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~♥Twilight Shrapnels♥~ Co-Owner Otaku-sama [Advanced/PG-16/Started/Always Accepting]

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Jack noticed the person that yelled to him and followed Paradox through the air. "I'm Jack Frost." he stated as he floated down to Earth. I am of Twilight. Paradox here is just a sage we called to help out one of our friends in need." he stated. "You wouldn't happen to be the new recruit of Twilight are you?" he asked. "You do look familiar."

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Sero from his balcony saw a fight going on and took out his Sajin. Sero jumped from the balcony and landed on his two feet infront of the battle.


Sero saw multiple people using their abilities in the battle as Sero levitated from the ground. The ground shaked as a white wing appeared on his left vertebrae and gave him unimaginable powers.


Sero's blade grew longer and longer as the shadows formed around him as he grew fangs and landed on his feet softly as he looked and feeled powerful.

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Jack thought for a minute. "Well, I suppose it'll be okay." he stated. "Seeing as you will be in Twilight, I don't see why not." he sensed the assailant dissapear and stiflied his angry appearance "Damn it. He left. I've got to find another way to find him." He then set down his backpack of machine gun magazines as well as his machine gun, seeing as there was no use for them. He kept his sword on his back just in case of any sudden problem that may come after him.

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"Alright then... " Allen said as Tim flew from Allen's Head to Jack's. "Crowned Clown... Activate!" As Allen Thought that, his Appearance Changed. He gained a White-Hooded Cowl and Sleeve of Pure Energy which covered his Shoulders and Right Arm, while his Left Arm and Hand became Slender and Black, clad in Armor and Razor Sharp Claws. A Masquerade-Style Mask was affixed to the Cowl.


He raised his Right Arm and the Cape of Allen's Cowl released a Webbing of Pure Energy that lifted him into the Air, then he shot out 3 Separate Webs, each hitting a Different Car, one Grabbed it, another Stopped it, and the Last Impaled it with Spikes. Allen retracted all the Webs then Returned to the Ground "How's that?"

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Akiza stared at Xiro, standing silently. Suddenly Akiza ducked her head and ran forward, halting just inches before Xiro. She the sent her fist rushing up to connect with Xiro's stomach. As she did so, small shards of ice began to form on her knuckles before impact.


OoC: Sorry for being slow ^^ I got hungry.

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Jack smirk at the sight of his power. "Well, well, well. Looks like we have ourselves a new recruit." he said with some clapping. He rummaged through the bag and got out a small badge. "Welcome to Twilight, Private Allen Walker." He grabbed the bag and machine gun and looked at Alex, then at Allen. "Go to the Twilight HQ and go see Akiza for breifing of the situation. Alex will take you there." he walked down the street and noticed a new store called 'Nothing More, Nothing Less'. "Hmm wonder what this is about."

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"No, this will." He said, holding out "The Moon." "Show us the path, oh luna, and send this creature on his night jorney!" He said to the card, and a moon, glowing a faint blue, Lifted out of the card, and hovered next to Allen's cheek, and turned in the direcion of the HQ, as if eagar to be off. "Follow her, she'll show you the way." He smiled, a little tiredly. I shouldn't use the cards so often... He thought.

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Sero was being called to the Twilight HQ and used his wing to fly there with immense speed. Sero got there no more then 20 minutes because he was very far away from where he was then.


Sero walked inside the HQ doors and went up to the main room to see Akiza. Sero saw Akiza staring at the big screen.


"You called?" Sero said walking toward Akiza gripping his swords.

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Chase lied on a rooftop looking at the moon when he started to feel a searing pain in his back at first he ignored the pain but it started to become extremely painfull, as if he was being torn apart from the inside. Chase began screaming and writhing in pain as something began to emerge from his shoulderblades. Two black wings burst out of chases back bringing with them alot of blood. Chase panted and managed to sit up "what the hell is going on." Chase began moving the wings around "well maybe it's a good thing."


OoC:if this falls under the forbidden powers list I'll delete it

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"Magical trinkets?" Alex stepped next to Paradox. "So you really are some sort of mage? Cool...I mean, I could classify as one...but not really." He sighed stepping into the shop. A smell of manrake hit him instantly. "Oh, P.U!" He gasped. "Kinda...smelly, insn't it?"

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"Umm. Alex, theres a difference between fortune-telling and sorcery." Jack said as he looked at the shop. "And I doubt your the one that uses sorcery." he noticed somethngs that were of good use to voodoo. "Hmm. I could get some of these for Shade. I mean Christmas is coming soon and I could probably get these for her as a gift." He looked at the prices and found out it was really expensive "Damn it. Thats more than I make in a month. I'm gonna have to do some odd jobs to get these for her." he continued looking at the tools and thought of what exactly to get.

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"No' date=' this will." He said, holding out "The Moon." "Show us the path, oh luna, and send this creature on his night jorney!" He said to the card, and a moon, glowing a faint blue, Lifted out of the card, and hovered next to Allen's cheek, and turned in the direcion of the HQ, as if eagar to be off. "Follow her, she'll show you the way." He smiled, a little tiredly. [i'] I shouldn't use the cards so often...[/i] He thought.


Allen chuckled sheepishly and Ignored the Card "Thanks, but No Thanks... I'd rather get to know you Guys" he said, as Tim went from Jack's Head, back to Allen's. He took the Badge from Jack and the Cowl absorbed it (And placed it into one of his Pockets). "Don't worry, Jack, I'll Pay" Allen said, choosing not to Deactivate Crowned Clown.

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"Nevermind... i'll be back." Sero said as he disappeared back into the streets and saw a store that said "Nothing More Nothing Less."


Sero gripped his sword tightly as he entered the shop, yet smelling the foul auroma. "Hmph, such a nasty foul smell." Sero was as he covered his nose.


He noticed other people in the shop and looked around, feeling their auras inside of them.

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Jack loked at the Allen and gave a nervous look. "No, no. Its okay." he stated as he took the tools he thought of getting and gave them to the clerk. The bill came to $2,194.32 but he gave him a discount because of Paradox, leaveing a total of $2,123.24. Having just the right amount of money in his account, he gave the clerk a debit card a he rang the items up. He put the tools in his bag and had a grin on his face. "Well, I got what I wanted."

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Paradox walked over to the man at the counter, who thanked him warmly as he handed over a mandrake root. It's hideous human like form was made more hideous with a series of bumps that looked like a horribly deformed human face.


"Ah...This one will last for quite a while!" Paradox said, proudly displaying the hideous stinking root.

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"Well... That sure it... Alot" Allen said, grabbing 5 Bottle of an Odd Green Liquid, which seemed to Oddly Spark. He payed the Total, which was a Whopping $3,500. "I got what I need" Allen said as he went outside and looked around the Area "Wonder what happened to Master Cross... " He thought, then his Stomach Growled Loudly, which stopped his Trail of Thought. "Ah man! I haven't Eaten All Day!" Allen said as her Deactivated Crowned Clown. "Anyonw want Something to Eat... ? It's my Treat" he said, cheerfully.

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Sero then picked up several scrolls from the section and cashed them up to the cashier. The cashier racked up $2,120.67. Sero paid the right amount of cash and gave them to the cashier.


Sero then put the scrolls in his backpack and went out the store. "Great... no action whatsoever. Such a boring day." Sero said to himself while looking up at the sky.

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"Well, there is a difference, but I use a bit of sorcery." He gestured to the moon, now floating about aimlessly, without anyone to guide. "However, Paradox is more proffiesent in sorcery than I am." He held his nose, and examined the lumpy plant. "I read that the bigger and uglyer, the better the plant is, correct?" He asked Paradox. "By the way, what should I get?" He looked around. "Could take weeks to look at all of this..."

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"Indeed! You can't find mandrakes like this where I used to live. This shop is the reason why I live in this city! What are you looking for? This shop has everything you need for any magic art."


Paradox stowed his mandrake root in a very deep pocket on his robe and looked around the shop some more, inspecting a stone tablet written in an arcane language.

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Allen sighed and walked off to find a Place that Sold Food "Well... I asked and even Offered to Pay... Guess no one's Hungry" he said to himself as he entered a Ramen Shop (Like the one from Naruto), and ordered 2 of Everything (It was a Rather Small Menu), and he Ordered Everything in Large. Within Minutes, Allen had Eaten everything. He payed and left a $6.66 Tip for the Great Service.


Allen returned to the 'Nothing More, Nothing Less' Store and waited outside.

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Later that day Chase stole some guys wallet and walked into a building called "The Pacific Hotel" and got a room for the night with the money he stole "I never thought being evil would be this easy sure there are the other guys with shards hunting my head, but damn who would look in a hotel I'm a genius."


OoC:new place 4 ya all

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