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The Great Vampire War (Always Accepting)

Enma Kozato

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"How likely am I to beat you now at 80%? with these odds, I'll wager its nothing, absolutely nothing. 100% on the other hand, 100% I stand a fighting chance." DMG said, her skin growing much paler, to the point that she'd be darker if she painted her self in liquid paper. Her wings grew to 6 feet from tip to tip, with a 1 inch spike at the top end on each wing. "Now, I believe we can finally have some fun." She said, sheathing her sword. "Chase, do you recognize this?" She said, smiling sadistically, raising her arm above her head, palm out. "This is my Bankai," her sword glowed black, and began dissolving. Her hair grew long, and black, the top part of her outfit fused with her skin, and a hole appeared in her chest. "Now what do you think about how this is going to turn out now?" she says, forming a spear out of Hellfire, and holding it behind her, slanting upward and to the right.

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"You've never seen this form before you see those emblems well they are going to make things alot harder than you remember and maybe I should introduce this weapons ultimate form." Chase holds up the gigantic blade "I believe Anake's form will do nicely. Crush the eternal bounds eradicating all and creating it yet again, Omega." There is an explosion of energy as Chases sword is a much larger form of Niishoku Anake with all three fires burning on it. then chase points his arm at DMG and one of the floating emblems fires a massive amount of hellfire at DMG then with untraceable speed Chase follows behind the blast ready to strike

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"clever.....but not clever enough!"Austin said as he started spinning using his speed and dust rocks and the ground start being lifted up into a tornado which deflected the kunai and it started following the twister but then austin stopped and jumped at Tsuma and so did the projectiles as he swung his arms rapidly yet precisely aiming for Tsuma's head and chest.



OOC:My guy is also really good with a sword but not as good as your guy but basic attacks and most advanced attacks he can block and he can dodge 84% of most slashes due to his incredible speed


OoC: You would be correct in assuming that my guy is a master of the sword but while his speed isn't as impressive as yours my guy has the endurance to shake off a slash to the chest and regenerate it with his power. He also has the strength to wield a greatsword as graceful as Sai with about 1% of his overall power. Also I'm not gonna be able to post as much as I usually would cause I'm at a library.


"That won't work...." Tsuma uses his reflexes to jump through Austins arm and uses his speed to grab his sword in mid air. He jump into the air and grabs his Kunai and throws them in very presice directions so they'll continue to bounce off of rocks. Finally he falls to his sword and runs at 200mph towards Austin with an incredible slash.

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Nina's eyes never left Aido constantly traceing him as he moves.

Nina Had that look in her eyes her fangs began to pertrude, she let on a wicked smile, "So full of energy!" Nina says, in a voice thats not hers. Nina clasps her hands on his shoulders preventing escape, her fangs lurching twards his neck, If someone dose not stop her she would kill this boy.......

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"Nina, you know that if you drank my blood you could die. By making my contract with Diablos, my blood has been fused with Dark Matter. It could kill anyone who drinks it." Lelouch warned her. "Here I found this capsule, it taste awful but it will give you energy. Besides later I'll go find some humans and you can have as much as you want." Lelouch offered.

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"Key word 'Could', I'll Risk it.... Dont wory I wont kill you, You should know by now I drink vampire blood!" Nina says. Nina grows to about the size of a 15 year old, She clasps her arms around LuLu's neck in a huging fashion.

Nina sinks her fangs in to his neck, she blushes in unison with LuLu, "Ahhh!" Nina sighs hapily, as she releaces from him.

"Y-Your blood is delishous, Onii-chan..." She, hugs LuLu hapily as he stands there shocked.

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OoC: My character does not stand in shock! He is cool and analytical, he doesn't do shock.


IC: "Nina...." Lelouch said worried. Then he noticed that her eyes went from their usual color to pitch black. "NINA! Diablos, quickly we must get to London!" Lelouch said as he grabbed Nina and pulled her onto Diablos. Diablos quickly took flight, heading for the English Isles, but more importantly London.

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DMG was quickly hit by the massive amount of Hellfire. She flashed away at Mach 30 before Chase could hit her physically. "Well, you seem to have toughened up, considerably, I might add," she said, appearing 10 feet away from Chase, her clothes singed, her skin, however, as if un-hit by the attack. |It's a good thing, then, that an eclipse doesn't last very long. Usually.| DMG held her right hand above her head as Scarlet Lightning formed around her. After a few seconds, she lowered her hand at point at Chase, without curling any fingers, and the lightning flew at Chase.

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Again at unrecognizable speeds, Chase dodges easily "Considering that maybe I should show you my bankai then." Chase's sword multiplied and grew along with his wings. now his wings had a 12 foot long wingspan. "this is Omniomega I have enhanced control over any two of my weapons and my power is enhanced so its easy to perform this." The emblems drew close to eachother forming a triangle "Trifire Annialator Cannon" The three fires then began fusing and fired a massive extremely powerful blast at DMG. then Chase's swords changed to two scythes and he followed up his blast with two immense energy waves

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DMG rapidly fired a large blast of Hellfire to counter the Annihilator Cannon. |He has indeed gotten more powerful. I'm gonna have a third degree burn for a while.| "I'll be darned, Chase, I've never had to use my Iron Skin before." She says, her arms crossed in from of her face. |Even so, I was damaged. Good thing is, my counter attack slowed it down just enough.| She raced of at Mach 30 again, behind Chase. "I don't believe you've had time to meet my newest, erm, acquisition, Chase." she said, drawing a small dagger from a pouch on the back of her waist. "Reign over the blackest Night, Lilimaru!" A powerful wave of black energy shot out, moving at speeds immeasurable at Chase's back

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A beautiful figure with siver hair, with black and red armor flashes out of no where and kicks DMG in the back of the head Sending her flying to the ground.

The figure blaintly looks at Chase Unleashing masive amounts of energy, "FREEDOM! Who would have known that dark matter would free me!" The woman says, In a very mature voice with a simaler sound to it.

the woman looks at Chase, "Fuu Fuu Fuu! So are we going to play little vampire!"


OoC: I dont realy like this RP So I want to fight you DMG, Chase and ultamately be defeted.

[spoiler= what she looks like now]Beautiful_Woman_Hunter_by_Nosferatu_neko.jpg


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