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Zombie Ooutbreak PT2

Zerg King

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Level 1

You are trapped in a mansion while there is a zombie outbreak. You have to survive along with your friends, the only way to survive is to use teamwork. The mansion has many zombies crawling through it and you have to be careful if you want to survive, every time the boss is killed a new breed of zombie is spotted and the first one becomes the boss fight for the time until it is killed when a new breed is formed.Can you survive until page 18?

Brought to you by the original game creator JUNKSYNCHRON


-You can only use stuff you find in the mansion.

-You CAN die.

-I will decide who dies and who doesn't.(mostly it will be if you make a mistake badly(i will sort of make the deaths up colorfully)

-There is no floors you can just do things with stairwells.

-When you die you cannot come back for a page.

-Your melee weapons can break.

-There are no secret passages unless I specify.

-Your posts have to be detailed but not too detailed

Good: I stab the Common Zombie in the kidneys causing blood to pur down from the wounds. Bad: I pick up a coffee table and smack the zombie around the head with it.

-Could you please now put what weapon(s) you have at the end of your post now that we have so many people taking part

Types Of Zombies You Are Allowed To Kill At This Point:

Hellhound LV1

Meth Zombie

Minor Licker(Boss)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I give Michico my handkerchief to wipe the zombie blood from her/his/its(?) face. While i was talking with Michico, 2 Meth Zombie suddenly appear from the window. I use nearby chair to defend myself and push the zombies away from entering the mansion. I ask Michico if she/he/it(?) has a gun or something to blow this mofos brain.


Current Inventory:

Chair x1

Condom x1

Chocolate Bar x2

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I stalk down the halls when a Meth Zombie charges at me. I grab a coffee table and hit it so hard that it flys out of the room and down over a railing.As i did this I accidently kicked open a secret panel and found 2 sub machine guns with 10 reload clips,2 vials of holy water and 4 army battle knives.




10 SMG clips

4 Battle Knives

2 Vials of holy water

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The Meth Zombie is still alive apparently, even though snake_boy has stab it in the heart with a Kitchen Knife. I smash its head with a Chair that i found in the Living Room until the Chair itself broken. Brain, bloods and wood pieces all splattered on the floor. When everything is calm down, i offer snake_boy my Chocolate Bar and ask him if he knew where the other Survivor.


Current Inventory:

Condom x1

Chocolate Bar x1

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This is a mansion not a gun store...


I wake up next to usetheforcehan and snake_boy with a pan in my hand looking like a zombie then abouts to be hit by usetheforcehan but deflects with a pan now they approve I am a living man. And I join the Zombie Killing Force. (Copies usetheforcehan).


Current Hand Weapon:




2 Power bars

Sharpend CD's.

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AzNLycaN, snake_boy and me decided to go the Kitchen looking for weapon and some food. I found a Spoon and Fork Set made from silver and put it in my pocket jeans. Then i looking for food in the upper Cabinet. Not luck though. I search around again.


Current Inventory:

Silver Spoon x4

Silver Fork x5

Condom x1

Chocolate Bar x1

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I realize it is no fun using real weapons.I throw them in the trash and join your force.As i move towards you guys i stop and break off a tble leg with nails in it and prepare for anything as i sidle up to your lines.I also make a shield with a pillow and a peice of cloth

L=Pillow Shield

R=Table Leg



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I tell the other 2 I do not know where the other survivoras are and accept the choco bar and offer my chicken leg, after looking around the kitchen I find a flicker (things you use to light a stove) and I also find another knife, then wait for the others to finish searching the room



kitchen kife x 2

choco bar x 1

Flicker x 1

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I thanks snake_boy for the Chicken Leg, and realize there's nothing useful in the Kitchen. The 4 of us decide to go to the 2nd Floor in searching for other Survivor. Just when we enter the 2nd Floor, suddenly a Hellhound break from the bottom Stair and nearly bite my legs. I yell, "lets kick some undead ugly dog!!!" to the other Survivor and prepare my Silver Spoon and Fork for the upcoming battle.


Current Inventory:

Silver Spoon x4

Silver Fork x5

Condom x1

Chocolate Bar x1

Chicken Leg x1


Current Survivor(s):


[2nd Floor, Near Stair]

Zerg King





[1st Floor, Living Room]

Don Shadow

Luna Lovegood


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I ready my Frying pan and smack at it's head only making it backdown it charges at usetheforcehan but I go ahead of him and kicks the Hellhound in the face making him fly to the other end of the room


Hand Weapon:

Frying Pan



Powerbar x2

Sharpened CDs x3


Surviving Teams


Team Bravo(2nd Floor, Near Stairs)

Zerg King(Standing By)

usetheforcehan(In Battle)

snake_boy(Standing By)

AzNLycaN(In Battle)


Team Alpha(1st Floor, Living Room)

Don Shadow(Standing By)

Luna Lovegood(Standing By)

Michico(Standing By)


Deceased members:

Team Bravo


Team Alpha

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[align=center]First Floor - In Empty Cabinet in the Living Room


I hide inside a cabinet, with only a Bat that I found in a childish room, probably for a 7-year old. I stay there waiting, until I hear voices. Human Voices. As I open the Closet Door to see these "humans" A zombie enters from the window next to the closet. I quickly smack it with my bat.



Bat x1 (A little cracked)

Jacket x1

Apple x1[/align]

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It turn out the hellhound is dead because of the strong Pan-smack by AzNLycaN. Blood is everywhere and make the floor slippery. We cheer for the bravery of AzNLycaN and suddenly i hear sound of a fight in the 1st Floor and some human voice.


"I think that's a human voice", i say.

"We better back to the 1st Floor and check it out", i continue.


The 4 of us back to the 1st Floor and going to the direction of the voice. In Living Room i see a man with a bloody Baseball Bat and a "dead" zombie on the floor. I ask him if he remember how he got into the Mansion as i'm doesn't remember at all why or when i enter this cursed place.


Current Inventory:

Silver Spoon x4

Silver Fork x5

Condom x1

Chocolate Bar x1

Chicken Leg x1


Current Survivor(s):


[1st Floor, Living Room]

Zerg King






Don Shadow

Luna Lovegood


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OOC:i dont have anything with me.


IC:Michico walks trough the mansion.

She sees an meth zombie hiding in the dark.

She runs to it,and she kicks it in the face.

Then,she grabs it,walks to the window,and she punches it in the face again.

She kept punching it in the face,until it was knocked out,and she then trowed it out the window.

The window did broke.

She grabbed a pair of brass knuckles she saw on a table,and she walked out of the room.

She did see a stairs.

She walked upstairs.

She did see a Meth Zombie.

She punched it in the face,and she did throw him down the stairs.




a pair of brass knuckles.



Current Survivor(s):

[2nd floor,near staircase


[1st Floor, Living Room]

Zerg King






Don Shadow

Luna Lovegood

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[align=center]A man asked walks up to me and asks me if I remember how I got here. I tell him "Sorry, I don't. The only thing I remember before this is that this strange old man gave me a weird drink. After that, I can't remember anything." After a moment of silence, I asked the four what their names are, and introduced myself.



Bat x1

Jacket x1

Apple x1


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I tell xp_lulz my name then I run off to the source of the loud thudd, and reachs the bottom of the stairs, sees the dead zombie, and sees another survivor at the top of the stairs with bloody brass knucles. I look up at the new survivor and began to ask her, her name but a hell hound knocks me to the ground.



kitchen kife x 1

choco bar x 1

flicker x1




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Before the Hellhound bite snake_boy face, i kick its ugly face hard and pull snake_boy away from it. I tell everyone to prepare for this battle and ask the girl with bloody Brass Knuckles to join us. She agree. From her battle stance i think she know some Martial-Arts thing.


Before the Hellhound regain conscious, i throw 3 Silver Fork at it. The first 2 is a miss, while the 3rd one is (luckily) stab in its left eye.


Current Inventory:

Silver Spoon x4

Silver Fork x2

Condom x1

Chocolate Bar x1

Chicken Leg x1


Current Survivor(s):


[2nd Floor, Near Staircase]

Zerg King







Don Shadow

Luna Lovegood

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[align=center]>.> "Forks can't kill a zombie, can it?" As I say this, I decide it would be better to make SURE it's dead, so I smack it's head off with my bat. I grab the hound's head and keep it as a trophy, but then my bat breaks (Luckily, only half of the top half broke off). I curse underneath my breath and ask my team where I can find another object.


Broken Bloody Bat x1

Bloody Jacket x1

Hound Head x1

Apple x1[/align]

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"We better search the rooms in 2nd Floor. Maybe there's something we can use to defend our self", i say to the other while looking at XP_Lulz broken Baseball Bat.


The six of us search the nearest room. This room is HUGE and filled with countless of old books. I think the room we just enter is a Library. I lean in on of the bookshelf and see a strange ball-like statue. I touch it and suddenly the 2 bookshelf in the northern part open up.


"WTF?! There's some kind of Laboratory inside the bookshelf?!", i shook my head in disbelieve. And ask the other if we should go inside it.


Current Inventory:

Silver Spoon x4

Silver Fork x2

Condom x1

Chocolate Bar x1

Chicken Leg x1


Current Survivor(s):


[2nd Floor, Library-Secret Laboratory Entrance]

Zerg King







[1st Floor, Living Room]

Don Shadow

Luna Lovegood

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OOC:Wait a second,did you see me agree?


IC:Michico wanted to help,however,she did see it already happened.

She agreed to joining.


*later,upstairs(where the rest is now)*


"I will search some weapons in the rooms!"Michico said,while running into the next room.

There,michico sees a Meth zombie against the wall.

She stands in her fighting stance,ready to fight.

The zombie walked to her,and she started to kick and punch it.

After a while,she kicked it through the window,making him fall downstairs.

She could hear it landing.

With the room full of blood,she turns the lights on.

She sees there is blood all over the floor,and pieces of the zombie too.

She searches for weapons,and she finds a fire axe.

She sees a meth zombie walking in.

She uses the fire axe to cut of his head,however,the axe part falls of after hitting the zombie,making it a normal stick.

She walks back to the group,gives the sick to whoever wants it,and she tells what happened.



Current Inventory:

A pair of brass knuckles.


Current Survivor(s):


[2nd Floor, Library-Secret Laboratory Entrance]

Zerg King







[1st Floor, Living Room]

Don Shadow

Luna Lovegood

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I slam my fists in the wall and walk up the stairs, I start opening doors, and I find a bathroom. I inspect it and some toilet paper. I walk out and meet the group in the library. After I walk in three meth zombies charge through the door. I take out the toilet paper and light it with the flicker and throw it at the zombie setting them on fire and the flicker runs out of gas so I throw it



kitchen knife x 1

choco bar x 1

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