Tsuma. "Ah your a youngling. Did you know the smell of youngling blood is the most appitizing smell to vampires." Tsuma looks at him like he's a psychopath. "Um.... no I didn't. Why do you want to try and take my blood." The vampire chuckles. "Right now its the only thing I want in my afterlife." The vampire sticks his fangs out and Tsuma gets ready to draw his sword. The vampire dissapears and the door closes and locks.


"Crap!!!!" Tsuma tries to teleport out but he only manages a few feet. "Hmm and here I thought I could get that." The vampires laugh can be heard all over the room Tsuma is in. "Come on catch me if you can. I'm not gonna unlock the door so you'll just have to come get me." Tsuma gets agrivated and draws his Greatsword. His legs transform into that of a cheetahs and he gains the wings of a bat. "Oh Partial Transformation how unique." The vampire says in his hiding place. "Just wait until I find you." Tsuma jumps around at great speed looking for the vampire.

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OoC: Necro come back tmrw i need to think about you for a while

IC: "I'm sorry you had to see that now why don't you all go enjoy yourselves in Venice while it's still here." Chase picked up Nina walked over to a nearby boat and jumped on putting Nina in the front grabbing the oar and sailing through the canal "I swear you and fainting."

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Akiza followed DMG to her personal room looking slightly curious. Her high heeled feet clicked together as her legs crossed while she walked. "I expect your personal room will be grand," said AKiza, smiling. "I feel honored being accepted into it." She looked over her shoulder at Lelouch. "Of course Lulu. But, that may not be for a while. I'll see when I have time." She shifted her gaze back to DMG, whom she was still following.


OoC: Sorry for the late reply, cooking dinner.

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For a few minutes Tsuma jumps around transforming into different animals. "Think I'm getting the hang of this." Tsuma transforms his legs into a puma and jumps into the air then transforms his back for eagle wings and flys around at great speeds. "You seem to be good and Transforming but how do you know I'm even in this room." The vampire laughs a bit and gets Tsuma upset and transforms his arms into gorilla arms and his ears into bat ears. Using this combo he locates the Vampire. He's through a steel wall but the gorilla arms can't break through. "Oho it seems that you found me but can you get through."

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Austin sits on the roof and rests waiting for something to fight he then says "Well i am officially BORED."Austin says to himself looking down to see nothing but the ground. He then starts throwing Holon energy orb's at a sign trying to hit the middle of the sign.

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Ooc: what about your Vampire Age, and your special abilities?


Ic: "Welcome, Kiz." DMG says, sitting on a large canopy bed, carved from Mahogany, canvased in fine crimson satin. The room was carpeted in black, on each of the four walls of the 30x40 room had six old paintings, with a large, candle-lit Chandelier hanging from the ceiling, lighting the room. "I just want to know, what is your opinion of this room?" she says, looking around the room.

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"Your really starting to piss me off!" Tsuma tries different types of animal forms in order to break through the steel door but nothing works. "Great now what....." "You should probably think quickly lest you wind up eaten." Tsuma looks around and sees vampires all over the place. "An army.... why didn't I notice them?" The voice chuckles again. "You truely are a youngling not to be able to sense so many vampires." Tsuma's quick to react and slices through 20 vampires at once. However 40 more take the place of those 20. "Great what do I do now?" The vampires get closer to Tsuma and he teleports away from them. He reappears on the other side of the vampires and cuts down 50 of them. Another 50 quickly appear though and fight with him. "What will you do what will you do? Teleporting behind them wont work and every time you strike down 1, 2 take its place. Give up Tsuma its over." Tsuma listens quite nicely to the voice and comes to a decision quickly. "I know where you are so all I need to do is get to you." Tsuma gets an idea and faceplams himself. "How stupid of me I can spacial rip to teleport into there. Jeez" Tsuma teleports hoping to wind up in the area. However he winds up in the middle of the vampires. "Na crap."

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