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Gurren Lag-, I mean, DRILL WARRIOR!

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"Drill Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.

Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can halve the attack of this card to have it attack your opponent directly. You can discard 1 card from your hand to remove this card from play. During your next Standby Phase after this card has been removed from play by its own effect, Special Summon this card to your side of the field. Then, add 1 monster card from your Graveyard to your hand.


Epic card is epic!


If I put this in the wrong spot, please move it! Thanks!

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It's going to come in as an Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare and in a f***ing tin.

Just like a ton of other horrible cards that you can just pull from a pack of the sister set.



I hate the future of this stupid f***ing card.


But the theory is that you get better pack pulls from the worst of the tins in the same wave. And since this is the worst Synchro lolYusei has used since Season 2 started...

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It's going to come in as an Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare and in a f***ing tin.

Just like a ton of other horrible cards that you can just pull from a pack of the sister set.



I hate the future of this stupid f***ing card.


But the theory is that you get better pack pulls from the worst of the tins in the same wave. And since this is the worst Synchro lolYusei has used since Season 2 started...


WTF is this


Season 2?

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This card is bad' date=' if you are gonna synch for a level 6, make it a game winner, like Brioniac.



IMO, Brioniac is kinda OP'd. Hopefully Konami will take them down.


Yeah, but there are still other lvl 6 Synchros that are better than this still, like Goyo Guardian

Why does Konami believe making a broken level 6 Synchro will balance it out because it's level 6? Level 3+3 = Brionac. Level 2+4 = Goyo.


I shrug in anger.

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This card is bad' date=' if you are gonna synch for a level 6, make it a game winner, like Brioniac.



IMO, Brioniac is kinda OP'd. Hopefully Konami will take them down.


Yeah, but there are still other lvl 6 Synchros that are better than this still, like Goyo Guardian

Isn't he Limited? And the two work in different situations. While Goyo does seem superior, the current position and your deck type would determine which one you wanted to summon.

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This card is bad' date=' if you are gonna synch for a level 6, make it a game winner, like Brioniac.



IMO, Brioniac is kinda OP'd. Hopefully Konami will take them down.


Yeah, but there are still other lvl 6 Synchros that are better than this still, like Goyo Guardian

Isn't he Limited? And the two work in different situations. While Goyo does seem superior, the current position and your deck type would determine which one you wanted to summon.


I'd almost always summon Brioniac first, Then Goyo, then Gaia Knight, then Iron Chain Dragon.....then Queen of Thorns, then this card, maybe.

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