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Kaiser School [PG-16]

Hollow Ichigo!

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[spoiler=The Invite]

Welcome friends one and all to the Kaiser Academy of Elite Fighters. I am your head master Doctor Xavior and you have recieved an all expenses paid scholorship to our prestigeous school. Here at Kaiser Academy you will train in the art of fighting , strategy, and perhaps become one of the greats. You William Xana have cordialy been invited. It is in your best interest to accept this invitation. We are looking for someone with your talents. If you wish to accept pack up your things and meet at 17425 E Tokyo Blvd. There you will see a White limo with the words "Kaiser" writen on the side. Bring the below ticket signed by your legal guardian, also if you are going to join write a little something about yourself and hand it to the driver. The limo leaves at 11:59 sharp on tuesday the 30th. Having suspisions yet....do you want them answered join this rp.







Position (teacher, student, rich snobby student)

fighting style






[spoiler=My App]

Name William Xana

Age 15

Position (teacher, student, rich snobby student) Student

fighting style sorta like neji hyuga

powers being able to block power points

weapons katana he carries on his back





All advanced rules apply

no god modding



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