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yu-gi-oh - tactics and strategies


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being a player myself in real life and also in the virtual world i made quite a few here is one i am proud of in virtual decks but we can also use it in real life since the cards used have been released.....


in real life the cards used come from the booster pack Force of the Breaker, i am not sure about spirit monsters but here is a list http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Spirit_Monsters


i call it Gem Spirit Smackdown or Gem Spirit Smash. the reason why it is called this? you may ask...

the reason is because what will happen to the field if and when is is played properly when uninterrupted.


this tactic makes use of spirit monsters in a crystal(gem) beast deck. it mainly makes use of two cards dark dust spirit and crystal abundance.

to start this we need at least four monster cards on the field, we then tribute one for dark dust spirit a level six monster this clears the monster zones for a direct attack that is if nothing happens. the effect of the crystal beasts cards activate at this time and become magic cards. we continue onto main phase and use the second card crystal abundance clearing the field a second time and summoning the crystal beasts cards at the same time this usually opens up to an attack that ends the game in the next round assuming that nothing is summoned by your opponent when you end your turn.

that is if your opponent survives the first round. two optional monsters can also be used in this tactic yamata dragon or hino-kagu-tsuchi, and asura priest,

this strategy can also speed up the summoning of rainbow dragon assuming that you already have it in your hand when you start this.

if anyone has anything good feel free to post its not only me here

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