DL Posted December 5, 2009 Report Share Posted December 5, 2009 Like I though..."I wonder..." he whispered to himself. Would it be wise to step in?Aido stayed where he was. Maybe not... unless that guy's losing, I better mind my own business... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Classic Posted December 5, 2009 Report Share Posted December 5, 2009 Austin grins as Tsuma's skin turns dark green and starts bubbling and austin thought (oh what fun he will be out like a light soon he does not realise that that poison is unhealable until it goes into full effect.) "Austin then just watches as Tsuma's skin starts getting sores all over as well as cuts (it probably wont kill him but he will faint and when he gets up he will be in no position to fight a mere human) OOC: kurashi how is your character reading my thoughts! anything in perentces are my thoughts! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KurashiDragon Posted December 5, 2009 Report Share Posted December 5, 2009 OoC: Your character actually screamed it and thought something. Tsuma's skin starts to get green as he falls to the ground. "Hmm... this is bad." Tsuma looks at his sword and gets an idea. "Oh boy I hope this works." Tsuma grabs his sword and puts spacial energy into it. The energy rebounds off the sword and turns his body transparent. the poison falls to the ground as he stands up. "It worked again... ow...." Tsuma lets go of his sword and falls to the ground. "That took some energy to do. Well at least I haven't fainted." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Classic Posted December 5, 2009 Report Share Posted December 5, 2009 OOC:he screamed it in his thoughts lol also your character is kinda op'd because of his Regen and stuff. IC:Austin thought as he watched Tsuma get up (well this kid is annoying i might as well just leave him to himself so when he trips he can regenerate his broken nose)Austin thought jokingly as he waited for Tsuma to actually attack instead of cowardly standing there austin then thought (well i hate to say it this kid is pathetic all he does is wait and regenerate attacks it is sickining! i mean......its just flat out pathetic)Austin thought as he waited Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DL Posted December 5, 2009 Report Share Posted December 5, 2009 Wow. I though I was going to have to step in... I may want to examine that poison... Aido looked down at the poison. "Yes... that could be good..."Aido looked back at the fighters."Hmm... maybe after the fight..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KurashiDragon Posted December 5, 2009 Report Share Posted December 5, 2009 Weaknesses: Those healing abilities take a HUGE amount of energy to use. In other words. Tsuma tries to stand up but his legs won't move. "Na perfect." Tsuma says as he grabs his sword. "That was fun and all but I guess I'm out eh." Tsuma just laughs a little bit at this.OoC: I really hate that bug with the next page. I'll delete this as soon as I can see it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DL Posted December 5, 2009 Report Share Posted December 5, 2009 Aido resisted the urge to drink blood. No... not now...He grabbed a blood tablet from his pocket and examined it." This is my last one... oh well, I'll just grab more later...He popped the pill into his mouth. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted December 6, 2009 Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 "30%!" Nina yells. Her blue eyes now with a rim of yellow nina Rises to chase.Nina looks back at DMG but turns away,"I will not...I will not Alow you to hurt my mistress!" Nina yells, she Phases out then in behind chase she kicks him in the head sending im flying across the sky. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enma Kozato Posted December 6, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 Chase appeared behind Nina and kicked her 10 times as hard breaking three ribs as she flew through ten buildings then he blasted her with hellfire "How pitiful i almost thought about letting you try to hurt me." chase then swung his scythe multiple times firing a barrage of dark energy waves at Nina Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Classic Posted December 6, 2009 Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 "Nice job......i think your slacking today you normally kick harder than that."Austin remarked jokingly as he explained how he already took down one of DMG's followers as he noticed someone hiding(Darklink thats you) and austin said "theres another one."Austin said pointing to a building where he saw a head poking out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spirit of DMG Posted December 6, 2009 Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 "Nina." DMG said in a quiet, horrified voice. She continued watching the fighting. "There is no way that didn't hurt," she said, her voice growing cold. She looked back and forth at Nina and Chase. She slowly begins taking longer to shift her gaze back to Nina. After thirty seconds, she locks on to Chase, narrowing her eyes. "Chase, you evil, little," DMG said in a voice that could make water freeze in the middle of August on the equator. She finds herself too overcome with rage to continue speaking. She quickly turns from the fight and stabs the wall ont he other side of the room with her sword. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KurashiDragon Posted December 6, 2009 Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 Tsuma just looks on at chases a little unimpressed but at the same time to tired to make an expression. "I guess I should help her.... I'm pretty sure she'll chew me out though." Tsuma rips space behind her and she goes throug the rift. She reappears on the ground. "Well that's my last little bit so make it last." Tsuma teleports to a safe distance away from all the battling. "I'll regain some of my energy and help when I can. I still don't quite understand why I'm helping if I don't even know why I'm battling in the first place." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sploda Posted December 6, 2009 Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 "Nina...." is all that Lelouch could manage to say before forcing himself to look away. Too Horrified to continue watching. "DMG, we have to end this now." Lelocuh said after a few minutes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted December 6, 2009 Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 "Hahhh 35%, Child Dont toy with me!" Nina jumps behind chase grabs his collar and takes him and slams him to the ground and Thrusts a fist at his face. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KurashiDragon Posted December 6, 2009 Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 Tsuma just sweatdrops at this. "It's good to know that at least I'm not getting the eye." Tsuma looks on at Chase. "That probably won't work." Tsuma says nodding a little. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Classic Posted December 6, 2009 Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 Before Nina can hit chase austin moves and catches her fist and throws her "uh uh unfair start! penalty to you!" austin said obviously a joke he then shot a beam at Nina while waiting for chase to do something as he attacked Nina with a beam of Holon energy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KurashiDragon Posted December 6, 2009 Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 Tsuma sweadrops again as he moves his legs a little bit and notices his energy is coming back. "There's gotta be an easier way..... hmm....." Tsuma just looks on at the battle as he ponders what he can do. "Hey you the guy I just faced. Aren't ya getting tired yet? Mabye you should let them do all the fighting and help me get some popcorn or something." Tsuma says jokingly knowing Austin's just out of a fight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enma Kozato Posted December 6, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 "Austin thank you but that was truly unnecesary she can't hurt me in fact I barely feel her at all but please get back." Chase says angrily while staring at Nina with a glare that would make any man collapse in fear and a crimson energy began to spread across Chase's skin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spirit of DMG Posted December 6, 2009 Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 DMG pulls the sword out of the wall. "And just HOW do you intend to do THAT? As long as that barrier stands, no one can interfere. She is obviously not as powerful as he is, and yet he's planning on going all-out, I know he is!" She stares at the wall, as if finding many ways to destroy it. "Chase. I will destroy you. You can't be allowed to get away with this." she says quietly, at a volume you'd have to have the hearing of a dog to be able to hear. She pushes off the wall with one hand, looking at the window with a cold stare. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KurashiDragon Posted December 6, 2009 Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 Tsuma just looks on smelling two great Bloods about to clash. "Ugh... I can't do anything." Tsuma looks at Chase and DMG from afar. "Fight them." Tsuma closes his eyes. "You know I can't. A dark and light version of Tsuma comes from the dark. "Let me take over again. It'll be fun for me." Tsuma just scuffs at the dark version of himself. "Giving you even a little control is out of the question. The answer is no. I said I'd figure it out and I will." The dark version laughs. "Sooner or later your energy will deplete enough so that you can't hold me back. Never forget the forest." Tsuma opens his eyes and stands up. "Hmm... you think I'd forget something like that so easily." Tsuma jumps up and looks at the battle from a better view. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted December 6, 2009 Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 "Fine Geting Sirious then 50%" Ninas eyes now are Amber Yelow with a glow."Im tired Die!" Nina says She unleashes a force wave Knocking him off balance she rushes him and Slugs him sending him flying she reapeard behind him And slugs him once again."Dont Underesimate me!" OoC: Hey Chase my character by standards is just a bit under your power becaous i have no special abilities atleast Give a good fight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Classic Posted December 6, 2009 Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 *turns to tsuma with a glare so cold it literally spelled out Shut it or your the next to die he also sent a telepathic sort of waive towards tsuma saying (during are fight i barely used half of the power i can control so keep quiet or you are dead) Austin backed up while thinking about nina and chase (she is strong.......probably an even match for me......but defiantly NOT for chase. Chase will not even have to try hard to beat her) Austin thought as he sat down amused for now as he waited to see how it draws out. OOC: My character is one of the strongest here except he can only control 60% of his power also my character is Defiantly the third fastest. (my character's speed is the only things he can control 100%) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KurashiDragon Posted December 6, 2009 Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 "Hey there." Tsuma appears next to Austin and sits down. "Relax not here to fight. Just figured you had a good spot." Tsuma smiles a little then gets serious as he looks at the two fighters. "These two smell funny but it smells like chase has the better ability. I wonder what to expect from this battle." Tsuma simply closes his eyes at this. "By the way.... would you mind explaining this all to me. I have no idea why this is all happening in the first place." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enma Kozato Posted December 6, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 "ow you bruised my perfect skin darn right on the head too." Chase drew his scythe and the crimson energy receded "face it only your full power wont be a nuisance to me." Chase vanished and appeared in front of Nina and jabbed the hilt of his scythe into her stomach and she flew back Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted December 6, 2009 Report Share Posted December 6, 2009 What chase hit was just an after image Nina apears behind chase and kicks him in the back of the head sending him flying thru three buildings.Nina turns to austin And Embraces him, Nina's Fangs sink in to him She jolts her face away tearing out his throught, "85%!" Nina's Skin now white was snow and her hair Grey like the ash of a corpse, this was all emphasized by the streem of crimson red blood flowing from her mouth. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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