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New Fitzgerald card! free entry plz read on! Sticky plz


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I'm looking for a new Fitzgerald to add to my set....ok yea theres a Frozen Fitzgerald but thats not it.....don't know what kind I want the card to be just click here.... ok after clicking that you get the theme right????

What it needs to be:

Tuner/Effect or Synchro/Effect (choose one ^.^) make sure you use ur name when making the card if you don't know what I mean then....ok????....But keep the card theme k!? if you don't I'll PM you wat to fix to make it acceptable ^.^

if you scrolled down on the link you see the regular prizes..... but the prize is gonna be 40pts;1rep;and will be posted on thread.....because of the two winners......

reason why I want a synchro and tuner because I barely have any.... the fee is free of course.....Im only accepting til pg 2 or until I get one good sychro and tuner so dont ask questions k ^.^ just post ur card PM me if you have a question k! ty for reading hope you enter!

you may post 2 cards (1 sychro 1 tuner)

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here you go! This is in the exact format you made your other cards.


Fitzgerald - Painter SEMI-LIMITED


[spoiler=""Fitzgerald - Painter" Card Lore]You cannot Normal Summon this card if you control more than 2 "Fitzgerald" monsters. Increase the ATK of this card by 400 for every "Fitzgerald" monster you control.




Fitzgerald - Dragon Tamer, Jelda UNLIMITED


[spoiler=""Fitzgerald - Dragon Tamer, Jelda" Card Lore]1 "Fitzgerald" tuner + 1 non-tuner

When this card destroys a Dragon-type monster by battle, Special Summon the destroyed monster to your side of the field in face-up Defense Position. During your Standby Phase, you can discard 2 cards from your hand to make 1 monster on the field Dragon-type until the end of the turn.




I hope you enjoy!


Warm Regards,


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? I suppose a simple contest will due.



[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be selected as an attack target while your opponent controls 1 or more monsters then you. When you take Battle Damage, this card gains 300 ATK. During your End Phase if this is the only monster you control, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster with "Knight" in it's name. If you control a monster with "Fitzgerald" in it's name (except "FitzGerald Knight") this card can attack your opponent directly.


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oh and if a post is pointless(meaning not card realated) then I will allow that many extra cards to come in......

Edit: could a Mod sticky this until pg 3 that way I dont have to bump again

No the deadline is not extended but I got the feeling we'll have more pointless post in total we have 8(number will change as we go)not card realated posts (excluding the original post)

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