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Impossible Draw

Professor Cobra

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Dood... i just thought of an amazing combo for that card... start of with infinete cards... have 20+ cards in hand and then activate that card of yours... discard your entire hand... your oppoenet draws 20+ card most likely decking themselfs... than on opponents turn activae mystiacal typhoon destroying infinte cards... then opponents must discard 20+ cards... hows that...


I give that card a 10/10

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Dood... i just thought of an amazing combo for that card... start of with infinete cards... have 20+ cards in hand and then activate that card of yours... discard your entire hand... your oppoenet draws 20+ card most likely decking themselfs... than on opponents turn activae mystiacal typhoon destroying infinte cards... then opponents must discard 20+ cards... hows that...


I give that card a 10/10

Then it would be banned/limited wouldn't it?

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