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The Great Vampire War (Always Accepting)

Enma Kozato

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Tsuma waits up in the sky as that would be the safest bet at Mach 9 speeds. "Why are their bodies not being torn to shread. Battling at speeds like that while combining sensory issues and endurance. I really don't wanna face one of them." Tsuma says while barely keeping his eyes on the bluring speed. "Man if I could have Temporal powers instead of Spacial this battle I could watch 1000 times over and still never be bored."

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"Even if you wern't in Ice, I could have kept pace with you." Lelouch says as he adds the element of ICe to his Halberd's blade. Giving it a light glowing blue aura. "Diablos, if things get dicey, use Gravija!" Lelouch says as he jumps towards Ifrit, intent on sending him back to the Void.

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Chase moved his free hand up to block some of the hellfire but he still took some damage from the blast and after the blast recedes chase's sleeve is gone and a mechanical arm is where chases left arm should be "I lost this arm when my parents were murdered haven't you been wondering how I blocked your sword slash a while back?" chase looks up to see the moon beginning to cover the sun "it's almost here." Chases aura of power began to grow and he dropped his scythe as it faded into a black flame "I've never fought you free handed before have I?"

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"so intense..."Austin murmured to himself trailing off since he could feel the waves of energy output that are so powerful and are getting stronger. Austin then thought (maybe if i absorb some of the energy i could gain in power....)Austin thought as he started to absorb the energy using Holon energy as a conductor for the types of energy so they would not damage him.

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"HAH! so its a chalenge who can send him back first, then fine lets go!" Nina says, excited.

The demon starts to generate hell fire,"We wont give you the chance Infrit!" Nina says, she phases out and reapears behind him the sword now a Javulen. Nina Thrusts the javulen through Infrit as LuLu puts his Halbeard thru the front.

"It seems its a tie, ...but I was 0.0000004 seconds faster!" Nina mocks.

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"Yes, you have, the first time met," she said, still holding her sword. "As for you're arm, I had assumed you had been using hardened skin." DMG gathered blue fire in her hand. "By the way, thanks for teaching me this trick," she says, forming the blue fire into the shape of her hand. She curled her fingers into claws. DMG pushed her hand toward Chase, and the fire shot toward Chase, maintaining the shape of her claw-finger hand. This attack was quickly followed by a small blast of Hellfire.

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"and you think that would be all the tricks I've taught myself Please thats just one of many like this one." Chase's leg began glowing with grayfire and he kicked the blast deflecting it into a building and as he did he ran at mach 9 towards DMG and threw a roundhouse kick to her head "Usually I wouldn't hit a girl but I think this qualifies as an acception."

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"Ifrit will not be defeated so easily. Ice may hurt, him but it still won't kill him!" Lelouch said as he pulled his Halberd out and launched towards Ifrit's head. Meanwhile Diablos watches, waiting for Lelouch's signal to end the fight. He appears to be slightly amused.

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Aido stared at the fight going one between two of the mightiest warriors in existance. "How troublesome..."

I'd step in, but I'd probably get killed. Better see how Lelouch and Nina are doing...

Aido ran toward Nina's energy.

She seemed to be going almost all out a few seconds ago... I wonder what's happening...

"Ugh, why can't I mind my own business?"

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*Austin fly's right up to Tsuma* Autin then says

"do you want to fight.......not a fight to the death just a fight using only melee and speed.....not any powers?"Austin asked not caring if Tsuma said yes or no as he turned to watch the fight waiting for a answer.



Tsuma watches the fight but hears the question and turns to Austin as he watches. ".....A non-leathel fight..... doesn't that seem a little.... I donno interesting considering were on the opposite team?" Tsuma ponders this a little and just gets confused. "I'm actually a little confused as to why this is even happening in the first place. I may be over 1000 years old but I've never acutally heard of this war." Tsuma looks on at the fight. "Still seems like this has been going on for a while."

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"well i want to be able to watch the fight at the same time and that is dangerous in a lethal fight......the war.......its a rivalry between DMG and Chase......they are two of the most powerful beings in this dimension..."Austin explained trailing off as he continued to watch the amazing fight between DMG and Chase thinking (punch after punch blast after blast and neither of them have any even slightly serious wounds......amazing)Austin thought to himself waiting for Tsuma to answer.

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"Two of the most powerful beings...." Tsuma thought to himself for a little bit. "So these two are the most powerful beings of this dimension." The dark version of himself speaks. "I remember another dimension in which I killed the two most powerful beings. It costed me half my body and most of my strength but I did it." The dark version chuckles to himself. "Yea and Because of that that entire dimension fell to ruin from a corrupt individual." Tsuma gets aggrivated as he opens his eyes. "I'd better stay as far away from this as possible." Tsuma says standing up. "A non leathel fight sounds good to me. I won't use my Spacial rip powers and you won't use your energy attacks." Tsuma takes his greatsword out as he watches the explosions of the battle going by.

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DMG reformed her blue fire gauntlet as Chase flew at her, flashing off at Mach 9, and grabbed Chase's shoulder as she passed him. "I think the term is exception. Now, lets see how you avoid this attack." she said condescendingly. She slowly traced a circle in the air with her sword, absorbing Hellfire with her blade. She pulled the sword to her side, pointing the tip at Chase, griping the hilt with both hands. "Now, lets try 80%" she said, as her skin grew paler. She flew toward at the slightly increased speed of Mach 9.4, sticking the sword out to jab him when she was within range.

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Aido looked back, the fight already far from him.

"I'm getting closer... I can feel it."

Aido looked on to see that he wasn't just close, he was too close.

Remember, mind your own business...

Aido hid behind a rock to watch what was happening with Nina and Lelouch.

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"Ah so you agree."Austin said as he created two blades made out of Infected energy and got in a fighting stance and then turned to Tsuma thinking (He will probably think i am weak without my abilities....he's got another thing coming) Austin thought to himself as he floated to the ground and said "Bring it on!" As he dashed starting slow at 100 Miles per hour with his swords ready to hit.

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"I'm not very good at using speed but at the very least...." Tsuma parries the strike and takes his Kunai out from his sleeves. "My skills with the sword and Kunai are always good." Tsuma throws his sword and his kunai in different directions. The Kunai was thrown hard enough to bounce off of solid objects and they bounced off of rocks and themselves to make their target random. Tsuma runs at 150mph and prepares for a side kick before the sword reaches.

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"clever.....but not clever enough!"Austin said as he started spinning using his speed and dust rocks and the ground start being lifted up into a tornado which deflected the kunai and it started following the twister but then austin stopped and jumped at Tsuma and so did the projectiles as he swung his arms rapidly yet precisely aiming for Tsuma's head and chest.



OOC:My guy is also really good with a sword but not as good as your guy but basic attacks and most advanced attacks he can block and he can dodge 84% of most slashes due to his incredible speed

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Name:Hirikiri Inaghe

Physical Age:19

Vampire Age:3500




Whose Side Your On:Zero

Vampire Abilities and Weapons:

Weapons:Konabo and 3 Katanas.

Abilities:Super Manic strength(not regular manic strength),Can phase thrue some thin walls, his fangs are 3 times larger than a regular vampire,and also can grow wings out his back.

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OOC: Ok cool


Hirikiri walks out the club he was in and walks down the street with one of his katanas stuck on his back under his jacket for exstra precaotion. Hirikiri was ready to keep his night going to the club when he felt a presence and hid in an allie.He waits then walks back out and keeps walking. He walks into his favorite club THE DARK MOON. Then walks to his table an sets down and waits for the usual girls.

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Chase stopped the sword in midair with his fingertip and he exploded with energy sending the sword flying back "I am afraid that 80% isn't going to work look at the moon the eclipse is here." Chase jumped back as energy flowed through him he dropped his scythe and it floated in midair "these are the times when my power is at it's highest now let me show you my ultimate form." chase sprouted two more pairs of wings one grey and one white, then his other two weapons appeared: his light form longsword and Niishoku Anake and with them three circular emblems: one with an image of black fire, one with an image of white fire, and one with an image of grey fire. All of the weapons combined to form one extremely large sword. The three emblems just spun in the air "so how likely do you think you will win at 80% at this point?"

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