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~Colossal Chaos~ Chapter 3-Love isn't everything [Advanced/Pg-13/Started/Accepting]


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"Is that so, well Ryedens creatures are quite powerfull." He oppened his eyes. "If he's telling the truth, then its gonna get dangerous for me." He looked up at the dragon's eye. As there eyes meet Zak's body catches on fire & his entire body becomes an inferno.


OOC: For lather referance.

STOP destroying my barriers. Ive said it before that its indistructible unless you hit the weak spot.

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OOC:oh...ok tehn, yeah shes preg now.

IC: "I say we should. He might come here next. I say we don't tell them were out fighting. Ogata might come follow, and we both know that wont be good. One Second." Haro walked back. "Hey, me and Ryeden are just going to go get some stuff, well be right back." "Bye sweetie." "Seeya." Haro walked back. "Let's go."

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Leo caught there bear carving and stowed it away in a protective pocket that leads to a small transdimensional pocket where he keeps his important stuff. In that moment, Ridoku appeared again and started fighting Zak, and Leo knew that this wasn't going to be good. When the dragon was summoned, Leo closed his eyes and focused on heightening his other senses. within seconds, he was able to see everything around him using a form of echolocation and quietly walks around, surveying the fight. this doesn't look good. possessed by spirits of fire and condemned to a delayed control scenario. Leo summons his 3 beasts, a tiger, a wolf, and an eagle, animals found during his training. He fuses with them and and turns into some type of chimera, still a biped, but covered in fur with wings jutting out of his back and claws on the points of his fingers instead of nails on the backs, and fangs in place of teeth. Leo flies into the air just as Ryeden and Haro arrive and fires the retractable claws at Ridoku continuously, each round of claws replaced with a new one.


--this is actually an idea that i was playing around with for awhile, i just hadn't decided whether or not to implement it until now.

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Kuh! close range seems like a bad idea. still, i cannot allow him to leave here alive. it's far to dangerous for him to survive! Leo jumps into the air and dives at Ridoku, swerving at the last instant and striking him from behind, following up with a discharge of feathers from his wings that when used as weapons are sharper then any blade.

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Zak writes the kanji for Madoka. When he writes the kanji the 3 headed dragon disapears & is replaced by 8 fireballs. The fireballs form a cube barrier sarounding Ridoku.


OOC: As i said. you cant destroy unless you know the weak spot.

But in this spot even if you know the weak spot, it could do more harm that good if your not carefull.

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Using the advantage of the distraction that Zak had given, Leo flew upwards and circled behind Ridoku, landing stealthily on the ground the extending his wings all the way out to the sides as he extended his arms outwards as well. his wings fuse with his arms and he lowers his arms to the sides again with his now folded wings rising three feet above his head. Going even deeper into his transformation, his face transforming so that it now looks like that of a wolf with his ears now jutting from the back and tops of his head. Walking out from the forest, Leo flexes his hands causing extra long claws to extend out of the backs of his hands as he walks towards Ridoku.

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