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The Great Vampire War (Always Accepting)

Enma Kozato

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OoC: I'll do it though not kill you off in a way.


Tsuma tries to get an answer out of Austin but he just teleports away. ".....What the...... oh that's real nice." Tsuma just gets agriviated and looks up at the battle. "You know you could easily get into this." Tsuma closes his eyes again. "Let me out and we can go wild." Tsuma scuffs at this. "You kidding I was just about to enjoy myself then you gotta come out and annoy me. I'm not letting you out period. The dark version snickers "Just remember you can't stay strong forever." Tsuma opens his eyes and continues to watch the fighting.

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Hmm... I guess they spotted me...

"Nina's in trouble..."

No. No interfering at all... no...

Aido jumped out from his hiding spot and looked at the battlefield.

I can't help it now.

"Hey, Chase, you're picking on girls now?" Aido yelled.

Wait... why did I do that?

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Aido was startled.

Woah. I guess she's okay...


Aido stood back up and went to sit farther away to watche the fight.

She's got this... it's Chase, but she may stand somewhat of a chance... if she can't, I can always step in and...

"No," Aido muttered to himself. "Mind your own business..."

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She's losing control...

"I'm on your side here, no need to try and kill me."

Well, not that it'd be that easy, but...

Aido looked at Nina with a somewhat scared expression.

[spoiler=like this]WRscreenshot-aido%20(1).png


She sems pissed... better lay low until she calms down.

"Go ahead and fight, if you get killed, it's your own fault."

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"Nina, don't you think it would be better if you let DMG handle this? Is it really your place to fight her battles? Come, let us get out of the mistress's way." Lelouch said in a tone that you would use on a cornered and scared animal. He slowly creep closer to Nina, hoping to calm her. He knew if he failed he would have to subdue her with force.

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Lelouch wiped the blood from his Lips. "It would seem that I must use more damaging methods." Lelouch then powers up and summons his Halberd. "Nina I don't want to have to do this, but if you continue I will call Diablos." Lelouch warned. He then readied himself for Nina's next strike. She seems to be raging like a wild beast, as such she will be unable to think ahead and will make mistakes. I will have to take advantage of this if I am to survive


OoC: Diablos is a being from an area known as the Void. He and Lelouch made a contract, in exchange for the souls of Humans, Diablos would fight with Lelouch.

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"Dont threten just do it, if you dont you will die!" Nina says, as she rushes Lelouch Only to disapear and reapear behind him then infront she grabs the halbeard, Nina Then uses the halbeard for leverage she swings her Fist andsmashes it in to his gut sending him through the wall with cosiderable force.

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OoC: Well Here comes Diablos


"You leave me no choice! Diablos I call you from the depths of oblivion, from the skys of the Underworld. From the Void you come, now destroy my enemy!" Lelouch quickly draws a symbol in the air and Diablos emerges from the ground in front of Lelouch."


OoC: This is what Diablos looks like




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"Hahaha! a demon I'm a anti Geno morph like im scared or a demon, But no more playing, 100%" Nina yells her Hair is now white with a hint of grey and Her skin turns Dark brown.

"Die!" Nina yells as wave of pressure is realesed from her hand hitting the demon, Nina charges And slugs the demon but he dosent fly she continuosly punches at the demon black blood splashing out of his mouth.

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"Purify the darkness and taint the darkness! Kurotsuki!" DMG yelled, appearing in the middle of the fight. Her sword melted, reforming as a ruby ring on her finger. "First dance: Kurokotsu!" She yelled as a black sword appeared in her hand. She ran at top speed, slashing Diablos six times. "Now, are you two going to be good, or will I have to put you both in time-out?" She asked, the sword disappearing. She looked at both of them, out of the corners of her eyes.

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Chase lied on the ground snoring when he felt Nina's full power he gets up and yawns "well it's about time remember DMG this is your only delay your next I'm not gonna allow any more interruptions." Chase reverts to normal form and holds out his sword "I never said anything about this power so get ready.Pierce the eternal heavens shrouding all light and illuminating all darkness, Niishoku Anake!"

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"Lulu, get her out of here." DMG said, putting her hand in front of her face, curling her fingers into claws. "Well, now, Chase. Been quite a while, hasn't it? I hope you got all warmed up," she said with squint eyes and a snarl. She straightened her fingers out, saying ""Second Dance:" The ring began glowing black, " Kuro Ya!" she slashed her hand through the air. The glow flew from the ring in the form of an arrow, flying at Chase.

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