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~♥Twilight Shrapnels♥~ Co-Owner Otaku-sama [Advanced/PG-16/Started/Always Accepting]

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Paradox exited the shop with Jack, watching him keel over and retch. Paradox didn't at all seem worried or suprised.


"I'm pretty sure that spontaneous nausea and stomach cramps are signs that your voodoo friend is using her spell on her. Either that or a bad case of demonic tapeworms, but you don't have those do you?"


Paradox waved his pot of smoldering incense over Jack's kneeled body, the smoke surrounding him with a sweet smelling aura of blue smoke.


"This should help with your nausea until we can stop Ms. Voodoo."

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Username:(Explaine why people ask ths?) Sakuya Izayoi

RP Name: Sakuno Kakuragi (Or Saku)

RP Age:17

RP Gender: F

Powers (Include Power name and description. PM me with it's limitations): Vampirism: Kakuragi's fangs are detachable. In addition they grow back extremely fast. She can place the fangs on her finger tips, fist, knees or any part of the body she uses to hit people.


Anyone hit by a fang gets energy absorbed as if they are bitten, even if it wasn't a bite itself.


Also as a side effect massive energy loss causes people to age.


Master of martial arts: Shes a master of martial arts.

Weapons (For those without powers):

Appearance (Must be a description of at least 4 sentences or more. You can use a picture, but it must have a caption description.):

[spoiler= Her look]Lelio_by_tenaku.jpg


Bio (Must be a description of at least 4 sentences or more): She has always been the wierd Kid, that evry one ignored. She was oneday captivated by yusei who Defended her when she was being picked on, at that moment she smiled for the first time and she decided that she would only smile for him even if he never smiled back. When Yusei disapeared from school she whent searching for him.

Faction:(Can I please have no side, if not then chaos)

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Alex wandered over to where Jack was throwing up. "From what I can tell, his ability is senetive to the wind..." He muttered. "Perhaps, since voodoo is the essence of nature transformed into power, Shade is causeing some sort of disturbance in..." He sturggled for words here. "The force?"

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Shade was still sitting on the ground, looking into nowhere...

But than she starts to move... And suddenly she jumped into the air yelling

"Gottcha!!" The doll in her hand starts to glow, the hair to burn in a blue flame.

"Now the time is here! Beware of... huh? Who are you?!" Shade looks around and saw

that Alex wasnt behind her as she told him to, in case something goes wrong. No, instead

of him, a strange man was standing in front of her. "Hi dude! Who are you?" asking quite friendly

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"oro?" he was totally confused, first she was in a trance, and now she was all buddy buddy. He jumps back."I'm Yusei Kururugi...of the Chaos Faction...and you?" he hands lit up with a small flare, just a demonstration of what his power was about. he had a semi-real smile on his face, this girl not only didn't seem scared of him, but she may just be a fun fight as well.

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"Uh... Chaos Faction is bad..." Pointing at herselve. "Im from Twiligth, you know?" She looked down on the voodoo doll, looks like Chase will have to wait a little bit. "So, we got a problem or?" She kneeled down, collecting all her thing together, like the strange candles "Even if you are from Chaos, im verry sorry for what happens now..." With incredible speed she took out one of her blue needles wich are paralizing, and put it into Yuseis knee. After that she jumped back from him, watching what he will do now...

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Aha! B-Lizzard thought to herself as she overheard the conversation. So this girl is one of the people I am looking for. But how am I suppose to approach her? She might not believe me ... still, I better give this a try. She leapt into the air and immediately changed back into her human form. A tall girl with ginger hair, violet eyes, and simple black clothing - save for her crimson boots - her falchion was strapped to her back. B-Lizzard carefully passed Yusei and approached Shade. "I hear you are with the Twilight Fractioners. My alliance was, until recently, neutral; I have been desperately seeking for the Twilight Fraction. My name is B-Lizzard."

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"and just like that your going to ignore me?" he feels himself fall on the ground."you paralyzed me? crap.....well " he stands on one leg "if it's true that I no longer have feeling in my leg then this should be no problem!" he yelled as his leg burst in black flames, normally this would hurt, but his senses had just been shut off, so he didn't care, using his other legs strength he leapt inn the air and axe kicked in Shade's direction, the fire increased the intensity and power of the kick.

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Shane expected him to fall down, not to jump up and kick her, so she got a direct hit. "URGH!" She yelled, beeing thrown back on the ground. When she landed, she tries to get the fire on her clothes out. "That was not verry polite... you know?" She stands up again, good thing the voodoo doll was still alrigth. "But i can do this too, dont worry!" Now she runs toward him, trying to kick his stomache.

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"Fine, ignore me," B-Lizzard grumbled audibly. However she didn't leave; instead she merely changed into a ladybird, disappearing into the grass. She was going to watch rather than make a big fuss over their ignorance of her, despite all six feet of her standing in clear view of them. She made herself comfortable on a blade of grass and watched Shade and Yusei fight.

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at the moment she changed was the moment he realized she was the bird that annoyed him."Oh hell no!" with that he turns around and fires a ball of black fire at her, but also he gets hit by Shade's kick knocking him back since he had such little balance at the moment,"Crap!" he kept rolling down after the impact, but got back up with his arms, he opens his mouth and a fire blasted from his mouth, this blast was much larger than others but also slower.

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"Woah!" At once B-Lizzard scuttled away in the undergrowth, only just escaping the fireball. She had to think carefully; right now, she was at an elemental disadvantage, she could only rely on her shapeshifting skills in this situation. She considered changing into a mole and digging a hole, but could she dig fast enough? She wanted to help Shade, especially since she was one of the Twilight Fractioners; but how could she help without getting herself into danger?

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"Sorry..." Shade yelled up to the ladybird, " But, as you can see im quite... HOLY...!!!" She saw the blast coming out of Yuseis mouth. She tried to evade it, and succed... nearly. She lost her balance and fell on the ground. "What the hell is this?! Fire power?!" She took some deep breaths, trying to stand up again."

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"Heh...if it weren't for my balance.....oh wait..." he pulls out the needle and stabs it in a different nerve, he screams in pain but then smiles."There, I have some feeling back in my leg...." he's still wobbling but he raises his hand and draws an X in the air, after wards he punches the air and the X-shaped blasts goes for Shade."Dodge This!"

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No, we can't fight a loosing battle! B-Lizzard thought to herself as she scuttled back, her heart feeling determined. During the heat of the moment (with no pun intended) she had acted too cowardly. She did a small run up before her wings opened and she flew into the air, appearing as nothing more than a small black and white dot with blue spots. All this changed as, in mid-air, she resumed her eagle form again, and she dived down low with intentions of pecking Yusei, her body temperature forced into extreme minus degrees to help her withstand the heat.

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Shade yelled out loud when the fire cross hit her. She was thrown back even more, but she stands up again, tripping and nearly falling, but still. "Now... You made me angry..." she took another deep breath before she put her hands back in her bags, when she got them out again, she got a load of red needles in every hand. "You like pain! Have some more!!!"" She starts throwing the needles toward him, like a machine gun

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his body jerked around as each one of the red needles kept hitting him, in his state he could not block any of them., but he made sure to stand no matter how much each hit hurt. After a few seconds, he took a few steps forward, each hit took him back though, he didn't know how much he had left in him, but he knew one thing, This girl was good! he opened his mouth and fired a flamethrower attack, the black flames going around the needles, placing them both in the line of fire(no pun intended)

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When Yusei blazed again, all the needles were thrown back on her. Shade managed to jump away, but some needles and a nice load of flames hit her. "Argh... at least i know they really hurt now..." Getting the fire on her legs out. She feel how her power drained. It has to stop... quickly. just a few more fire-hits, and i would be over with her... Or she...? No! Better using it only if really necesarry...


She took a few step backwards, still looking at him. "Never saw such a strong enemy like you, flamethrower!" she yelled. "But even your flames cant beat the forces of nature..." Shade remembers the paper-planes she made a few time ago. She run back and picked one of it. After she placed a drop of blood on it, it starts flying toward Yusei. Shade sat down and starts to revive all of them...


(The paper plane got sharp edges, just you know what i want to do with them ^^)

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"your quite alot of fun little Voodoo-girl, It's too bad neither of us could fight at full strength, you were tired and you restrained me? this could have been more fun." he saw the planes going for him, he had only enough for one attack left in him so he stood there and waited he raised his finger and waited for the planes to get closer, once they were in range, they slashed him and took him down, as he fell he fired the Black Flame bullet which went 20 times faster than any of his other attacks straight at her, but he wouldn't be able to tell if he one, he was already on the ground.

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OoC: I just have to get beaten by the first rp´er i found who is not goddmodding ^^


Shade as still busy with reforming the paper when she saw the fire-bullet. "Oh dear..." she whispers when she got hit once again. It was too much for her. Shade fell down on the ground, each of her paper planes start to burn. "Too bad... im not able..." She tried to stand up, but she fellt to weak. "Too bad i dont even know your name..." she whispers before she fainted...

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"It's not over yet!" B-Lizzard suddenly cried as she landed, now in human form. Her bronze bladed falchion was unsheathed, gripped tightly in her right hand. A layer of ice was covering the blade, and visible turquoise-white steam was emitting from the coolness. If one looked carefully enough, it was possible to see her violet eyes were paler, as if a layer of frost had covered them. She moved slowly towards Yusei, looking determined. If he killed Shade right now, she could possibly loose her only way into the Twilight Fraction ...

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"so....you won't let me end her..." he was breathing heavily and he still had all those needles in him."I see you're quite noble...fine....I'll see what I have left, he took out his Chinese Jian from it's sheath."I'll give you what I have left...." he says, looking like he was about to faint, The other girl lost by only a small margin, the shapeshifter would be in for an easy fight unless Yusei could keep her at bay long enough for him to recharge just a bit.

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He's making this a duel, thought B-Lizzard as she braced herself. Very well ... if this to be pure sword-on-sword, then so be it, but if he uses fire, I'll have to combat as best as I can. She gripped onto the handle of her falchion with both hands, the smoke becoming more prominent, the air chilling around her. She waited for any movement from Yusei.

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"let's see how you do." he took a few steps forward, his stance would take alot out of him, and he couldn't afford to dual wield in this fight, so he knew the best way to fight was to attack and look for openings while he counterattacked, if he could that is."take this!" he began running towards her, but tripped, or so it looked, he rolled on the ground and swiped up with his blade, this is known as the Faux technique, but he wasn't going to lie, he really tripped, he just managed to catch himself in time from his weakened leg.

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Unfortunately for Yusei, he was against a martial artist; B-Lizzard knew of that trick far too well, and she backflipped out of the way, though only just. She swung the falchion over her head literally on the second she landed, and had only just swung it round a full rotation before she did a flying kick in the air, without the intention of hurting, but more as a way of giving her extra power. Her falchion was still being swung over her head, and as she landed with one leg out in front, knee bent, meaning the other was stretched behind her, she stabbed the falchion through the air, sending a wave of cold air towards Yusei. This was made noticeable by the layer of frost which had covered the blades of grass in the way of the attack.

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