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~Colossal Chaos~ Chapter 3-Love isn't everything [Advanced/Pg-13/Started/Accepting]


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[spoiler=2 things]

"I told you' date=' your too weak, you need to train more!" -Ryeden Manipulates the fire and increases it in size- "Now you really want something to burn!" -Ryeden makes the flame a blast and burns the sword that he cut like butter, so that he can't fix it- "Hey punk, you try something like that again, imma put you in the hospital, got it?'


1st. Your app doesnt say ANYTHING about manipulating fire.

2nd. The blade is made out of compressed fire, so destroying it is pointless.




Zak jumps back to avoid the blast. 'Nadare' Dozens of fireballs appear in front of Zak, they are then joined togeather to create one large fireball.

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"Yo, weakling Leo, you got me off guard there for a sec but um, i kinda have to hurt you now for blasting me!" -Ryeden walks right through leo's shield astonishing him- "Scared yet, if you bow down to me i'll forgive you."

Ooc:I'm loving this rp

[spoiler=2 things]

"I told you' date=' your too weak, you need to train more!" -Ryeden Manipulates the fire and increases it in size- "Now you really want something to burn!" -Ryeden makes the flame a blast and burns the sword that he cut like butter, so that he can't fix it- "Hey punk, you try something like that again, imma put you in the hospital, got it?'


1st. Your app doesnt say ANYTHING about manipulating fire.

2nd. The blade is made out of compressed fire, so destroying it is pointless.




Zak jumps back to avoid the blast. 'Nadare' Dozens of fireballs appear in front of Zak, they are then joined togeather to create one large fireball.

ON my app it says and more to be unlocked, and i'm using skill to manipulate fire, i'm not using strength and that hurt my hands so when i get back to base i have to heal my hands

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Zak jumps back to avoid the blast. 'Nadare' Dozens of fireballs appear in front of Zak, they are then joined togeather to create one large fireball.


OOC: your only losing it because you end up being the strongest person in the F-ing RP.


you might as well put "You name it, i can do it" on your ability list.

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"Fool. I wasn't even controlling the unstable energies that make the shield. and, it easily blasted away your spirit shield. Do you really think that you have any room to talk? You had your chance to leave, now i really do have to hurt you." Leo raised his hand cannon in his right hand and said "Annihilatron!" causing a giant blast of necrotic energies to seemingly suddenly explode on Ryeden without coming from anywhere when in reality, it had merely moved 10 times the speed of light.


--i'll allow the walking through the shield bit since my character wasn't even controlling it properly at the time.

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Ooc:No, this is the first fight between you and me, we become rivals, until chapter 3, we're in the past. Your not Leader of Darkness Destroyers yet. Get what i mean

IC:-Ryeden comes behind leo and hits him on the back of the neck and he faints- "Leo you have talent, but your not strong enough, i don't want to kill you, I bestow a great power upon you, here's my first sword, Shield Slicer, Keep it with you always." -Ryeden slips the sword in leos hand and walks away. "Zak, take care of him ok."

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Ooc:Visser, this is the start of the rivalry, don't you get it, that's the only reason why i'm doing this. Later your going to get more powerful because, i make you and shadow train hard, why can't you get this.

IC:Zak plz don't be mad, train your hardest, and when your ready, let's fight, as equals, i don't like fighting you now, your too weak but if you train, we'll be equals, here i'll also bestow a sword upon you, it's my 3rd sword, heat seeker. It should help you, he finds fire and manipulates it to the blade and your hands, i hope you like it

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Leo starts stirring slightly and slowly opens his eyes. What the crap...was all that about.... Leo gets up and looks around, finding himself alone in a deserted clearing surrounded by trees. "I really hope Zak hasn't gone and done something stupid!" Leo said loudly enough for the voice to carry for approximately 100 feet before not being able to be properly understood. Leo then notices that there is a sword on the ground in front of him. Hmm? I wonder what this is supposed to be for.

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"Uh, i can hear your thoughts XD, i was never your enemy, i was testing your power, plz believe me, i wouldn't lie to you, you can read my thoughts anyway, so if i was lieing to you, you'd know it.

Ooc:visser if you really don't like this rp tell me now, because this was part of the storyline to me, not just gming

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Leo didn't know what the sword was for, but decided that it would be smarter to make sure that Zak wasn't being stupid. If that nimrod gets himself injured any further, then he is going to get a good beating, leader or not! With this thought in his head and fear in his heart, Leo sets off back in what he believes to be the general direction of where the fight had taken place before.


--i was referring to the sword my character was handed. yours is still on you. if you like you could perhaps do something where it says that your character refuses the sword that he was given?

from now on we should do invisible type for ooc part of posts. it might get us in less trouble that way.

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"i get the message, since your not going to listen, i'll talk to leo, i want you to hate me, use the hate and gain power, but by doing so plz don't get out of control.

"Leo, can you hear me, i want you to be my student, i want to train you, aren't you wondering why that sword is there?"



Hey um i have to go to bed so yeah bye it's midnight where i live, and i have school

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Leo suddenly drop kicks Ryeden from behind and throws the sword on the ground in front of him. He had heard Zak shout and discovered that he was headed the exact wrong direction, and so grabbed his sword and brought it with him, the same sword that he now threw in front of Ryeden who was currently on the ground, the blade and hilt both cleaved up the middle. "You don't leave when I ask you to, you attack my friend, you refuse to listen to reason, you violate the sanctity of my friends mind...AND YOU EXPECT ME TO TRAIN WITH YOU???!??!!" Never before had Leo felt such rage. The insolence and audacity of Ryeden was so insufferable that Leo was having trouble keeping himself from lunging at him, his anger feeding his power and causing the very earth to tremble for many miles roundabout. "If you do not leave this very instant...I'LL KILL YOU!!!"

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Leo growled deeply and angrily as he suddenly disappeared. Nobody knew where he was, but the ground was shaking even worse then before now, and when he spoke it seemed to come from all directions. "I do not want or need your help. You had your chance, now you must die!" Before any of them could do anything, Leo appeared behind Ryeden with his sword shaped hand guns being the wind element. he sliced through the barrier surrounding Ryeden, causing it to be blown away and disappear. As Leo sliced through the barrier, the sword cut into Ryedens back as it released a wave of energy that blasted Ryeden forward. Before Ryeden could react, Leo seemed to just suddenly appear in front of him and starts swinging his swords before he had a chance to put a barrier up. "Multi-Slash Techinque!" Leo did a quick series of slashes that left no visible mark on Ryeden, but would cause him great pain, the multi-slash tehnique making it so that he couldn't escape until the final blow had been dealt which sent him flying backwards into a tree where he hits his head against it as Leo charges at him once more.


--see? i can mod too. XP basically this is where Ryeden has pushed Leo so far that while trying and failing to hold himself back, Leo has entered the Con-Dar (blood rage) in which he is beyond all reason until his mission is accomplished, which right now is to see Ryeden dead. oh, and did i mention that this releases twice his total power? that means he is now at 200%.

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*Sigh* Leo, have you noticed, that you were hitting a clone of me, i'm not stupid enough to let you bat your sword around at me. Now i need you to listen, if i train you, you'll be able to contain the rage, use it's power, you see that sword that your using, i put that in your sword holder while i knocked you out. Please listen to me, i mean you no harm, look let me show you something." -Ryeden shows leo all the marks from his old master- "You see these marks, my old master gave them to me every time i tried to run away. He was creul and mean, i will never, ever be like him." -Ryeden starts to cry- "Please, leo, i don't want you to die, from your cockyness, i need to train you."

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[spoiler=need to know's about my abilities][spoiler=Here is what the blade looks like. Just incase any of you were thinking something ells.

As you can see it sprouts out of my arm.]NewBitmapImage-4.jpg


Oh and I forgot to put 'Imunity to flame' as one of his abilities.

And, on my right arm there is a seal(See image of the blade), that lowers the power of my flame to what i am able to controle. By removing the seal my flame becomes 100%(However this is dangerous because the flame could posible kill me.).




IC: Zak jumps out of a tree next to Leo. "First you try to kill us, and now your crying because you dont want Leo to get hurt. Man talk about a split personality."

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Leo grabs Ryeden by the throat, crushing the wind pipe in his grasp. "Don't try throwing me one of your pity parties. And in case you hadn't noticed, this sword is my own, so don't you be trying to act like you know more then me, because you don't." Leo swings Ryeden up into the air and slams him into the ground before walking away. "Let's go Zak. this punk isn't even worth our time." Leo walks away from Ryeden, the sword that he had tried to give lying next to him and cleaved up the middle.


--again, please do not argue. visser this is the part where our characters walk away and don't pay his any heed, okay? or you could just do whatever, your choice. XD

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"No. That task, is mine alone." Fortunately, by this time Leo has been able to calm down a bit. He slowly comes out of the Con-Dar and lowers his power level back down to almost zero. "That guy, he is majorly annoying. If I were not a better man, I would have killed him right then and there." Leo was still quite angry, but now it was under control again. "The first rule is indeed important, but you have much to worry about if i am the one that violates it to that extent again. When i enter into the blood rage, there is no reasoning with me, and I will not distinguish between the one i hunt, and the one that gets in my way.

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