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hola lo que sea ayuda-hello whatever assistance

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nesecito ayuda quiero saber para que son los



ID Set:

Número de serie:

solo es por simple curiosidad y por fabor todo aquel que hable en español que hable conmio estoy desesperado por que creo que soy el unico que habla español aqui

nota solo se hablar en español lo que escribi en ingles fue en un traductor


I need help I want to know which are the



ID Set:

Serial number:

is just out of curiosity and fabor anyone who speaks in Spanish which I'm desperate to talk CONMIE I think I am the only Spanish spoken here

note only speak Spanish so she wrote in English was a translator

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Circulation - what edition it is, like 1st Edition (just off the print), Unlimited (reprinted for a while) or Limited Edition (only available for limited time)


ID Set - What set does your card belong to. Used for sorting reasons


Serial Number - It's like a bar code. No two cards have have the same serial #



Hope this helps

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