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Username: Santa's Little Helper

Best Card: 203576.jpg


1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, if your opponent controls 2 or more monsters, place 2 A-Counters on this card. Each time your opponent activates a Spell Card, place 1 A-Counter on this card. Each time your opponent Special Summons a level 4 or higher monster, place 1 A-Counter on this card (Max 7). If your opponent Advance Summons a Level 6 or higher monster, you can remove 3 A-Counters from this card to halve the ATK of the Summoned monster. If this card is attacked, you can negate the attack by removing 4 A-Counter from this card. Once per turn, if your opponent Normal Summons a DARK monster this card loses 500 ATK and DEF until the End Phase of the turn. If you control a WIND or FIRE monster, you can Release them to have this card gain 700 ATK and DEF until the End Phase of the Turn.

Do you have YVD? If so what is your user.: I never use it

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When this card is Synchro Summoned, if your opponent controls 2 or more monsters, place 2 A Counters (max.7) on this card. Each time your opponent activates a Spell Card, place 1 A Counter on this card. Each time your opponent Special Summons a level 4 or higher monster, place 1 A Counter on this card. If your opponent Tribute Summons a Level 6 or higher monster, you can remove 3 A Counters from this card to halve the ATK of the Summoned monster. If this card is attacked, you can negate the attack by removing 4 A Counter from this card. Once per turn, if your opponent Normal Summons a DARK monster this card loses 500 ATK and DEF until the End Phase of the turn. You can Release 1 face-up WIND or FIRE monster you control to have this card gain 700 ATK and DEF until the End Phase of the turn.


Santas Little Helper OCG Fixed.


Why did I fix it? Because I wanted to.

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Here are some of my Other good Cards




This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Normal Summoned, if your opponent controls 2 or more monsters, place 2 Zerg Counters on this card. Each time your opponent activates a Spell Card, place 1 Zerg Counter on this card. If your opponent Tribute Summons a Level 6 or higher monster, you can remove 3 Zerg Counters from this card to halve the ATK of the Summoned monster. This card gains 500 ATK each time your opponent Special Summons a Level 5 or higher monster.




When a monster with Crystal Beast is destroyed and sent to the graveyard you can Remove from play this card to summon that monster in attack with a boost of 500 ATK points. If this card is destroyed while it is in a Monster Card Zone, you can place it face-up in your Spell & and Trap Card Zone as a Continues Spell Card, instead of sending it to the graveyard.




This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Normal Summoned by tributing 2 monsters with Knight counters on them. You gain Life Points x200 for each counter on the 2 tributed cards. If your opponent has 6 or more cards in his hand, this card gets destroyed. While you have 4 or more cards in your hand this card cannot be destroyed by battle. When this card is destroyed by a card effect, Inflict 400 points of damage to your opponents Life Points for each card in there hand.




When this card is activated, return all Winged Beast, Reptile, Insect and Beast-Type monsters from your Graveyard to your Deck and place 1 Purification Counter on this card for each monster returned. Each time your opponent activates a Spell or Trap Card, place 1 Purification Counter on this card (Max 15). Once per turn, during your Main Phase 2, select 1 monster in your hand. Remove Purification Counters from this card equal to the selected monster's Level and Special Summon the selected monster. When your opponent Summons a Level 4 or higher monster, roll a six-sided die. If the result is 1, the monster is treated as a Winged Beast-Type monster and has its effect(s) negated. If the result is 2, the monster is treated as a Reptile-Type monster and is changed to Defense Position. If the result is 3, the monster is treated as an Insect-Type monster and cannot be Tributed. If the result is 4, the monster is treated as a Beast-Type monster and cannot declare an attack this turn. If the result is 5, your opponent can Special Summon a Level 3 or lower monster from their Graveyard. If the result is 6, the monster gains 1000 ATK until the End Phase. Once per turn, you can pay 800 Life Points to move a monster you opponent controls to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone. You can Tribute 1 Winged Beast, Reptile, Insect or Beast-Type monster you control to destroy 1 monster with the same Type that is in the same column as the Tributed monster.




This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it was Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. This card is also treated as a Reptile-Type monster on the field or in the graveyard.Increase the attack of this card by 100 for every card in your hand. You can pay 800 Life Points to Special Summon 1 "Evil Hero" monster from your hand or Graveyard. If this card succesfully destroys 1 of your opponent's monsters by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, increase your Life Points by 400. During your Battle Phase, you can increase the ATK of an "Evil Hero" you control by 1800, and decrease this card's ATK by 1800.




This card cannot be Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by tributing 2 Rock-Type monsters or 1 Rock-Type and 1 Pyro-Type monster you control. If this card was Special Summoned, it gains the appropriate effect, depending on how it was Special Summoned.

- By Tributing 2 Rock-Type Monsters: During Battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster, reduce the attacked card's DEF to 0 during Damage Calculation only.

- By Tributing 1 Rock-Type and 1 Pyro-Type Monster: Each time this card inflicts damage to your opponent Special Summon 1 level 2 Rock-Type monster from your graveyard. If your opponent has 6 or more cards in their hand this card gains 500 ATK points until the End Phase of your turn. Once per turn you can remove a level 4 or lower Rock-Type monster from your hand to have this card gain 300 ATK. If your opponent controls 2 or more Rock-Type monster on there side of the field, Remove this card from play.




This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card cannot be Equiped to a Spell Card. If you control another Face-Up monster on your side of the field, you cannot activate Spell Cards. This card cannot be Selected as an Attack Traget of a level 3 or higher monster. Each time your opponent activates a Spell card, this card gains 1000 ATK. This card cannot be Destroyed by a Card Effect. If this card is destroyed you can Remove From Play 10 Cards in your Deck to Normal Summon this card.




This card cannot be Special Summoned or Set.This card can only be Normal Summoned by removing from play all Beast-Type monsters in your Graveyard and by tributing 2 Beast-Type monsters on your side of the field. For each card Removed from play by this cards effect you lose 400 Life Points. The ATK and DEF of this card is x 800 of the number of cards removed from play to Special Summon this monster card. Wwhen this card is summoned you can pay 1000 Life Points to destroy all cards on the field except this card. If you activated this effect this card can't attack for 3 turns. When a Trap card is activated you gain 500 Life Points. When this card is destroyed you can Special Summon 3 Beast-Type monsters from your graveyard. At the End of your turn destroy the Special Summoned monsters by this cards effect and inflict damage to you equil to the 3 monsters ATK.




This card cannot be Special Summoned by a Spell or monster Effect. This card can only be Normal Summoned or set by Releasing 3 Beast-Type monsters . Each turn, instead of your normal Draw Phase you can roll a 6-sided die and have one of these effects activated according to the result.

1.Discard 1 Card from your hand for each face-up Beast-Type monster on your side of the field.

2.Select 1 Beast-Type monster from your deck and add it to your hand.

3.Both players must discard their hands and draw 5 cards from their respective Decks.

4.Destroy all cards on your side of the field. Your opponent cannot declare an attack for 3 turns. 5.Summon all Beast-Type monsters from your hand to your side of the field. For each card summoned you lose 1000 Life Points. Destroy the monster at the end of your turn.

6.Place 2 Beast Counters on all face-up Beast-Type monsters on your side of the field. Each time a monster with Beast counter is destroyed Inflict 300 damage to your opponent. Each time your opponent activates a Trap card you can remove 1 Beast Counter and pay 800 Life Points to nagate the activation of the Trap Card and destroy it.




FLIP: Pay 1000 Life Points. Destroy all Spells and Traps on the field. You may add one Continues Trap Card from your deck to your hand. If this card was Flipped by a Trap Card destroy 1 monster on your opponents side of the field which has less ATK than this card. When a monster you control is destroyed by battle you can pay 1000 Life points to Flip this card into face-down defence position. You canb Remove from play 10 from your graveyard ti flip this card into face-up attack position. Each turn if you control no monsters on the field except for this card you can pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon 1 Level 2 or lower Beast-Type monster.




Each time your opponent summons a monster you gain 500 Life Points. If your opponent has 5 cards in there hand remove from the the top 5 cards from your deck. If Forest is on the field this card cannot be destroyed by card effects. If your opponent has 5 cards on the field this card gains 500 ATK points until the End Phase of the turn.




"Elemental Hero Avian" + "Familiar Knight".

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon.




"Stardust Dragon" + "Elemental Hero Neos"

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Fusion Deck by removing from play the above cards on your side of the field. (You do not use "Polymerization".) When your opponent activates a spell card you can discard 2 cards from your hand to nagate it. If this card destroys a monster, your opponent loses Life Points equal to half of the monster ATK. Each time a Tuner onster is destroyed this card gains 500 ATK. If this card was to be destroyed you can discard 3 cards and pay 1000 Life Points from preventing this card from being destroyed.




If this card is Special Summoned destroy this card at the End phase of your opponents turn. If you control and other Spellcaster-Type monster on your side of the field, this card gains 500 ATK. If your opponent activates a Sell Card, place a Spell Counter on this card. You can remove 4 Spell Counters from this card to Special Summon a level 3 or lower Spellcaster-Type monster.




When this card is Summoned place 1 Dark Counter on this card. When your opponent destroys a monster on the field place 2 Dark Counters on this card. When your opponent activates a Spell Card place 1 Dark Counter on this card. When your opponent activates a Trap Card you can Remove 1 Dark Counter from this card to negate the Trap Card and destroy it. When your opponent attacks a monster on your side of the field you can remove 2 Dark Counters from this card to negate the attack. When your opponent destroys a monster you can remove 3 Dark Counters from this card to bring back the monster to your side of the field.




This card cannot be Special Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Normal Summoned except by tributing 3 level 6 or higher Warrior-Type monsters. Each turn Pay 1000 Life Points to destroy all cards on your opponents side of the field. This card cannot attack your opponents Life Points. Each turn this card gains 100 ATK and DEF for each card on the field. If your opponent attacks this card, you can pay 500 Life Points to nagate the Attack. If your opponent activates a Spell or Trap card you can Remove from play 1 Light monster from your hand or Graveyard to nagate the effect. If this cards attack goes over 5000 destroy this card. Each time you destroy a monster, Remove from play the top cards of your deck equil to the destroyed monsters level.

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I got my Production PC Back so expect a new Single Card form me soon.


About time Leo :P

Anyway' date=' would you guys mind rating new card plz?


[align=center']Elemental Hero Cosmos

Image Credit - Wanderley



This card can only be Normal Summoned by Tributing 1 "Neo-Spacian" monster and 1 other monster. This card is also treated as "Elemental Hero Neos". When this card is used as Fusion Material for a "Elemental Hero" monster, you can remove this card from play to add 1 "Neo Space" from your Deck to your hand. When this card is sent to the Graveyard by a card effect, add up to 3 "Neo-Spacian" monsters from your Graveyard to your hand. [/align]

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This card can only be Normal Summoned by Tributing 1 face-up "Neo-Spacian" monster and 1 other monster you control. This card is also treated as "Elemental Hero Neos". When this card is used as Fusion Material for an "Elemental Hero" monster, you can remove this card from play to add 1 "Neo Space" from your Deck to your hand. When this card is sent to the Graveyard by a card effect, add up to 3 "Neo-Spacian" monsters from your Graveyard to your hand.


Like 2 OCGS.




Good card. I personally like it.

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username:Sweeny Todd

Best card: [spoiler=here]


Lore: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 DARK monsters you control, or by its own effect. If you Special Summon this monster, you cannot Normal Summon or Set a monster during the same turn. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, if a DARK monster is destroyed by battle, you can reduce this card's ATK by 500 to add the destroyed monster to your hand. Once per turn, during your Draw Phase, you can pay 500 Life Points to draw 1 additional card. If the card is a Monster Card, you can show the card to your opponent to draw a second card. If the drawn card(s) is a Spell or Trap Card, Set it on your side of the field. If you cannot, discard your hand. Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you can toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, destroy all cards your opponent controls. If you call it wrong, destroy all monsters you control. If you activate this effect, you must skip your Battle Phase. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can role a six-sided die. -1: Destroy this card. -2: Pay 1000 Life Points. -3: Remove 1 DARK monster in your Graveyard from play. -4: Remove 1 monster in your opponent's Graveyard from play. -5: Your opponent loses 1000 Life Points. -6: Destroy 1 monster your opponent controls. If this card is destroyed by its own effect, you can pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position.




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Sweeny i am going to put you in Advanced for now. I would like to see more of your creations.


New Card. Image by me.


Shine Force I - Artemis




- Card Effect -


This card cannot be Special Summoned except by effect of a "Shine Force" monster. When this card is Summoned reveal 1 random card from your Deck. Activate an effect determined on the card revealed: -Monster Card: If Level 4 or lower you can Special Summon it in face up Defence Position. If it is Level 5 or higher you can add it to your hand. -Spell Card: Discard it and add 1 card from your Graveyard to your Deck. -Trap Card: Select 1 monster your oppoonent controls. It cannot activate during his/her next Battle Phase.

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